“unionist” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “unionist”:

+ He was Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party.

+ Boris Johnson was elected for office by the 160,000 members of the UK’s Conservative and Unionist Party.

+ Ulster was considered to be the most unionist part of Ireland.

+ The Ulster Unionist Party and the Respect Party won seats in the 2005 General Election but lost their seats in the 2010 Election.

+ He founded the Democratic Unionist Party in 1971 and was its leader until May 2008.

unionist how to use in sentences
unionist how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “unionist”:

+ The Conservative and Unionist Party is the main centre-right politicspolitical party in the United Kingdom.

+ She has been leader of the largest Northern Irish political party, the Democratic Unionist Party, since December 2015.

+ During her various visits to Northern Ireland, she in fact regularly met politicians of all parties, including David Trimble of the Ulster Unionist Party and John Hume of the Social Democratic and Labour Party.

+ There are two types of parties in Scotland; pro-independence parties and British unionist parties.

+ In Scotland, the Conservatives used to be known as the Unionist Party and were Scotland’s largest party during the 1950s.

+ Ian Paisley of the Democratic Unionist Party was the First Minister until June 5, 2008 when he was replaced by Peter Robinson.

+ He was leader of the Ulster Unionist Party from 1979 to 1995.

+ Lech Walesa born Polish shipyard worker, trade unionist and a Solidarity and the President of Poland between 1990 and 1995.

+ In the 1970s, Wright joined the Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party, and was elected as its Chairman.

+ However, the IRA ended its ceasefire because of the slow pace of developments, partly because British prime minister John Major needed the votes of the Ulster Unionist Party in the House of Commons.

+ In the 1920s, Sikandar Hayat Khan slowly began to make his mark as a statesman, and in collaboration with Sir Fazli Husain and Sir Chotu Ram became one of the founders of the Unionist Party.

+ In 1892, Chamberlain became a Member of Parliament for Worcestershire, as a member of his father’s party, the Liberal Unionist Party.

+ However in 1965, the Scottish Unionist Party merged with the Conservative Party which triggered a decline in Conservative support across Scotland.

+ William Paul Girvan is a Northern Irish politician of the Democratic Unionist Party.

+ She was also a lecturer, teacher and unionist and campaigner for assisted suicide.

+ Shortly afterwards, Robinson resigned from the party in protest at the Anglo-Irish Agreement, she said that unionist politicians in Northern Ireland should have been consulted as part of the deal.

+ They said the paper was pro-British and had a Unionist stance.

+ Later there was a new ceasefire, and there were talks between teams from the British and Irish governments, the Ulster Unionist Party, the SDLP, Sinn Féin and representatives of loyalist paramilitary organizations, under the chairmanship of former United States Senator Mitchell.

+ The Conservative and Unionist Party is the main centre-right politicspolitical party in the United Kingdom.

+ She has been leader of the largest Northern Irish political party, the Democratic Unionist Party, since December 2015.
+ During her various visits to Northern Ireland, she in fact regularly met politicians of all parties, including David Trimble of the Ulster Unionist Party and John Hume of the Social Democratic and Labour Party.

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