Some example sentences of “wanting”

How to use in-sentence of “wanting”:

– In Buddhism, Nirvana is the state of perfect peace free from reincarnation reached by not wanting more than you have.

– Emanuel was in the election, wanting to win a second term.

– A number of editors have expressed interest in wanting another Crat around, for minor issues as well as “just in case”.

– People wanting to justify racism claimed that certain groups, such as black people, were inferior.

– This breed is balanced with being independent and affectionate and wanting attention from humans.

Some example sentences of wanting
Some example sentences of wanting

Example sentences of “wanting”:

- By the way, there is also a minimal number of votes for those wanting to become admins, and the GA system does not have the restriction that those who proposed the article cannot vote.

- Events such as the Investiture Controversy in medieval Europe led to people wanting "free" elections, with a medieval understanding of free.
- The process starts when a city wanting to host the games applies to its country's Olympic group.

– By the way, there is also a minimal number of votes for those wanting to become admins, and the GA system does not have the restriction that those who proposed the article cannot vote.

– Events such as the Investiture Controversy in medieval Europe led to people wanting “free” elections, with a medieval understanding of free.

– The process starts when a city wanting to host the games applies to its country’s Olympic group.

– The title was on a brief hiatus in 1999 due to then-champion Shane McMahon’s wanting to retire an “undefeated champion”.

– The party was created in October 2001, wanting to bring Communism and the Soviet Union back.

– According the the Third Noble Truth, the way to stop suffering is to stop wanting things.

– In 2002, Guam Superior Court hired Abramoff to lobby against a lawbill wanting to put the Superior Court under the Supreme Court.

– Bad economies and people wanting to rule themselves were the main reasons for that.

– In the first season, an outgoing Supreme Court Justice tells President Bartlet that he had been wanting to retire for 5 years, but waited “for a Democrat.” The season four episode “Debate Camp Debate Camp” features a flashback to the days just before Bartlet’s inauguration, as Donna Moss meets with her Republican predecessor, Jeff Johnson, who makes it clear that the outgoing Republican administration has been in office for eight years.

– Susie chooses not to help, only wanting to return to her own world.

– A popular expression is “Find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you’ll have good luck.” If someone asks you “A penny for your thoughts” They’re wanting to know what you think.

– The movie about Lady and Tramp’s son, Scamp, wanting to be a “wild dog”.

– They are sought out to help a young new witch named Billie who is a college student wanting to fight demons.

More in-sentence examples of “wanting”:

- He soon left his sinful life, and began wanting to be a missionary.

- Los Angeles" pageant for homemakers; Keaton has said that the theatricality of the event inspired her first impulse to be an actress, and led to her wanting to work on stage..
- It also stops people from wanting more.

– He soon left his sinful life, and began wanting to be a missionary.

– Los Angeles” pageant for homemakers; Keaton has said that the theatricality of the event inspired her first impulse to be an actress, and led to her wanting to work on stage..

– It also stops people from wanting more.

– Will Boyd left the band in 2006 for “not wanting to do another big tour” and for wanting “to be close to his family”.

– This is done through instant messaging, or sending messages back and forth between a person wanting help and a counselor in a chat room.

– It is about her not wanting a loveless relationship and not settling for materialism.

– When notability is questioned, it is up to the editor wanting to keep the article to show notability.

– Patrick Henry of Virginia was another who refused to attend declaring he “smelt a rat.” In particular he suspected James Madison, also of Virginia, of wanting to create a new form of government.

– Doremi happily agrees, wanting to learn magic.

– Many people smoke grams of hash oil at a time, wanting to achieve a state that “no man’s gone before”, with the absolutely worst thing happening is a pale face, vomiting, and inability to move as much as usual.

– The movie begins with Leia Organa attempting to take the station’s plans to the Rebel Alliance, wanting to help them destroy the Death Star.

– Finally, Ryan has Jack kill him, wanting to die on his own terms.

– Not wanting his tournament winnings, Harry gives all one thousand Galleons to Fred and George to start their joke shop, and returns home with the Dursleys.

– Once free, the Earth fairies turn on the humans and Wizards, wanting revenge.

– The producers, not wanting the show to be construed as promoting drinking, had Sam’s character written as an ex-alcoholic.

– Hey, I was wanting to redefine the LGBT category to include people/pages related to LGBTQIA+ that aren’t necessarily lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans related.

– He was reported as wanting no further role in politics.Eck, Werner 2003.

– I want everyone to know, that this is not about wanting power.

– The person might feel sick in their stomach and very tired, wanting to go to sleep, anywhere.

– The best advice I can give to you if you want to become an administrator is to not worry about wanting to become an administrator.

– He was once called “the modern-day Eliot Ness” for wanting the CFTC to charge fraud.

– He had often complained about wanting to start a band.

– Hunger is the emotionfeeling of wanting to eat.

– He criticized his Republican opponents for wanting to cut welfare benefits for the poor rather than raising taxes to help pay down the debt.

– Not wanting to give up, Heihachi said to his researchers to get blood samples, skin tissue, and hoof fragments left behind by Ogre in order to conduct genetic experiments.

– Despite people thinking the red crosses were removed because of religious references, they were actually removed because of Nintendo not wanting to deal with a law suit over it, as the Red Cross has copyright.

– So not wanting to step on any toes, I’ll introduce this idea here.

– Anyway, just wanting to let you know what it means when you see the tag.

– The movie is about childbirth and a couple wanting to be an average family.

– I agree that making it an opt-in gadget is probably the only way to go if you’re really wanting to get this enabled.

– For both, the process would be this: user wanting an account sends an email asking for an account and noting the issue they face, an admin looks and verifies that they are indeed unable to make one themselves, if so they create an account with a random password and the requesting user’s email address, then the admin would send the information to the user and request the user then login and change the password on the new account.

– The play begins with Harry Luckless wanting a relationship with his landlady’s daughter Harriot.

– Anyone wanting to send an email to this user can then use the built-in email function.

– Upon arrival to the historical site of Vergina and wanting to try the local delicacies, Silvestri came across the plant of aubergine.

– Yet when he saw the apparatus, the patient showed anxiety, and accused him of wanting to give him an electric shock.

– Holmes, wanting more playing time, signed with the Kansas City Chiefs.

– When he wakes up, even though he knows Hell is a dangerous place, he decides to go to Hell, wanting to make a harem of demon girls in the real world.

– It is also visited by people wanting to fish, sail and water ski.

– Other issues are Myalgiasore muscles, feeling tired, headache, and not wanting to eat.

– Not wanting to hurt anyone, Elsa runs away and makes her own palace for herself.

– Now he is not wanting to ever try again.

– It is also a starting point for people wanting to see Cooktown, QueenslandCooktown, Cape York Peninsula, and the Atherton Tableland.

– It was established in 1911 as a school for Chinese graduates wanting to go further with their studies at universities in other countries, especially the United States and the UK.

– Many people think that anorexia is caused by wanting to be thin like models in magazines.

– Not wanting to be taken into the sunlight, the bike uses its brake lever to cut off the priest’s fingers.

– The mockup is – for my liking, at least – too MonoBookish, and that’s something to leave behind if the WMF are wanting to give the place a new look.

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