Some example sentences of “move”

How to use in-sentence of “move”:

– Many amphibia and reptiles can and do move very fast over short distances.

– After leaving the nest, the young birds move throughout the island in small groups.

– Railroads, like the Lehigh Valley Railroad, were very important to move raw materials and made goods, and made many new jobs.

– The telecommunications description of deadlock is a little stronger: deadlock occurs when none of the processes meet the condition to move to another state “and” all the communication channels are empty.

– By controlling how hard the tip is tapped, the AFM can move away from the surface when the needle feels a ridge, so that it will not hit against the surface when it moves across.

– Some involuntary ways that people move air in or out of the lungs are: to sneeze, laugh, cough, hiccupshiccup, or yawn.

Some example sentences of move
Some example sentences of move

Example sentences of “move”:

- Canada lets many people move to Canada.

- This means the molecules move about independently of each other.

– Canada lets many people move to Canada.

– This means the molecules move about independently of each other.

– The government wanted these tribes to move west, outside the United States.

– I am trying to undo that vandalism but can’t revert the move to put things back the way they were as the redirect was overwritten by some other content preventing the move back.

– The book describes how war on the ground would move into the air.

– He was the first Iranian player to move to Europe to play football.

– A sandstorm can move whole sand dunes.

– When Thapki and her family migrate to Noida, Thapki handles the move well and impresses Dhruv.

– These would make the roadway more stiff so it would not move easily.

– The difference with stars is that, from Earth, they seem to move very slowly so we have to measure in arcseconds per year.

– Hazel and Harold move in with his brother Steve.

– Anyone can move content from w:March 2010 Chile earthquake to Pichilemu earthquake I can’t from my cell.

– Almost everyone I’ve talked to says, ‘We’re gonna move to Houston.’ What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas…

– Migration is when animals move on a regular cycle.

– I would like to move Symphony no 7 to Symphony No.

– Wheels may be a very useful peak, but the valley around that peak is too low or too wide for the gene pool to move to it by genetic drift or natural selection.

– For the most part, the TAR would not change national gauges; large machines would be built to move shipping containers from train to train at the breaks of gauge.

– During the search, they used the single boat to move their entire party across a river in 14 trips.

More in-sentence examples of “move”:

– People with dysgraphia can move their hand enough, and are also capable of understanding how to write.

– A forehand chop, frying pan chop or open-hand chop is a move where the wrestler slaps the chest of their opponent with their forehand.

– They are very heavy, and need more than one person to move them.

– In an election the county decided to move the county seat to Heflin.

– Could someone please move this page to Eppelsheim? thank You.

– This was an important move for Fra Angelico because Florence already had a great number of artists from whom he could learn.

– On June 4, 2009, it was announced that the NBA and Comcast have reached a deal to move the channel from the cable company’s add-on Sports Entertainment Package to its basic level Digital Classic package, by the start of the 2009-10 NBA season.

– As a result, he and Jinnah signed the Jinnah-Sikandar Pact at Lucknow in October 1937, merging the Muslim elements of his powerful Unionist party with the Muslim League, as a move towards forming a common, united front for safeguarding their community rights and interests in India.

– In animals with forward-facing eyes, the eyes usually move together.

– If all three players have a score of zero, none of the contestants move on to the semi-finals, and another wild card spot is added.

– As a walk speeds up into a trot, a cat’s gait will change to be a “diagonal” gait, similar to that of most other mammals: the diagonally opposite hind and forelegs will move at the same time.

– This caused thousands of farmers to go into poverty and forced them to move to other parts of the United States.

– He then announced a highly criticized move to go to Baltimore.

– Many times, when troubles arise, each person has a choice, as to whether they could just drop the matter, and simply move on to something else.

– The Stickman – is in charge of the center of the layout and uses a stick to move the dice.

– In season eight of the show Gloria and Michael move out of the house and move into their own house to raise their son but the house is very close to Archie and Edith’s house.

– They move as a wave, travelling outward from the source.

– From Tortuga Island, people began to move to the northern part of the Hispaniola, mainly in the areas around the big plains, founding towns such as Port-de-Paix.

– I think this article is ready to move into the voting phase.

– As it moved quickly westward, the convection organized and developed into rainbands–bands of showers and thunderstorms that move in a spiral direction towards the center of the storm–and late on September 1 meteorologists began tracking the system using the Dvorak technique.

– A predator that can move at high speed for a long time can be a pursuit predator, chasing until its prey tires and slows.

– Badlands are a type of dry terrain which is extremely difficult to move across.

– The game has an all-new move set that includes real-world aerial stunts, tumbling, formation changes and advanced moves on the Wii Balance Board.

– A fist drop is a move where a wrestler either jumps or falls down on an opponent and drives their fist into anywhere on the opponent’s body.

– All children who go to Seven Kings Primary will be allowed to move on to Seven Kings High School, if they or their parents choose to do so.

– While they serve a similar purpose to normal table-of-contents templates, they actually move between different pages of the category listing rather than simply jumping to an HTML anchor on the existing page.

– A wheelchair is moved either manually or by somebody walking behind or beside the wheelchair if the wheelchair user needs help to move their wheelchair.

– After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Iwao Takamoto’s family, like many Japanese-Americans, had to move to an internment camp.

– However, in 1940, the Japanese Army stopped being able to move farther into China and take more land.

– When the Community was established, French President de Gaulle said that any country in the French Community could move to complete independence.

– A player can move in two ways.

– All of the amendments they proposed would move to Step 2 in the process.

– Trouble is, I don’t see the option to move it.

– Pitchers can make the ball move differently: faster or slower, closer or farther from the batter, higher or lower.

– His finishing move is called the Gore.

– Henry forced the monks and nuns to move out of the monasteries.

– But frogs do not move around much and so do not need lots of oxygen, but they can also take in oxygen through their moist outer skin if a big demand of oxygen is needed.

– Then later in the years starting in Season 3 of Sesame Street, Bert can move his uni brow up and down.

– Like other giant stars they are short lived, and do not move far from where they were formed.

– The move was popularized by Ric Flair an the crowd always responds to a backhand chop with a “Wooo!” noise.

– She did not move out of the Jackson family home until she was 31 years old.

– A seated senton, vertical splash or butt drop is a move where the wrestler jumps down into a sitting position across the fallen opponent’s chest or stomach.

– This is because the temperature causes the electrons in the material to move around a bit more.

– The move can be used as a counter attack to an attack from behind.

– Would someone please move Comfortably numb to Comfortably Numb? Right now the second one redirects to the first one.

– Candice eventually got control in the match, but lost it after a botched move from the top rope, causing her to fall on her neck, shoulder and face.

– The move is alleged to rely on “Oriental pressure points” to strike a nerve causing the opponent’s heart to momentarily stop, rendering them unconscious.

– King Huai listened to other leaders who said bad things about Qu Yuan and made him move to the countryside twice.

- People with dysgraphia can move their hand enough, and are also capable of understanding how to write.

- A forehand chop, frying pan chop or open-hand chop is a move where the wrestler slaps the chest of their opponent with their forehand.
- They are very heavy, and need more than one person to move them.

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