“cracking” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “cracking”:

+ The advantages of this material over cement-based terrazzo include: a wider selection of colors, 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch installation thickness, lighter weight, faster installation, impermeable finish, higher strength, and cracking less.

+ When they see macaws eating palm nuts, cracking them open with their beaks, capuchins select a few of the ripest fruits.

+ Wear and cracking of the carnassial teeth in a wild carnivore.

+ Warnings to avoid using the building because of cracking appearing the day before were ignored, resulting in a tragedy.

+ Kanawha County dispatchers received more than 350 calls in 45 minutes but there were no reports of damage to buildings and infrastructure other than minor plaster cracking in the old courthouse.

+ When people smoke crack, they have a feeling called “being high.” The name “crack” comes from the cracking sound the drug makes as it is smoked.

+ Blue jays have strong black bills used for cracking open nut nuts, and acorns and for eating corn, grains and seeds, although they also eat insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars.

+ Capuchins living near water will also eat crabs and shellfish by cracking their shells with stones.

cracking use in-sentences
cracking use in-sentences

Example sentences of “cracking”:

+ For example, a finch with a big beak is very good at cracking open nuts, and a finch with a long beak is very good at catching insects.

+ In the wild, it eats nuts and palm tree fruit by cracking them open with its strong and curved beak.

+ Mistakes by German operators helped the cryptanalysis of Luftwaffe Enigmas, and the British capture of key tables and a machine from a German submarine helped in cracking Navy ones.

+ In both cases, the cooling surface of the mass of hot lava cracked in a hexagonal pattern in a similar way to drying mud cracking as it shrinks.

+ The cracking sound is caused by evaporating water escaping.

+ Many television commercials, comic strips and other media depict this as a sort of humorous business, with Santa’s elves acting as a sometimes mischievously disgruntled workforce, cracking jokes, making riddles, and pulling pranks on their boss.

+ The same things that make a debugger useful for solving software bugs allow it to be used as a software cracking tool to defeat copy protection and other software protection features.

+ A nutcracker is a mechanical device for cracking open the shells of nuts.

+ Steven and Daniel Altiere’s script centers on Norm, a Polar Bear who finds shelter in an abandoned research station when his Arctic home begins cracking and collapsing beneath him.

+ The junta began cracking down on Allende supporters.

+ It starts with the skin cracking as a paper cut on your fingertips.

+ Cracking joints consist of the action of moving joints to the point of producing popping or cracking sounds.

+ For example, a finch with a big beak is very good at cracking open nuts, and a finch with a long beak is very good at catching insects.

+ In the wild, it eats nuts and palm tree fruit by cracking them open with its strong and curved beak.

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