“observing” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “observing”:

+ Unlike Chinese astronomical clock, it could measure the accurate time by observing the whole movement of universe.

+ In that case, the square of the value of every peak would give the probability of observing the photon at that point.

+ A 2011 study of fire toxicity of insulating materials at the University of Central Lancashire’s Centre for Fire and Hazard Science studied PIR and other commonly used materials under more realistic and wide-ranging conditions representative of a wider range of fire hazard, observing that most fire deaths resulted from toxic product inhalation.

+ It allows them to enjoy the fiction as if they were observing real events.

+ In spacetime light must also come into contact with our eyes and the object we are observing in order for it to be visible.

+ One way to Learninglearn new skills is by observing the behavior of other people or animals.

observing some example sentences
observing some example sentences

Example sentences of “observing”:

+ Starting from these observations, he began numerous experiments, observing the effects of darkening and lightening on the perception of colour in many different circumstances.

+ By observing spiral cleavage in molluscs, flatworms and annelids he concluded that the same organs came from the same group of cells and concluded that all these organisms must have a common ancestor.

+ People can see how active the Earth is by observing its sediments, rocks, and minerals.

+ Journalist Christopher Booker, a founder of the satirical magazine “Private Eye”, recalled the “bewitching” character of the swinging sixties: “There seemed to be no one standing outside the bubble, and observing just how odd and shallow and egocentric and even rather horrible it was”.

+ Bandura deemed that individuals can learn through observing others without the need for imitating such behavior.

+ James Chadwick discovered the neutron, by observing decay products of different types of radioactive isotopes.

+ Today laboratory instruments are capable of containing and observing individual electrons.

+ A consequence of observing the universe from other stars is that stars that may appear bright in our own sky may appear dimmer in other skies and vice versa.

+ Another example would be observing the performance of a CPU by running both the observed and observing programs on the same CPU.

+ Starting from these observations, he began numerous experiments, observing the effects of darkening and lightening on the perception of colour in many different circumstances.

+ By observing spiral cleavage in molluscs, flatworms and annelids he concluded that the same organs came from the same group of cells and concluded that all these organisms must have a common ancestor.

+ Hulse and Taylor determined that the stars were equally heavy by observing these pulse fluctuations, which led them to believe the other spacial object was also a neutron star.

+ The nebula was independently rediscovered in 1758 by Charles Messier as he was observing a bright comet.

+ In 2011, Belarus stopped observing DST and moved to UTC+03:00 all year round.

+ Eye protection should be worn at all times while shooting or observing other shooters.

+ In classical conditioning instinctive behavior is provoked by observing the behavior of another.

+ At this point, observing the troops are all ready to fire, the command is given to “fire”.

More in-sentence examples of “observing”:

+ God, observing their city and tower, felt and insulted and confused the humans so that they can no longer understand each other.

+ Observation is more than the bare act of observing: Observation requires observing and seeking knowledge, often through experiment.

+ God, observing their city and tower, felt and insulted and confused the humans so that they can no longer understand each other.

+ Observation is more than the bare act of observing: Observation requires observing and seeking knowledge, often through experiment.

+ Things that people do while observing things that change what is being observed are cases of the Observer effect.

+ After his death, Frieza makes numerous cameo appearances throughout the remainder of the series from Hell, including observing Goku’s fight with Buu alongside other defeated villains from the series.

+ Taylor is seen observing and gaining interest in his actions while a female is seen walking around the room.

+ This being, and other religious truths can be determined by observing nature, and finding natural laws.

+ It is named after Umberto Dall’Olmo, who was an amateur astronomer with college degrees in both law and physics, who spent most of his time observing Jupiter and studying flare stars.

+ The X-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet light and parts of the infra-red spectrum were all opened to astronomy as observing telescopes were launched.

+ I’ve been observing seWP lately and I’ve noticed a distinct lack of civility.

+ White believed in observing birds rather than collecting specimens.

+ It will have 66 12-meter and 7-meter diameter radio telescopes observing at millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths.

+ By causing a specific gene to be inactive in the mouse, and observing any differences from normal behaviour or condition, researchers can infer its probable function.

+ He is also credited for naming the cell which he discovered while observing cork samples.

+ On the night of July 22, Bopp was observing the sky with friends in the Arizona desert when he made the discovery.

+ There is belief that it is possible to predict the size of someone’s penis by observing other bodily features such as the hands, Footfeet, nose or height.

+ The typical training is about 30 hours spent in workshops and 10 hours spent in observing court cases and procedures.

+ They were very strict in observing the Ten Commandments.

+ Many of these pictures or diagrams look different than the ones that we see today because they were based on the studies of the scholars of that period in time rather than observing the thing that they wanted to draw directly.

+ The observer effect says that sometimes what people do in observing things., learning about an ant colony by digging it up with garden tools, can have big effects that change what they were trying to learn about.

+ Many Christian African Americans who celebrate Kwanzaa do so in addition to observing Christmas.

+ DARE’s mission is to measure the shape of the redshifted 21-cm signal over a radio bandpass of 40–120MHz, observing the redshift range 11–35, which correlate to 80–420 million years after the Big Bang.

+ It is also theoretically possible for other, less direct means of measurement to affect the electron; even if the electron is simply put into a position where observing it is “possible”, without actual observation taking place, it will still alter its position.

+ When an animal is given a task to complete, it is almost always more successful after observing another animal doing the same task before them.

+ The main thing that is hard in observing them is due to the fact that they are very close to Jupiter, and are masked by its brightness.

+ Another unusual aspect is the fact that scientists are observing this galaxy at a time when the universe was only a little over 1.4 billion years old.

+ People-watching or crowd watching is the act of observing people and their interactions.

+ The story starts with Lucy Snowe at age 14 observing a visitor at her godmother, Lousia Bretton’s, house, a little girl called “Polly” or “Missy.”.

+ The living, social, and sensory observing aspects of humans are probably all part of the human sciences to the degree they affect how humans view themselves.

+ Gold has also stated that he is an observing Jew.

+ In science, the term observer effect means that the act of observing will influence the phenomenon being observed.

+ The approximate angular width of the jet can be estimated directly by observing “jet breaks” in afterglow light curves: a time after which the slowly-decaying afterglow begins to fade suddenly, as the jet slows down and can no longer beam its radiation so effectively.

+ With vicarious learning capabilities, an individual could learn through observing others’ behaviors and the rewards or consequences of those behaviors.

+ While Hulse was observing a new pulsar, named PSR B1913+16, he noticed that the frequency with which it pulsed fluctuated.

+ The highest reported gusts were in a Noncommissioned Automated Surface Observing System.

+ In information technology, the observer effect refers to potential impact of the act of observing a process output while the process is running.

+ This effect has been confirmed by observing the light of stars or distant quasars being deflected as it passes the Sun.

+ This occurs when an individual first learns a behavior by observing another individual and that individual serves as a model for other individuals to learn the behavior.

+ In almost all cases, there are exceptions for observing the fasting.

+ Charles Bean, Australia’s official World War I historian, first thought of a museum memorial to Australian soldiers while observing the 1916 battles in France.

+ This occurred in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia near midday, while some researchers were observing the whales.

+ It was built in 1969 as the main observing site for the Carnegie Institution for Science.

+ Until 2011, Belarus Time was equivalent to Eastern European Time with Belarus observing yearly clock changes.

+ By observing at the right time what happened in the process that led to a change, the Quality engineeringquality engineer or any member of the team responsible for the production line can troubleshoot the root cause of the variation that has crept in to the process and correct the problem.

+ The importance of observational learning lies in helping individuals, especially children, acquire new responses by observing others’ behavior.

+ Due to Goodland and the rest of Sherman County observing Mountain time, prime-time television programming airs from 6 to 9 p.m., instead of 7 to 10 like in the Central time zone.

+ I’ve been observing Djsasso for a bit, most especially s/his judgement.

+ Finally he unveiled his true form, stressing that he intended to give his foes the pleasure of observing it before they died.

+ After Dunham became friends with Mike Lacey, the owner of The Comedy Magic Club in Hermosa Beach, Lacey gave Dunham a steady slot at the club, where Dunham sharpened his act by observing the techniques of comedians like Jerry Seinfeld, and taking the advice of colleague Bill Engvall, moving away from his G-Rated material toward edgier, more adult themes.

+ Astronomers have no way of observing or making discoveries with too much light to block the night sky.

+ On their 1960 descent, the crew of the “Trieste” noted that the floor consisted of diatomaceous ooze and reported observing “some type of flatfish, resembling a sole, about 1 foot long and 6 inches across” lying on the seabed.

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