“poisoning” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “poisoning”:

+ A person with alcohol poisoning needs emergency medicineemergency medical treatment at a hospital to make sure they do not die from alcohol poisoning.

+ Carbon monoxide poisoning can be accidental, like if the oven’s gas is left on by accident or a gas leak.

+ People can get methanol poisoning accidentally by getting methanol on their skin or breathing it in.

+ For example, in 1755, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, a slave named Mark was accused of poisoning his “master.” He was executed, then Gibbetinghung in chains at Boston Harbor so his body would rot.

+ Nerve agent poisoning causes a very unique group of signs and symptoms.

+ In the year 1810, over 200 people died of mercury poisoning on the ship “Triumph” because a barrel of mercury had leaked.

poisoning some example sentences
poisoning some example sentences

Example sentences of “poisoning”:

+ After the alleged poisoning of Minette, Philippe married again in 1671 to Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, "Liselotte".

+ Mercury poisoning triggers clearly different symptoms than autism.

+ After the alleged poisoning of Minette, Philippe married again in 1671 to Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, “Liselotte”.

+ Mercury poisoning triggers clearly different symptoms than autism.

+ Prussian blue, a cyanide compound, is given as a treatment to poisoning with thallium and caesium, for example.

+ If too much toothpaste containing fluoride is eaten then fluoride poisoning may occur.

+ If poisoning causes death, it is “lethal” poison.

+ She had an elder brother, Mark, who died at 17 months from an accidental poisoning before she was born.

+ The cause of death were that his kidneys failed, causing blood poisoning and infection brought by septic shock.

+ Klimova’s debut in cinema took place in 2001, when she starred in the cameo role of Jeanne d’Albret in Karen Shakhnazarov ‘s tragicomic phantasmagoria ” Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning “.

+ Sources of Metal toxicitymetal poisoning include industrial wastes, occupational exposure, paints and treated timber.

+ It has often been said that he hurt his hands because he made something to stretch his fingers, but people now think it was more likely due to mercury mercury poisoning because doctors had used mercury to try to cure his syphilis.

+ She died of accidental alcohol poisoning in 2011 after years of drug and alcohol addiction.

+ Some chemical weapons are meant to kill people; they do this by poisoning them.

+ The illness was caused by poisoning from the oil paints which he made himself.

+ His death from carbon monoxide poisoning is suspected to have been murder.

+ Food poisoning is also caused by ingestion of toxins, like “E.

+ Because of this, if a person with warfarin poisoning is bleeding, doctors may also give fresh frozen plasma.

More in-sentence examples of “poisoning”:

+ Alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency.

+ Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause feelings of paranoia and hallucinations, and has been determined to be a major cause of "haunted" houses.
+ In 1973, Sattar became extremely ill due to blood poisoning and he died in 1974 in Moscow.

+ Alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency.

+ Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause feelings of paranoia and hallucinations, and has been determined to be a major cause of “haunted” houses.

+ In 1973, Sattar became extremely ill due to blood poisoning and he died in 1974 in Moscow.

+ Cobalt compounds are used to stop cyanide from poisoning the body.

+ He was the lead singer of hard rock band AC/DC from 1974 until he died of alcohol poisoning in 1980.

+ Atomsa died from food poisoning on 6 March 2014 at the Bumrungrad International Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

+ They start to get carbon monoxide poisoning from the large levels of carbon monoxide in the car.

+ People who survive nerve agent poisoning almost always have chronic damage to the brain and nerves.

+ The earliest symptoms of VX poisoning depend on how a person was exposed to VX.

+ She died after poisoning herself with ant paste.

+ The official cause of death was a combination of carbon monoxide poisoning and barbiturate overdose.

+ Another says that Scylla was a very pretty fairy who was liked by Poseidon, but the jealous Amphitrite turned her into a monster by poisoning the water of the place where Scylla would swim.

+ Chiron is blamed for poisoning the tree and dismissed from camp; Tantalus takes his job.

+ Heavy metal poisoning is the accumulation of heavy metals, in toxic amounts, in the soft tissues of the body.

+ In October 2019, Ferrat became comacomatose due to a serious food poisoning after eating spoiled pork.

+ In 632AD, on June 8, Muhammad became very sick, due to poisoning by a Jewess.

+ A review of the problem of lead poisoning in waterfowl.

+ There are two kinds of food poisoning: poisoning by toxic agent or by infectious agent.

+ The son of Dario Brando, Dio becomes a member of the Joestar household with the intent of inheriting it for himself by poisoning George Joestar.

+ Firefighters or people who were trapped in fires can get cyanide poisoning or carbon monoxide poisoning from breathing in these toxins.

+ Food poisoning is when someone gets sick from eating food or drink that has gone bad or is contaminated.

+ People with VX poisoning can have seizures and go into status epilepticus.

+ He died from blood poisoning in 1894.

+ Depending on what the cause of the poisoning was, they can include one or more of the following: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, fever, headachepain in the head or fatigue.

+ The last recorded deaths from eating honey containing tutin were in Northland, New Zealand, in 1890, although sporadic outbreaks of toxic honey poisoning continue to occur.

+ Tetrodotoxin poisoning from reef fish and other animals shows up very quickly in symptoms such as numbness and shortness of breath, and is often fatal.

+ The news of his death spread around the world, and many felt the poisoning was done by the Russian government.

+ Tuna can cause mercury poisoning when consumed in very large quantities over time.

+ On 6 May 2007, she was taken to a Gloucester hospital after poisoning herself.

+ Scott died of alcohol poisoning in London on 19 February 1980.

+ It is often said, the reason was slow poisoning by British Government.

+ In 2010, poisoning resulted in about 180,000 deaths, down from 200,000 in 1990.

+ Symptoms of mercury poisoning include pink in the cheeks, fingertips, and toes, swelling, unexplainable sweating, lots of saliva, fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, and hair loss for some people.

+ When the Black Death reached Salzburg in 1347, the Jews were accused of poisoning the wells and suffered severe persecution.

+ Singh died of cardiac arrest caused by food poisoning in Chennai on 27 November 2019, aged 67.

+ Carbon monoxide poisoning explains many of the occurrences in haunted houses, such as feelings of being watched, hearing footsteps or voices, seeing “ghosts”, headaches, dizziness, and sudden death or illness of people or pets, and also strange behavior in pets such as excessive barking or meowing.

+ Within a day, symptoms of mustard poisoning had appeared in 628 patients and medical staff.

+ The amount of energy needed to digest cooked meat is less than that needed for raw meat, and cooking gelatinizes collagen and other connective tissues as well, it “opens up tightly woven carbohydrate molecules for easier absorption.” Cooking also kills parasites and food poisoning bacteria.

+ Daniel died from an infectious case of blood poisoning at Lynchburg in 1911.

+ It sometimes can take months before the poisoning effects show.

+ Chiron is blamed for the poisoning and is dismissed from camp; Tantalus, who comes from the Fields of Punishment and cannot have food or water, takes the job.

+ He killed his mother by poisoning her tea.

+ It is associated with the increasing use of agricultural mechanization, which have enabled a substantial increase in production, yet have also dramatically increased environmental pollution by increasing erosion and poisoning water with agricultural chemicals.

+ He was in charge of choosing victims to be killed, and of poisoning them with the gas Zyklon-B.

+ Often, the first thing that medical professionals will do for cyanide poisoning is to give amyl nitrate or sodium nitrate.

+ The heavy metals most commonly associated with poisoning of humans are lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium.

+ The Chicago Tylenol murders were a series of poisoning deaths resulting from drug tampering in the Chicago metropolitan area in 1982.

+ The radiation can cause radiation poisoning and also has the potential to cause mutations in the DNA, which can cause cancer.

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