Example uses in sentence of “backbone”

How to use in-sentence of “backbone”:

– Head and backbone of the early Cambrian vertebrate “Haikouichthys”.

– Dachshunds often have spinal problems, that is, their backbone can become injured.

– They have been the backbone of the UK’s nuclear generation fleet since the 1980s.

– Their friendship deteriorated when South-Arabians invaded the Dahlak islands through the port of Adulis and destroyed it, which was the economic backbone for the prosperous Aksumite Kingdom.

– Part of Australia’s Great Dividing Range, the Peninsula Ridge, is like a backbone along the peninsula.

Example uses in sentence of backbone
Example uses in sentence of backbone

Example sentences of “backbone”:

– At the consumer end, a DSL modem converts the signals to be able to travel on the phone line; at the other end, a Digital subscriber line access multiplexerDSLAM multiplexes or combines the signals onto the internet backbone of the provider.

– The glycerol backbone is central to all lipids known as triglycerides.

– These ideas would eventually become the backbone of Pan Arabism.

– Tadpoles will also start to grow a backbone after growing their front limbs.

– The Gripen aircraft fighter system has for years been the backbone in the Swedish air force.

– It is also called the backbone or vertebral column.

– The game is made by Backbone Entertainment and Sega.

– In 1960, in order to carry out its plan and break down the economic backbone of the Jumma people of the CHT in the name of so-called industrial development, the Pakistani government built the Kaptai hydro-electric dam on the Karnaphuli river in the heartland of the indigenous Jumma people.

– Pteridosperms are the backbone of seed plant phylogeny.

– Each of the carbon atoms on the backbone of the molecule are assigned a position number.

– In this period, political thinkers who thought that ethnic groups should not be oppressed by other ethnic groups thought also that ‘normal folk’, the backbone of society, like workers and peasants, should not be oppressed by higher social classes like rich people.

– In Mexico, the cordillera continues through the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental, as well as the backbone mountains of the Baja California peninsula.

– Ken Dryden made his NHL debut in 1970 for the Montreal Canadians, and became the backbone of six Stanley Cup winning teams in the 1970s.

– To cut the DNA, a restriction enzyme makes two cuts, once through each sugar-phosphate backbone i.e.

– Mining and Industry are the backbone of the Eve Universe.

– This high-speed network, unrestricted to academic users, became a backbone to which regional networks would be connected.

– Hideto Noguchi, who was enrolled in the backbone at the time of formation, officially joined the group on December 28.

- At the consumer end, a DSL modem converts the signals to be able to travel on the phone line; at the other end, a Digital subscriber line access multiplexerDSLAM multiplexes or combines the signals onto the internet backbone of the provider.

- The glycerol backbone is central to all lipids known as triglycerides.

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