“export” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “export”:

+ Originally it acted as the port for the export of Iron Ore, then in order to obtain the renewal of the mining lease, BHP was forced by the then government of South Australia to build a blast furnace to smelt the ore into pig iron.

+ Writer has a number of abilities that are not in Word, including the ability to export to the PDF format natively.

+ The period after the Liberal Wars allowed the economy to flourish, and the port of Ponta Delgada expanded, through the export of new crops such as tea, pineapple, and tobacco.

+ The four main nations that export enough agriculture to be able to exert food power are the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

+ Their communities will avoid importing expensive diesel and there will be some for export too.

export some ways to use
export some ways to use

Example sentences of “export”:

+ Our aim is to totally destroy the capacity of the Nigerian government to export oil.” Additionally MEND has called upon Nigerian PresidentPresident Ijaw leaders — corruption.

+ For some states such as Virginia and North Carolina it was an export industry; they sold slaves to places where the price was higher, such as Alabama and Arkansas.

+ Legally, foreign nationals are forbidden from importing or exporting rupees, while Indian nationals can import and export only up to 5000 rupees at a time, and the possession of 500 and 1000 rupee notes in Nepal is prohibited.

+ For this reason, the export of Polytetrafluoroethylene from the European Union may need a special permit.

+ An export is a good or service that was produced in one country but was sold to another country.

+ The city is known for its export of brass handicrafts to North America and Europe, and is also thus called “Brass City” or Peetal Nagri.

+ Harbors along the state’s ocean front receive and ship a great share of Brazil’s export and import goods.

+ Efforts are on to export the naturally grown fruits and vegetables as Organic foods mainly to the Greater Middle East region which it forms an integral part.

+ Our aim is to totally destroy the capacity of the Nigerian government to export oil." Additionally MEND has called upon Nigerian PresidentPresident Ijaw leaders — corruption.

+ For some states such as Virginia and North Carolina it was an export industry; they sold slaves to places where the price was higher, such as Alabama and Arkansas.
+ Legally, foreign nationals are forbidden from importing or exporting rupees, while Indian nationals can import and export only up to 5000 rupees at a time, and the possession of 500 and 1000 rupee notes in Nepal is prohibited.

+ Pulgasari is a 1985 Korean fantasy action tokusatsu kaiju movie produced by Korean Film Export released in North Korean, June 12, 1985 and United States released a home video in ADV Films, 2001.

+ Nauru is a phosphate rock island, and its primary economic activity since 1907 has been the export of phosphate mined from the island.

+ It was for many years the most popular apple in New England, New York, and for export from America.

+ The pumpkin was an early export to France.

+ All the Asian Tigers tried to export products to rich industrialized nations.

More in-sentence examples of “export”:

+ In 1824, Diego de Almeyda found a large area with copper ore in the region; later, he looked for a place from where to export the mineral and began to form a small village in the place where is the present town of Chanaral.

+ Myxobacteria produce a number of biomedically and industrially useful chemicals, such as antibiotics, and export those chemicals outside of the cell.
+ Oil was discovered in Libya in 1958 and is about 95% of the country's export income.

+ In 1824, Diego de Almeyda found a large area with copper ore in the region; later, he looked for a place from where to export the mineral and began to form a small village in the place where is the present town of Chanaral.

+ Myxobacteria produce a number of biomedically and industrially useful chemicals, such as antibiotics, and export those chemicals outside of the cell.

+ Oil was discovered in Libya in 1958 and is about 95% of the country’s export income.

+ Crude oil and natural gas, are the most important products of Azerbaijan’s economy and the main sources of export contributing to its economic growth.

+ They have monopolized the issuing of bank­notes and the export trade.

+ The Italian economy flourished: agriculture, handicraft and industry had a sensible growth, allowing the export of goods to the other provinces.

+ The export of woollen products to mainland Europe helped the economy rather much.

+ It grows in Mexico and Central America and is an important export for these countries.

+ Then our Industrialists would be able to export the marble products to the international market.

+ It is a Harbourport, and its main export is clay.

+ Also affecting convertibility is a series of customs regulations restricting the import and export of rupees.

+ Users can export their programs on GitHub to GitLab.

+ Despite its opposition, industries from that country are constructing their infrastructure in Cúcuta to export their products to the United States, registering their products as if they were Colombian, an strategy that would allow them to export without paying certain tariffs.

+ The hunters had been hired to capture wild animals for export to European zoos.

+ A 2.3 million square foot plant will build approximately 60,000 vehicles per year for the US and export markets.

+ By the second century, olive oil rivaled cereals as an export item.

+ Their fins are highly valued for shark-fin soup and are sold on the export market, along with their skin and cartilage.

+ Guatemala has become the world’s largest producer and exporter of cardamom, with an export total of US$137.2 million for 2007.

+ A 2.3 million square foot factory will build approximately 60,000 vehicles per year for the US and export markets.

+ In 1608, Ferdinando the First of Tuscany organized an expedition under captain Robert Thornton, in order to explore northern Brazil and the Amazon river and prepare for the establishment of a settlement in northern coastal South America, which would serve as a base to export Brazilian wood to Renaissance Italy.

+ Other forms of crime done by criminal groups are arms trafficking, export of contraband oil and metals, and smuggling of radioactive materials.

+ Repeated droughts, blights, and crop failures in Kashmir, combined with an Indian export ban, contribute to its high prices.

+ Some people want to use the metric system because it will make it easier to export goods.

+ Uranium mining and export and nuclear issues have often been the subject of public debate, and the anti-nuclear movement in Australia has a long history.

+ During the mid-19th century The United states was the largest export market for Staffordshire’s potteries.

+ They will produce truck and passenger car tires for Chinese and export markets.

+ One of Portugal’s internationally famous exports, port wine, is named after Porto, since the metropolitan area, and in particular the cellars of Vila Nova de Gaia, were responsible for the packaging, transport and export of the fortified wine. In 2014 and 2017, Porto was elected “The Best European Destination” by the Best European Destinations Agency.

+ The car was first sold as an export under the name Zhiguli in the domestic Soviet market after June 1966.

+ Traditionally harvested by semi-nomadic desert tribes on their travels, acacia gum is a main export of several African nations.

+ But I think the list on active volcanos is quite useful, so we can maybe export the list to “List of active volcanos” or whatever.

+ Canada produced 520,000 MT and, according to the market analysis company STAT Communications, will likely export 400,000 MT during the 2003-04 marketing year, which runs from August to July.

+ Many years ago, Australia used to export crocodile skin.

+ He worked to normalize trading relations with China and develop that nation as an export market for North Dakota farm products.

+ It is the second largest port in Brazil, but the first in export of grains.

+ They are born for most of them from an industrial demand, including the “groupement des industries françaises aéronautiques et spatiales”, in order to support the export contracts by training.

+ For example, India has banned the export of high-grade saffron abroad.

+ After further negotiations, the cipher was approved for export in 1989.

+ Canada is the largest export producer of lentils in the world and Saskatchewan is the most important producing region in Canada.

+ Mali’s main export is cotton, so if the price of cotton changes, Mali’s economy is affected a lot.

+ Like true lobsters, however, spiny lobsters are edible and are an economically significant food source; they are the biggest food export of the Bahamas.

+ According to the report, recent patterns suggest that China will slow the export of such materials to the world: “Owing to the increase in domestic demand, the Government has gradually reduced the export quota during the past several years.” In 2006, China allowed 47 domestic rare-earth producers and traders and 12 Sino-foreign rare-earth producers to export.

+ A banana republic is a politically unstable country whose economy depends on the export of one product in limited supply, such as bananas or minerals.

+ The city has the strongest economy of the south of the country, because the work of export of more than 900 factories just in the “Cidade Industrial” neighborhood and major automobile industries which are in the Greater Curitiba.

+ Sullom Voe terminal opened in 1978 and is the largest oil export harbour in the United Kingdom with a volume of 25 million tons per year.

+ All species of cockatoo except the Cockatiel are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, which restricts import and export of wild-caught parrots to special licensed purposes.

+ Most image editing software includes features for converting a page layout for use in a “What You See Is What You Get” editor or features to export graphics for desktop publishing software.

+ Opponents of nuclear energy make connections between the international export and development of nuclear power technologies and the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

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