How to use the word “adjective”

How to use in-sentence of “adjective”:

+ The word “integral” can also be used as an adjective meaning “related to integers”.

+ The adjective that is used to describe something that is like a cow or an ox is “bovine”.

+ The adjective “close” means near.

+ As an adjective the word ‘pastel’ means pale in colour.

+ The French adjective and name of the people living in the region is “Midi-Pyrénéen”.

How to use the word adjective
How to use the word adjective

Example sentences of “adjective”:

+ For example, you can say "That is very interesting" so you know interesting is an adjective here.

+ The adjective of melody is "melodic".
+ Every episcopal see is seen as holy and the Eastern Orthodox Church constantly applies the adjective "holy" or "sacred" to all its sees, but "the Holy See" normally means the see of Rome, which is also called "the Apostolic See".

+ For example, you can say “That is very interesting” so you know interesting is an adjective here.

+ The adjective of melody is “melodic”.

+ Every episcopal see is seen as holy and the Eastern Orthodox Church constantly applies the adjective “holy” or “sacred” to all its sees, but “the Holy See” normally means the see of Rome, which is also called “the Apostolic See”.

+ Cold is a relative term used in comparison with the adjective warm.

+ The adjective is ‘decadent’.

+ The adjective “bombastic” comes from his family name.

+ The adjective is chronological.

+ A collateral adjective is an adjective whose word origin is different from the noun it represents.

+ Global as an adjective is used to mean the entire world rather than any special place on the Earth.

+ Its adjective is satirical.

+ The word cathedral, though now grammatically used as a noun, is originally the adjective in the phrase “cathedral church”, from the Latin “ecclesia cathedralis”.

More in-sentence examples of “adjective”:

+ The last examples are the two words 速い “haya.” While the first morpheme in both words are the two syllables 速 “haya” meaning “”fast”” the い “i ”in 速い makes the word into an adjective while the く “ku” in 速く “hayaku” turns the word into an adverb, thus the word becomes “”quickly””.

+ Individual can be an adjective or a noun.

+ The adjective is proud.

+ The genitive case is lost, and adjective endings are simplified.

+ Giant planets are also sometimes called jovian planets, the adjective for the name Jupiter.

+ The pope chose to be called “Pius” because of the adjective Pietypious which recurs in the phrase “pius Aeneas” Moseley, Nicholas.

+ The opposite of the adjective “”abstract”” is commonly the word “”concrete””.

+ The term “harem” is generally not used by itself, but as an adjective to the genre—such as “harem anime” or “harem manga”.

+ The term Shiva also connotes “liberation, final emancipation” and “the auspicious one”, this adjective sense of usage is addressed to many deities in Vedic layers of literature.

+ The rules disapprove the use of the adjective “close”.

+ The adjective is “profane”.

+ The adjective of distance is “ille” o “aquelle”.

+ It derives from the Latin noun “archetypum” via the Greek noun “arkhetypon” and adjective “arkhetypos”, meaning “first-moulded”.

+ An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun.

+ There is also the adjective “melodious” which means: ‘a sweet-sounding melody’.

+ Southern is the adjective form of south.

+ The adjective for Brittany is Breton.

+ Adjacent is an adjective meaning “next to”.

+ A”lthough the Gaelic “gorm” can also be used as an adjective and verb.

+ The Latin languageLatin word for the moon is “luna”, which is why the adjective used to talk about the moon is “lunar”.

+ The adjective “dysgenics” is the antonym of “eugenics”.

+ It also has the collateral adjective “paternal” from the Latin word “pater”, which also means “father”.

+ The template allows the same parameters as Template:Convert, and so it allows abbreviation abbr=in or abbr=out or abbr=off, wikilinks lk=in or lk=out, and adjective mode adj=on or adj=mid, and frac=8 to show output fractions to 8ths of a unit.

+ The word “nation” comes from a Latin language word meaning “birth” or “place of birth.” The adjective is national.

+ Almost all encyclopedia articles have a “noun” for a subject; it is usually not easy to expand an article about a verb or an adjective into much more than a dictionary definition.

+ The word ‘Pahaari’ or ‘Pahari’ is an adjective in Hindi, Urdu, or Punjabi languagePunjabi and it means ‘of the mountain’, so ‘Pahari’ means ‘language of the mountain people’.

+ An adjective is a word that gives more information about the noun that goes with it.

+ The adjective is tyrannical.

+ The French adjective and name of the inhabitants of the region is “Bourguignon”.

+ The name comes from the noun “grana which refers to the distinctively grainy texture of the cheese, and the adjective “Padano”, which refers to the river Po.

+ This word comes from the Latin adjective “volātilis”, which means “flying, fleeting, transitory”.

+ If it is written as two words, then African becomes an adjective describing American.

+ The adjective “jet-black”, meaning as dark a black as possible, comes from this material.

+ The verb is to blaspheme and the adjective is ‘blasphemous’.

+ The adjective “Faustian” is used to describe a person who wants something so much that it leads them into trouble.

+ The adjective of deity is ‘divine’.

+ This is one example in which the same word can be both an adjective and an adverb but not in the same sentence.

+ In Russian, an adjective must agree with the word that it describes in gender, case and number.

+ It has a relative clause, a use of ‘short’ that might not be clear, and what probably looks like an extra adjective stuck on at the end.

+ The rules approve the use of the adjective “closed”, meaning “not open”.

+ Sometimes a verb and an adjective can have the same shape.

+ The rules approve the use of the adjective “near” for this meaning.

+ The word Shiva is used as an adjective in the Rig Veda, as an epithet for several Rigvedic deities, including Rudra.

+ Use the adjective form for nationality, always capitalize.

+ For example, while the word “shikaku” which is an adjective that means “visual”.

+ The last examples are the two words 速い "haya." While the first morpheme in both words are the two syllables 速 "haya" meaning ""fast"" the い "i "in 速い makes the word into an adjective while the く "ku" in 速く "hayaku" turns the word into an adverb, thus the word becomes ""quickly"".

+ Individual can be an adjective or a noun.

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