“capitalism” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “capitalism”:

– The theme of Death of a Salesman is Miller’s criticism of capitalism and he tries to express that the American Dream does not happen to everybody.

– The Third International Theory was meant to be an alternative to capitalism and communism, which Gaddafi felt were not appropriate for the countries of the Third World.

– This is the idea that white people rule, capitalism rules, and men rule.

– Lenin wanted to establish socialism right away, rather than establishing capitalism first and then making the transition to socialism.

– They think that change will be born from this struggle, just like capitalism was.

– Communism, socialism, and capitalism are political/economical ideologies.

capitalism - example sentences
capitalism – example sentences

Example sentences of “capitalism”:

- He also believed that capitalism would unfairly treat many people and that those people would eventually revolt and switch to socialism.

- Marx believed that countries would overthrow capitalism and that workplaces would move toward socialism.
- In the United States, the word liberal means someone who supports capitalism but wants some rules on what the market can do and cannot do.

– He also believed that capitalism would unfairly treat many people and that those people would eventually revolt and switch to socialism.

– Marx believed that countries would overthrow capitalism and that workplaces would move toward socialism.

– In the United States, the word liberal means someone who supports capitalism but wants some rules on what the market can do and cannot do.

– People who like capitalism believe that capitalism provides liberty by the citizen by allowing them to be independent.

– But the Soviets and East German government said it was to keep capitalism out.

– He really liked capitalism because it was an economic system where people could keep the money and goods they worked for.

– Social democracy is a kind of capitalism that tries to mix parts of socialism with capitalism.

– According to the principle of ‘To each according to his contribution’, during the transition of a society from capitalism to socialism and then to communism, individuals should be rewarded for the amount they contribute to society.

– In his view, capitalism cannot work because of what he called creative destruction.

– Anarchists are against capitalism as they think it uses force.

– Anti-capitalists, in the strict sense of the word, are those who wish to completely replace capitalism with another system; however, there are also ideas which can be characterized as “partially” anti-capitalist in the sense that they only wish to replace or abolish certain aspects of capitalism rather than the entire system.

– Marx wanted this to be a tool for the working class to use to overthrow capitalism and replace it with socialism, then with communism.

– In moral purchasing, Natural Capitalism and other theories of how consumers make choices, they are actually choosing experiences or comprehensive outcomes of their choices.

– Some people disagree on whether capitalism is a good idea, or how much of capitalism is a good idea.

– The book is against both capitalism and communism.

More in-sentence examples of “capitalism”:

- A muckraker was a journalist who reported about how capitalism was bad.

- He did not want capitalism to collapse like Stalin did.
- The greatest invention of capitalism is often said to be the joint stock company.

– A muckraker was a journalist who reported about how capitalism was bad.

– He did not want capitalism to collapse like Stalin did.

– The greatest invention of capitalism is often said to be the joint stock company.

– Long time economics teacher at the “École Polytechnique”, he has written books about the evolution of contemporary capitalism, including “Le capitalism total” published through the think tank of “La République des idées” in 2005.

– Marx argued that wages under capitalism are determined not by the value created by workers during a given period of time, but by the cost of their labor power.

– Karl MarxMarx believed that capitalism followed the economic and political system of feudalism.

– However, they also think that capitalism will give way to communism; as the exploitation of workers becomes worse it will lead workers to revolt against their capitalist rulers.

– Although free markets are commonly associated with capitalism within a market economy in contemporary usage and popular culture, free markets have also been advocated by free-market anarchists, market socialists, and some proponents of cooperatives and advocates of profit sharing.

– Some of these systems are capitalism and socialism.

– Samuel Todd Francis was an advisor to Pat Buchanan, a paleoconservative who believed that instead of trying to defend capitalism Republicans should try to get rid of free trade and to tell the middle class that the policies conservatives had always supported only helped the rich.

– For example, in capitalism, schools teach students why capitalism is good and how to participate in a capitalist economy.

– ML just provides a first step: from capitalism to socialism.

– They both link social conditions with capitalism and believe that overthrowing the current system is the only way to get what you want.

– When the lords and the serfs fought, feudalism ended and capitalism came into being.

– This is the belief of free market capitalism or laissez-faire capitalism.

– The communist party is supposed to lead society from capitalism to socialism.

– He said that capitalism would go away after workers decided to take over the government in a revolution because of the exploitation.

– After the war, Lenin brought in the New Economic Policy to try and make things better for the country and move from capitalism towards socialism.

– However, like Lenin, she had little sympathy for Marx’s ‘historicism’ and denied that for a revolution to occur, capitalism would have to reach an advanced stage of development.

– Anarcho-capitalists support capitalism and say everything in it is consensual.

– Her novels promoted a viewpoint of laissez-faire capitalism as a political and social goal.

– These meetings are often critizised because they are seen as a vehicle to further capitalism in the world by anti-capitalismanti-capitalists and supporters of antiglobalization.

– The philosopher Adam Smith’s book, “The Wealth of Nations”, was an important book that developed the ideas of capitalism and the free market.

– People who support capitalism also have disagreements.

– He is also the director of Columbia’s Center on Capitalism and Society.

– The biggest difference is social democrats want to stop reforming capitalism when they think their reforms are good enough, but democratic socialists will not stop until capitalism is gone.

– They also said that war against the United States government and capitalism should begin right away.

– This includes laissez-faire capitalism and is sometimes called libertarianism.

– Many people believed that capitalism and communism were both disrespectful of Islam and allowed other countries to control them.

– Additionally, it is strongly opposed to capitalism and maintains a long-term goal of “overcoming capitalism.” The party is a member of the Progressive Alliance, and an associate member of the Party of European Socialists.

– Most people agree that capitalism works better if the government keeps people from stealing other people’s things.

– The Nazis believed that only the Aryan race was capable of building nations and other races, notably the Jewish race, were agents of the corruptive forces of capitalism and bolshevism, both of which the Nazis opposed.

– He was also a critic of capitalism that was not controlled and he did not want people’s basic rights to be oppressed by world governments.

– According to Karl Marx, feudalism was the stage of society before capitalism and after slavery.

– In one of her earliest publications, ‘Reform or Revolution?’ Luxemburg accepted Marx’s argument that capitalism promoted exploitation and was at odds with humanity’s natural, fraternal instincts.

– They did not like the police, war, capitalism or racism.

– Anarchists do not support capitalism either.

– The Enlightenment’s ideas about thinking with reason, having personal freedoms, and not having to follow the Catholic Church were important in creating capitalism and socialism.

– This includes a combination of free market capitalism with a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level.

– This has led to efforts in measuring well-being, to assign a commercial “value of life”, and to the theory of Natural Capitalism – fusions of green and neoclassical approaches – which focus predictably on energy and material efficiency, i.e.

– He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in Hungary and founded Europe’s Central European University in Budapest, providing the initial endowment to open the first campus.

– Keynes said capitalism is a good economic system.

– His 1981 international bestseller “Wealth and Poverty” created a supporting case for supply-side economics and capitalism during the early months of the Reagan administration.

– Although no one is sure when the concept originated, most people agree that development is closely bound up with the evolution of capitalism and the demise of feudalism.

– They believed that Western capitalism had changed a lot and that socialism and public ownership was not so important.

– It remains to be seen if such plans have any merit other than as political ways to draw attention to the way capitalism itself interacts with life.

– The reasons for capitalism are not just economic.

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