Example uses in sentence of “telluride”

How to use in-sentence of “telluride”:

+ When it is acidic, hydrogen telluride gas is made.

+ Sodium telluride is made by reacting tellurium and sodium in liquid ammonia.

+ Lead telluride is used in another type of infrared sensor.

+ Cadmium telluride is used to make electricity in solar cells.

+ It is made by reacting tellurium dioxide with sodium hydroxide, or by heating a telluride in air with sodium carbonate.

+ It contains cadmium and telluride ions.

+ It reacts with strong acids to make toxic hydrogen telluride and toxic lead salts.

Example uses in sentence of telluride
Example uses in sentence of telluride

Example sentences of “telluride”:

+ Sodium telluride is a chemical compound.

+ Cadmium telluride is a chemical compound.

+ Sodium telluride is a chemical compound.

+ Cadmium telluride is a chemical compound.

+ It reacts with acids to make toxic cadmium compounds and toxic hydrogen telluride gas.

+ Tellurium can be taken from gold telluride by dissolving the gold telluride in concentrated sulfuric acid.

+ Sodium telluride is used to make organic tellurium compounds.

+ It contains lead and telluride ions.

+ Bismuth telluride is used in electronic thermometers.

+ Hydrogen telluride is a toxic reactive gas.

+ It contains sodium and telluride ions.

+ Lead telluride is a gray crystalline solid.

+ Tellurium is also used in cadmium telluride solar cells.

+ Otherwise telluride or native tellurium would be there.

+ Cadmium telluride is a black solid.

+ He also received an honorary degrees from North Carolina State University, Nova Southeastern University, and the Telluride Tech Festival Award of Technology.

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