“servant” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “servant”:

– His servant is Puck.

– An African former indentured servant who settled in Virginia in 1621, Anthony Johnson, became one of the earliest documented slave owners in the American colonies.

– Willem Jacob “Molly” Geertsema was a Dutch civil servant and politician.

– Between 1990 and 1993, the senior civil servant was Horst Köhler who went on to become Federal President in, 2004.

– After some journeys through Germany he worked as civil servant for the Danish government till 1829.

servant - sentence examples
servant – sentence examples

Example sentences of “servant”:

– The story is about the hero Belmonte, helped by his servant Pedrillo, who tries to rescue his beloved Konstanze from the seraglio of the Pasha Selim.

– He says to Tom that he can be his servant and go with him to London to sort out his inheritance.

– Like before, God talked about how good his servant Job is.

– Soura is a servant of Nongban.

– Gríma Wormtongue, a spy and servant of Saruman, is cast out.

– It is the story of a civil servant who falls into the trap of corruption.

– Fuat Oktay is a Turkish politician, civil servant and academic.

– Diamonds are the ruling class of the Gem Homeworld, served by servant Pearls.

– Christians believe that Jesus was a suffering prophet and that this was like what happened to Jeremiah in chapters 37–44, as well as to the suffering servant described in the book of Isaiah Chapter 53.

- The story is about the hero Belmonte, helped by his servant Pedrillo, who tries to rescue his beloved Konstanze from the seraglio of the Pasha Selim.

- He says to Tom that he can be his servant and go with him to London to sort out his inheritance.
- Like before, God talked about how good his servant Job is.

– On August 15, 1914, while Wright was working in Chicago, Julian Carlton, a male servant from Barbados who had been hired several months earlier, set fire to the living room of Taliesin and murdered seven people with an axe as the fire burned.

– Diana made a group of three with two other Roman deities: Egeria the water nymph, her servant and midwife helper; and Virbius, the god of the woods.

– It is about a lonely servant in the home of a doctor.

– In the movie, Lucario is a servant to Sir Aaron in a Renaissance-themed city called Cameron Palace.

– Then, after climbing the mountain of Carmel and asking his servant seven times if he saw anything above the ocean, the servant answered him at the seventh time–“A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.” And Elijah told his servant to inform Ahab to go home, because a big rainstorm was coming.

– Hassan’s father Ali is a servant to Amir’s father.

More in-sentence examples of “servant”:

- John Milton was an English peopleEnglish civil servant for the English Commonwealth Government.

- In the winter of 1621 Martin, his wife, son and servant became ill and died.

– John Milton was an English peopleEnglish civil servant for the English Commonwealth Government.

– In the winter of 1621 Martin, his wife, son and servant became ill and died.

– Rose Perica Mofford was an United StatesAmerican civil servant and politician.

– Oliver Batali Albino was a South Sudanese politician, civil servant and writer.

– Cleomenes and Dion want the king to marry again, but Leontes believes no woman would be as good as Hermione, and his servant Paulina agrees.

– Leonardo also remembered his other pupil Salai and his servant Battista di Vilussis, who each received half of Leonardo’s vineyards near Milan.

– Christopher Martin left on “Mayflower” in company with his wife Mary, his servant John Langmore and his stepson Solomon Prower.

– He was named in honour of Sir Humphrey Appleby, a civil servant character on British televsion.

– However, every night her servant unpicks the work of the previous day.

– Her father was Thomas Kilner, a public servant and landowner.

– So Samuel went back and listened, and when he heard God calling, “Samuel! Samuel!” he said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3: 10 NIV Then the Lord told Samuel that he would destroy Eli’s family because of Eli’s sinful sons.

– Susan Maree Ryan was an Australian public servant and politician.

– The ministry has two “parliamentary permanent secretarypermanent secretaries”, Gerd Müller, CSU and Ursula Heinen, CDU, and the top civil servant is Gert Lindemann.

– Both the man with the iron mask, and the servant of Fouquet were transferred to Exilles, which is only away.

– He started his career as a civil servant in Paris in 1961.

– The hero of the story is Greatheart, the servant of the Interpreter, who is a pilgrim’s guide to the Celestial City.

– After that, a servant says that Birnam Wood is moving, but Macbeth doesn’t believe him, so the servant shows him.

– She worked as an indentured servant from the age of eight to the age of eighteen.

– King Cyrus is said to be God’s servant also to bring about the release of the Jews from exile in Persia.

– Sutopo Purwo Nugroho was an Indonesian civil servant and academic.

– He was a servant of the Mirashi landlords, who lost his life because of his loyalty.

– Anne Maree Plunkett is an Australian public servant and diplomat.

– A servant saves them.

– God tells Satan about his servant Job and how good he is.

– On Geryon’s island, Herakles killed the two-headed dog Orthos and the servant Eurytion, who tried to help the dog.

– In this play, Puck is a servant to the Fairy King, Oberon.

– Jane O’Meara Sanders is an American civil servant and educator.

– Gríma, son of Galmod, called Wormtongue, was at first servant of King Théoden.

– A servant ties Leporello to a chair.

– One of Childers’ sons, also called Erskine Childers Erskine was a UN civil servant and Secretary General of the World Federation of United Nations Associations.

– He was a former civil servant of the European Commission.

– She becomes a servant in the school.

– The theories that see the prisoner as a servant also have their weaknesses: Even though he was imprisoned, he had a comfortable life.

– They believe that both Jesus and Muhammad were ordinary men, chosen by God to be his servant and teach the word of Islam.

– The other servant was Edward Leister.

– When she is asleep, he tells his servant Puck to put a love potion in her eyes.

– She is regarded by the Roman Catholic Church and venerated as a Servant of God.

– From then onwards, both Fouquet’s servant and Dauger were separated from Caumont.

– A simple servant would have been killed, and no one would have cared about his comfort.

– Later British Prime Ministers stated that Hollis was a loyal servant of the Crown, and that a great injustice had been done to him by the Pincher and Wright books.

– He fell in love, and sent his servant Skírnir to woo her for him, but Gerðr refused to marry the god until Skirnir threatened to kill Gerðr with Freyr’s sword and damage her lands.

– Rao entered the service of the central government on the Planning Commission of India before returning to Andhra Pradesh and becoming the state’s Chief Secretary, the highest-ranking civil servant in a state.

– So, the very basic question: Even if he was a civil servant at the commission for elections, where are sources can be found.

– Baron Bomburst is last seen when a huge battle occurs in his castle by an ambush lead by Caractacus Potts, Bomburst’s loyal servant The Toymaker, the children of the villagers, and Truly Scrumptious.

– With this, Elijah was showing the king that in Israel, a king was only a servant of the real king, God.

– On 19 December 2009, Pope Benedict XVI gave formal permission for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to issue the decree regarding “the martyrdom of Servant of God, George Popiełuszko, diocesan priest; born on 14 September 1947 in Okopy Suchowola “.

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