“oil” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “oil”:

– A diesel engine can also be made to run on canola oil made from old cooking oil.

– Vanadium is also in bauxite and in deposits of crude oil, coal, oil shale and tar sands.

– Leonardo painted the “Mona Lisa” in oil paint.

– The accident caused a massive oil spill: 10.8 million U.S.gallons were spilled into the Prince William Sound.

– Wrestlers first rubbed their bodies with olive oil to keep sand out of their pores.

– Bands such as INXS and Midnight Oil from Australia became popular.

oil - example sentences
oil – example sentences

Example sentences of “oil”:

– The powder is then fried in oil and spices.

– Also, oil and lead were other big reasons why bald eagles began to die out.

– On 5 August 1993, two trains collided at Clementi MRT Station because of an oil spillage on the track, which resulted in 132 injuries.

– She was a famous woman among early 20th century oil painters.

– In 2008, the BD-04A well in the Al Shaheen Oil Field became the longest and deepest borehole in the world.

– Villas specializing in shipping olive oil to Roman legions in Germany were a feature of the southern Iberian province of Hispania Baetica.

– Therefore, changes in the number of shrimp caused by the Gulf oil spill will be known one or two years after the spill.

– Palm oil is used in many different products, like ice cream, toothpaste, chocolate, and candy.

– These trusts have consisted of shares in the successor companies to Standard Oil and other diversified investments, as well as the family’s considerable real estate holdings.

– Cooking oil is clean fat from plants or animals.

– Other than wells, there may be pipelines to transport the oil elsewhere, and support buildings for the workers and for repairs.

- The powder is then fried in oil and spices.

- Also, oil and lead were other big reasons why bald eagles began to die out.

More in-sentence examples of “oil”:

– Palm oil is a vegetable oil.

– The company has 2,571 oil and gas wells and 563 gas stations in 26 regions of Ukraine.

– On warm days eucalyptus oil vapour rises above the bush to create the well-known distant blue haze of the Australian landscape.

– By 1918, the El Dorado Oil Field was the largest single field producer in the United States.

– The meat is marketed fresh, frozen, smoked, and dried-salted for human consumption, the skin is used for leather, the fins used in shark-fin soup, and the liver oil is used for vitamins.

– In the 20th century, many countries that grew rich from oil paid for the building of many new mosques.

– This unburned fuel and oil help keep the engine cool.

– Before electric lamps were invented, gas lamps, oil lamps or candles were used.

– Since 1998, Shell Oil Company is a 50/50 partner with the Saudi Arabian government-owned oil company Saudi Aramco in Motiva Enterprises.

– Today, oil is rarely stored or transported in actual barrels, but the term “barrel” is still used to mean a 42-gallon measurement.

– An oil refinery is in Suez.

– It is in charge of all of the oil and gas resources in Malaysia.

– Yeltsin decided to sell off many things the government had owned, such as oil and natural gas, and many government businesses, but these ended up falling into the hands of a small powerful group of billionaries, who became known as the oligarchs.

– Its parent is a multinational corporationmultinational oil company “Dutch origins.

– They produced large quantities of wine and olive oil for export.

– That means oil companies make less money.

– ARCO is a United States oil company.

– It is just interested in Sudan’s resources.” The JEM claims that the revenue from oil sold to China funds the Sudanese government and the Janjaweed militia.

– The Kavirondo cultivate sesamum and make an oil from its seeds which they burn in little clay lamps of the ancient saucer type, the pattern being, in Hobley’s opinion, introduced into the country by the coast people.

– Expelling is using pressure to squeeze the essential oil out of the plant.

– Dudley is known for her legislation that stopped Aristotle Onassis from building an oil refinery in Durham, New Hampshire in 1974.

– Possibly more than any other aspect of Constable’s work, the oil sketches reveal him to be an avant-garde painter, one who showed that landscape painting could be taken in a totally new direction.

– These can include from pencil drawings, pen and ink drawings, oil paintings or even 3D models created with a computer.

– Andrews” is an oil painting on canvas by Thomas Gainsborough.

– The area has much oil and gas.

– After the world’s oil crises in the 1970s, Denmark started to develop wind power.

– The oil was a large part of the state’s early economy.

– Flaming debris ignited oil, gas and chemical tanks at the sprawling Monsanto complex and three nearby oil companies.

– To deep-fry food, a large pot filled with oil is heated, and then the food is placed into the pot.

– Midnight Oil is an New Zealand rock musicrock band.

– Hungarian cuisine uses rendered lard or vegetable oil instead of butter for the preparation of “roux”.

– It is involved in exploring for and exploiting hydrocarbons in 26 ONGC has discovered 6 of the 7 commercially producing Indian Basins, in the last 50 years, adding over 7.15 billion tonnes of In-place Oil Gas volume of hydrocarbons in Indian basins.

– The oil pools in the area caused the population of towns to grow very quickly.

– Since it is not affected by light or contact with oil or lime, it is used in painting.

– He served as the president of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic and was the Minister of Industry and Energy of Azerbaijan Republic at the time of his death.

– It was to be cooled by oil instead of water.

– There is an oil refinery in the municipality.

– The oil in the leaves of some “Nepeta” species gives cats euphoria, that is, it makes them feel good.

– Hesiod’s “pithos” refers to a storage jar for oil or grain.

– Companies such as Hindustan Oil Exploration Company and Reliance Petroleum regularly call at the port.

– It was used to scrape the accumulated olive oil and sweat from an athlete’s body.

– Olive oil is a vegetable oil.

– The rooms of Hitler were in the newer, lower section and by February 1945 it had high quality furniture taken from the Chancellery along with several framed oil paintings.

– They put Vitus in a pot of boiled oil with a rooster.

– In the center of the plant, a Hydraulicshydraulic line failed and ignited the cooking oil in a long frying vat.

– It is a cake that is made using vegetable oil instead of butter.

- Palm oil is a vegetable oil.

- The company has 2,571 oil and gas wells and 563 gas stations in 26 regions of Ukraine.

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