“convergent” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “convergent”:

+ The examples of convergent evolution seen between distinct hydrothermal vents is seen as major support for the theory of natural selection and evolution as a whole.

+ Their similar shape and life styles is an example of convergent evolution.

+ The notoungulates and litopterns had many strange forms, some examples of convergent evolution.

+ The shell-less slug type is an example of convergent evolution, and so the category “slug” is not a taxonomic category.

+ This is one of the best-known examples of convergent evolution.

convergent - sentence examples
convergent – sentence examples

Example sentences of “convergent”:

+ Reeds are many polyphylypolyphyletic species, which have all adapted to this wet habitat by convergent evolution.

+ Many millions of years of convergent evolution have resulted in almost identical morphology and habits.

+ This is called “legionary behavior”, and is convergent evolution.

+ They did lack the ability to pull their heads into their shell had a long, spiked tail ending in a club, a body form similar to that of ankylosaurs, resulting from convergent evolution.

+ This is called convergent evolution.

+ Creodonts show various adaptations to their carnivorous life-style, and show convergent evolution with modern carnivores.

+ The association with “Lophuromys” is thought to be due to convergent evolution due to a similar diet.

+ This is a classic case of convergent evolution.

+ The similarities between the two groups came about by convergent evolution.

+ These adaptations are examples of convergent evolution.

+ Some think “Solen” and “Ensis” are close relatives, and some think they are similar because of convergent evolution.

+ But, other times similar structures are coded by entirely different genes, because of convergent evolution.

+ Biologist Stephen Jay Gould said the ichthyosaur was his favourite example of convergent evolution.

+ Instead of being descended from a common ancestor, today’s science shows that these animals just made similar adaptations independently through convergent evolution.

+ In a convergent sequence, the absolute difference between the value of the current term and the limit, will decrease towards 0, as the sequence progresses.

+ For more complex molecules, a different approach may be preferable: convergent synthesis involves the individual preparation of several “pieces which are then combined to form the goal product.

+ Animals that have guts are classified as either protostomes or deuterostomes, as the gut evolved twice, an example of convergent evolution.

+ The similarities between Ostriches and the Australo-Pacific ratites is due to convergent evolution.

+ Live birth has evolved convergent evolutionindependently a number of times in reptiles, for example Ichthyosaurs gave birth to live young.

+ Reeds are many polyphylypolyphyletic species, which have all adapted to this wet habitat by convergent evolution.

+ Many millions of years of convergent evolution have resulted in almost identical morphology and habits.

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