Use the word “smelting”

How to use in-sentence of “smelting”:

– The Caxton Publishing Company London The use of iron, in smelting and forging tools, appears in the Nok culture at least by 550 BC and possibly earlier.

– Traditional Kavirondo industries are salt-making, effected by burning reeds and water-plants and passing water through the ashes; the smelting of iron ore ; pottery and basket-work.

– Aluminum Smelting is the largest energy-intensive manufacturing sector in Iceland, and the country produced over 800,000 Metric Tonnes per Year in 2013, making it the 10th largest producer of Aluminum metal worldwide.

– The strongest of these gases are perfluorocarbons from the smelting process.

– They learned smelting to get copper from common ores.

– Coke is used as a fuel and as a reducing agent in smelting iron ore in a blast furnace.

– Metallurgy and especially smelting is a key to the early civilizations.

Use the word smelting
Use the word smelting

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