“placental” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “placental”:

– A armadillo is in the Cingulata, an Order order of New World placental mammals.

– Australia has few placental mammals.

– The broken-up Gondwana gave rise to southern continents which the early placental mammals could not get to.

– The vast majority of mammal species give birth to live young, these are the placental mammals, most of which are classified as Eutheria and a small number are classified as marsupials.

– All living Eutherians are placental mammals.

placental some ways to use
placental some ways to use

Example sentences of “placental”:

– Chemicals that can cross the placental barrier and hurt the fetus are called teratogens.

– Afrotheria is a clade of placental mammals.

– The Palaeocene placental radiation, p327.

– It is believed that they are ovoviviparous, meaning that the young are born live, but there is no placental connection, instead the embryos are nourished by egg yolk.

– A number of these mammalian predators closely resemble placental predators that evolved separately in Eurasia.

– In more recent times the land bridge between the Americas, and reintroductions to Australia, have brought in placental mammals.

– This makes it almost contemporary to the earliest placental fossils, which have been found in the same area.

– However, the placental barrier is not able to protect the fetus from everything that could hurt it.

– More recent genomics suggests that Afrotheria and Xenarthra are sister taxa at the base of the placental mammal radiation.

- Chemicals that can cross the placental barrier and hurt the fetus are called teratogens.

- Afrotheria is a clade of placental mammals.

– The placental mammal ancestor and the post–K-Pg radiation of placentals.

– The new framework for understanding placental mammal evolution.

– They are the only terrestrial animalterrestrial placental mammals native to Australia.

– The eutherians are the placental mammals plus some extinct mammals which had not developed a placenta.

– Basking sharks are ovoviviparous, meaning that the young embryos develop in a yolk sac inside of the female, but they aren’t attached to a placental connection.

– Marsupials occupy many of the ecological niches which placental animals occupy elsewhere in the world.

– It is a group of placental mammals.

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