Make sentence of “mammal”

How to use in-sentence of “mammal”:

+ The other mammal which has a single uterus is the chimpanzee, our nearest living relative.

+ Feliformia is a suborder in the mammal Order order Carnivora.

+ A meerkat is a small mammal that lives in the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa.

+ There are over 350 bird species, 330 freshwater and marine fish and 80 mammal species.

+ It is a small shrew-like mammal of body length about 70100 mm.

+ More recent genomics suggests that Afrotheria and Xenarthra are sister taxa at the base of the placental mammal radiation.

Make sentence of mammal
Make sentence of mammal

Example sentences of “mammal”:

+ It is the longest land migration route of any land mammal on earth.

+ Eutherians are different from other mammal groups such as monotremes and marsupials which are not placental.

+ This small mammal is 60 mm from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail; the tail is about 40 mm long.

+ Riversleigh in north west Queensland, Australia, is one of the Australian Fossil Mammal Sites Australian Fossil Mammal Sites listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

+ The bharal or Himalayan blue sheep is a mammal of the Caprinae subfamily.

+ About 62 mammal species have been seen in the Park.

+ Coagulation is highly conserved throughout biology; that means its genetics is almost the same in all mammal species.

+ It is a large hoofed mammal in the Bovidae family.

+ It is a type of cat-like mammal in the suborder Feliformia.

+ Permanent mammal species include ringed seal, bearded seal, Harp Seal, walrus, collared lemming, Arctic fox,S.

+ However “Eomaia” is not a true placental mammal as it lacks some features that are specific to placentals.

+ This Ice ageice-age mammal was the largest of the ground sloths; Megatherium’s name means “great beast.” Megatherium was named by paleontologist Richard Owen in 1856; the first Megatherium fossil was found in Brazil in 1789.

+ It is also the only Australian mammal restricted to an alpine habitat.

+ It is the longest land migration route of any land mammal on earth.

+ Eutherians are different from other mammal groups such as monotremes and marsupials which are not placental.
+ This small mammal is 60 mm from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail; the tail is about 40 mm long.

More in-sentence examples of “mammal”:

+ Hyrax also called dassie is any of four species of fairly small, thickset, herbivorous mammals in the order Hyracoidea, any of six species of small hoofed mammal native to Africa and extreme southwestern Asia.

+ Pregnancy is when a female mammal has an unborn baby inside her.

+ Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000years ago, the lion was the most widespread large land mammal after humans.

+ The kinkajou is a mammal of the family Procyonidae and it is related to the raccoon, coati, olingo, raingtail and cacomistle.

+ A mammal living on the savannahs of East Africa lives quite a different life from a dolphin or porpoise catching fish in the sea.

+ This large heavily-built, wolf-like, mammal lived during the Eocene, about 45 to 36 million years ago.

+ Camels are a mammal of the Camelidae family.

+ Digging with its strong, clawed feet, this solitary mammal excavates long, complex burrows.

+ This means that 20% of all living mammal species – one in five – are bats.

+ This list shows the IUCN Red List status of mammal species living in Azerbaijan.

+ She was named after Dolly Parton, and was the first large mammal clone.

+ It is the most endangered mammal and marsupial in the whole of Australia.

+ The Olinguito, Spanish for “little olingo” is a newly identified mammal of genus “Bassaricyon”.O’Brien, Jane 2013.

+ The dingo is a mammal found in Australia and South-East Asia.

+ If a male human or mammal gets into a fight, then its testicles are in danger.

+ A stoat ” is a small mammal of the family Mustelidae.

+ He specialised in mammal bones.

+ The pygmy hippopotamus is a large mammal native to the forests and swamps of West Africa.

+ Dolly was a sheep, remarkable in being the first mammal to be Cloningcloned from an adult somatic cell.

+ A binturong is a large, rare mammal that lives in trees in the dense forests of southeast Asia.

+ The marbled polecat is a small mammal in the Mustelinae subfamily.

+ In terms of species diversity, the shrew family is the fourth most successful mammal family.

+ Thus, the elephants are one of the oldest “modern” mammal orders to have survived.

+ A Llama is a mammal of the “Camelidae” family.

+ Modern “paper vellum” is made out of synthetic material instead of mammal skin, but is used for the same purpose as normal vellum.

+ Hyrax also called dassie is any of four species of fairly small, thickset, herbivorous mammals in the order Hyracoidea, any of six species of small hoofed mammal native to Africa and extreme southwestern Asia.

+ Pregnancy is when a female mammal has an unborn baby inside her.
+ Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000years ago, the lion was the most widespread large land mammal after humans.

+ It shelters many large mammal species, including hartebeest, hippos, kob, and waterbuck.

+ The water deer is an even-toed ungulate mammal of the deer family.

+ Megatherium was a huge, bulky, slow-moving mammal that lived during the Pleistocene epoch in South America.

+ The musk ox is a large Arctic mammal of the Bovidae family.

+ The mammal species reported are 87.

+ Other bird and mammal genera also occur on both sides of the North Atlantic in the Palaeocene and Eocene.

+ The wild goat is a mammal of the Caprinae subfamily.

+ Also, during glacial periods, mammal fauna was able to cross from Asia to North America via the Bering Strait.

+ The Great Britain mammal fauna is impoverished compared with that of continental Europe.

+ Eastern hognose snakes hibernate by themselves in either burrows made by themselves or abandoned mammal burrows.

+ These articles are about animals of the mammal superorder “Xenarthra”.

+ Over 100 bird species, and 22 native mammal species have been seen in the park.

+ It is a small ruminant mammal which looks a bit like an antelope.

+ Among them are rare mammal species like Spotted-tailed Quoll, the Koala, the yellow-bellied Glider, and Long-nosed Potoroo.

+ The Japanese squirrel is a mammal that only lives in Japan.

+ Ecozones correspond to the floristic kingdoms of botany or zoogeographic regions of mammal zoology.

+ The sea is also a feeding ground for Atlantic salmon and several marine mammal species.

+ The new framework for understanding placental mammal evolution.

+ Notice that the Dog class extends the Mammal class, so all dogs will have the properties of a mammal, like hairLength, and methods, like eat or sleep.

+ The wolf is a mammal of the order Carnivora.

+ The prehistoric mammal “Crusafontia” was named for Crusafont.

+ Leporidae is a mammal family in the order Lagomorpha.

+ These articles are about bears, which form the mammal family “Ursidae”.

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