How to use in-sentence of “ethical”

How to use in-sentence of “ethical”:

+ Naresuan University’s ideology is to make pupils have educations, goodnesses and ethical behaviors to live with other people in society happily.

+ It’s not a tactical statement, it’s an obvious political and ethical statement.

+ Although the show often addresses ethical dilemmas such as the morality of pacifism, the storylines rarely seek to provide unequivocal solutions.

+ The earliest set of ethical ideas in medicine was the “Hippocratic oath”.

+ In Conservative Judaism, JudaismJewish values can be divided into ethical and ritual laws – the ethical laws do not change, while the ritual laws are used in different customs.

+ It is usually to suggest a moral or ethical hierarchy for two sides in a conflict — that one is better or worse than the other.

+ Many historians now believe that Harry Truman was a great president.<!– Ethical dilemmas are a common phenomenon in organizations, governments, management, and individuals.

+ He wrote an essay, “To Commit a Crime Against the Natural World Is a Sin” in “Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril”.

How to use in-sentence of ethical
How to use in-sentence of ethical

Example sentences of “ethical”:

+ She started People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals in 1980 with Alex Pacheco.

+ However an ethical tradition is not normally written down and is not enforced by a police force.

+ She started People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals in 1980 with Alex Pacheco.

+ However an ethical tradition is not normally written down and is not enforced by a police force.

+ Another important part of Kant’s idea is that these ethical decisions are not rules or laws handed down to us.

+ The branch of philosophy called ethics is not the same as an ethical tradition.

+ Data that is lost or released to the wrong people or that is not properly secured could lead to legal and ethical problems for the organisation.

+ Since 2003, animal rights and welfare organizations, led by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, have been protesting KFC’s treatment of the animals used for its products.

+ This poem is a classic on ethical and mystic evening meditation.

+ There are other ethical issues with the SPE, and Zimbardo has been criticised for interpreting the results to fit his previous expectations.

+ The word “Tzadik” “righteous”, and its associated meanings, developed in Rabbinic literatureRabbinic thought from its Talmudic contrast with “Hasid to its exploration in Ethical literature, and its spiritualisation in Kabbalah.

+ People can learn morals from religion, parents, friends, school, books, or from ethical traditions.

+ This method of field research is widely used in a public setting or environment but not in a private environment as it raises an ethical dilemma.

+ Cao Dai uses ethical precepts from Confucianism, occult practices from Taoism, theories of Karma and Rebirth from Buddhism,and a hierarchical organization from Christianity.

+ This is defined as an ethical dilemma, which means “a paradox arising in ethics”.

+ In Plato’s early dialogues, the “elenchus” is the technique Socrates uses to investigate ethical concepts, such as justice or virtue.

+ Albert Schweitzer’s ethical principles meant that he tried to have a personal and spiritual relationship with the universe.

+ Should prenatal sex selection be restricted?: Ethical questions and their implications for research and policy.

+ He included ethical aspects.

+ Even if the infant lives, there are ethical controversies over the care given to such infants.

More in-sentence examples of “ethical”:

+ Critics have objected to use of genetic engineering on several grounds, including ethical concerns, ecological concerns.

+ Richard Feinberg, an anthropologist, identifies cultural relativism as having three types: contextual, ethical and epistemological.

+ These are ethical and moral “mitzvot”.

+ An ethical tradition can be like a set of laws because most people agree with it and only do what it says is right.

+ Likewise, Microsoft’s website doesn’t list him as one of their MVPs on that project’s site, nor has it ever issued any statement listing him as one of ‘100 ethical hackers’.

+ They are also all ethical monotheistic religions.

+ It was also a moderate figure inside the National Assembly, where worked duramente so that satisfied the Ethical Agreement-Political for the Law of Communication in December of the 2009.

+ Medical social workers value the ethical concept of patient autonomy and self-determination although this value can conflict with the values and ethics of other disciplines in a medical setting.

+ Mandaeans believe in marriage and procreation, and in the importance of leading an ethical and moral lifestyle in this world.

+ All hospital personnel must remain neutral and ethical at all times and may not take sides in a war or dispute.

+ That meant loyalty to one’s master, self-discipline and respectful, ethical behaviour.

+ Liberal Jews believe that all of the ethical laws in the Torah must still be followed, but many ritual laws do not need to be followed today.

+ There have been many criticisms of the ethical standards of the video game journalism industry.

+ Therefore, these people say, human science should focus on it : Ethics for example would focus on finding creative solutions to ethical dilemmas.

+ They also want to know what ethical traditions are the same for different groups of people.

+ In 2009, Butler appeared in a promotional ad for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

+ Ethos is the ethical appeal, and it means to convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character by showing a good sense of ethics.

+ There are also ethical justifications for role-specific or skill-specific duties of rescue such as those described above under the discussion of U.S.

+ Every ethical tradition including the medical view of the body has some ritual surrounding death.

+ Narratives of the early prophets, ethical and legal subjects, historical events of Muhammad’s time, charity and prayer also appear in the Quran.

+ He said we should do this based on the ethical duty that all persons have to each other, an ethical duty which could be called a universal law.

+ Something has to decide what to do when the ethical impulses, the moral feelings, of what Mencius called the “four virtues” conflict with the ordinary impulses that are involved with hunger, sex, aggression, fear, etc.

+ There are many reasons for this decision such as nonviolencenonviolent or religious beliefs, ethical and moral beliefs to not kill human beings or pacifism.

+ Jainism and Buddhism, took deep roots in the society, giving birth to a large body of ethical poetry.

+ All of them are also supporters of People for the Ethical Treatment of AnimalsPETA, an animal rights organization.

+ He was for utilitarianism, and he loved the ethical theory first proposed by his third godfather Jeremy Bentham.

+ An actor would use ethos to prove to his audience that he’s credible and worth listening to by presenting their ethical opinions and making ethical decisions.

+ To be an ethical person, Thirsty Man believes he must at all times treat others the way he would want them to treat him.

+ Similarly, an ethical dilemma may be resolved by re-framing of the problem to reveal the false contradiction.

+ Sorai doubted that it was enough that each person wanted to find their ethical good.

+ We can learn ethical maxims by applying the test of the categorical imperative.

+ And he said we can live ethical lives if we use these maxims whenever we make decisions.

+ Samurai led their lives according to the ethical code of “bushido”.

+ The rise of designer babies raises a number of ethical and legal issues.

+ Temoshok and Chandra, Forgiveness: Theory, Research, and Practice, The Guildford Press, see Chapter 3 Forgiveness is essential for one to free oneself from negative thoughts, and being able to focus on blissfully living a moral and ethical life.

+ A moral or ethical duty to rescue may exist even where there is no legal duty to rescue.

+ One quarter of the world population share Islam as an ethical tradition.

+ She also has strong ethical beliefs.

+ Those ethical traditions that see “Man in the image of God” have created legal codes to tightly control what they are creating or have created.

+ Reform Judaism teaches Jews to focus on the ethical laws of Judaism.

+ Kant’s idea of the categorical imperative would say that Thirsty Man made the right choice, for the right reasons, and he made those ethical decisions in a logical way.

+ That is, ethical voters may believe it more important how a candidate wins than who wins.

+ Citing queer ethical consumerism again, Juengling has taken the position that people should not donate to the Salvation Army based on their policies relating to homosexual people.

+ It included personal reputation, moral standing, and ethical worth and the man’s entitlement to respect and proper treatment as well.

+ Kant thought that ethical decisions needed to be based in logic and reason.

+ In general, religions other than those mentioned do not recognise the Ten Commandments as ethical standards.

+ Mahrer is a supporter of the pro-animal welfare group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

+ They do not have to know or control the technologies behind them, preventing them from running into ethical and legal problems.

+ Deontological ethics is a type of ethics and ethical theories.

+ Critics have objected to use of genetic engineering on several grounds, including ethical concerns, ecological concerns.

+ Richard Feinberg, an anthropologist, identifies cultural relativism as having three types: contextual, ethical and epistemological.

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