How to use in sentence of “forums”

How to use in-sentence of “forums”:

– Their mediums are forums and Social media sites.

– People have to pay money to join the forums to talk with other people around the world.

– English-language anime forums adopted those emoticons that could be used with the standard ASCII characters available on western keyboards.

– Many Internet forums have rules against things such as spamming and trolling.

– Because of the comedy nature of the website, people on the forums often post to try to make people laugh instead of posting seriously.

How to use in sentence of forums
How to use in sentence of forums

Example sentences of “forums”:

– A rule which is used by many forums is not to comment or bring up old threads because those forums were made to discuss the newest events.

– Searching around, I’m seeing chatter on internet forums but nothing really substantial in terms of reliable coverage.

– There are two classes of users; users with free subscriptions are able to post comments in the forums and submit new articles.

– Over the years he wrote numerous articles in emigree publications and other forums such as Turk Kulturu, and in 1985 published a 59 page booklet, similar to his first, called “Idel-Ural’da Hurriyet Mucadelesi”.

– So many people e-mailed it to their friends, thinking that it was by Nostradamus, that the associated websites and discussion forums were soon overwhelmed.

– The forums been quiet today, so I decided to create a header for WP:RFCU.

– On April 11, 2004, we participated in a member organization of the Korea Forum Union, Electronic Times, “Prime Minister Cheng Yun-san to give a lecture at the National Forum Union Lecture” an association of 33 regional forums scattered throughout the country.

– Many places, such as internet forums or online communities, use the word “noob” differently than the word “newbie”.

– The money they pay goes towards keeping the website online, and is said to make the forums higher quality, because members of the forums have something to lose if they are banned.

– Since it began, a lot of Naruto fansites were made with detailed information, guides, forums and card games.

- A rule which is used by many forums is not to comment or bring up old threads because those forums were made to discuss the newest events.

- Searching around, I'm seeing chatter on internet forums but nothing really substantial in terms of reliable coverage.

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