In sentence examples of “evidence”

How to use in-sentence of “evidence”:

– No verifiable evidence of the existence of the game.

– Most of the sources are not reliable or don’t give clear evidence of notability.

– From the nineties on, new archaeological evidence from Northern European prehistoric cultures was put forward on the influence and expansion of Kurgan cultures.

– However, not all paleontologists found the evidence conclusive, and a study in 2007 by Roach and Brinkman suggests that the “Deinonychus” may have actually displayed a disorganized mobbing behavior.

– There is genetic evidence that shows it is probably a true fox.Wozencraft W.C.

– In the book Huxley gives evidence for the evolution of man and apes from a common ancestor.

– A series of events can provide evidence to provide or support a precise date.

In sentence examples of evidence
In sentence examples of evidence

Example sentences of “evidence”:

- In the United States, a grand jury decides whether a suspected criminal should have a trial based on how much evidence there is.

- First, it provided a great deal of evidence that evolution has taken place.

– In the United States, a grand jury decides whether a suspected criminal should have a trial based on how much evidence there is.

– First, it provided a great deal of evidence that evolution has taken place.

– The earliest certain evidence of human control of fire was found at Swartkrans, South Africa.

– Maurer also claims that Margaret appeared to accept York’s protectorship and asserts there is no substantial evidence to back up the long-standing belief that she was responsible for the Yorkists’ exclusion from the Great Council following Henry’s recovery.

– Preliminary evidence from unit activity in the freely-moving rat.

– To prevent a possible war between species, K is secretly tasked with finding the child and destroying all evidence related to it, leading him to discover that the child bears a connection to missing blade runner Deckard.

– The evidence consists of feather impressions, or convincing skeletal or chemical evidence.

– But there is not enough evidence to see which earlier group the pterodactyloids arose from.

– Because of the monsoon climate very little evidence of the earliest inhabitants remains.

– Mannheim’s sociological theorizing has been the subject of many book-length studies, evidence of an international interest in his principal themes.

– He is most remembered for a story about his alleged murder, which was linked to his reliance on the corrupt family of Hugh le Despenser, which has been seen by some as evidence of his homosexuality.

– The results suggested no evidence of fish traveling through blade areas.

– Fidell said that the book “suggested the procedure is a sham; if a case like that can get through then the of evidence against someone would for the governments, even if there’s a mountain on the other side.” Panel ignored evidence on detainee.

– More recent evidence suggests that the workers who built the pyramids were paid and well-cared for.

– On the structure of the Palaeozoic seed “Lagenostoma lomaxi”, with a statement of the evidence upon which it is referred to “Lyginodendron”.

– Let’s stop randomly changing the simple word ‘film’ when there is no evidence that it confuses anyone learning the language.

More in-sentence examples of “evidence”:

– Your defamatory claim no 3- An online news channel presented several evidence against him, requested his info under RTI, the navy rejected his claim.

– Cytogenic evidence for asexual evolution of bdelloid rotifers.

– Molecular evidence for species-level distinctions in Clouded Leopards.

– As of 2010, there is not enough evidence to recommend for or against either honey or nasal irrigation.

– However, there is a range of documented, archaeological, and anecdotal evidence supporting the hypothesis that Earhart and Noonan found Gardner Island, uninhabited at the time, landed the Electra on a flat reef near the wreck of a freighter, and sent sporadic radio messages from there.

– All evidence does seem to point to a disruptive editor pushing a personal objective and PoV.

– There is no known date of foundation, but there is evidence of teaching as far back as 1096.

– The first recorded evidence of people living in the Faroe Islands was written in the 9th century.

– Turner and colleagues interpreted the presence of feathers on “Velociraptor” as evidence that the ancestors of dromaeosaurids could fly, making “Velociraptor” and “Deinonychus” secondarily flightless.

– His odd last will and testament on the hotel stationery was entered as evidence in support of his mistress and the case was well-publicized.

– The evidence suggests that there were large changes around Lake Texcoco in terms of the balance between water and land plants, C3 and C4 plants, saline, alkaline and freshwater conditions, volcanic activity, reworking of lake sediments, and input from the drainage basin throughout the late Pleistocene and late Holocene.

– There is little evidence of human occupation during the subsequent Ipswichian interglacial between around 130,000 and 110,000 years ago.

– Alexander Street Evidence Based Acquisition.

– This law also regulates among other, pay, pensions, privilege to refuse to give evidence and the legal position of Hamburg judges.

– Category entries not supported by evidence should be removed, IMO.

– At the hospital, police can collect Evidence evidence from the victim and his/her clothing.

– Hiding bodies in water is popular with perpetrators because evidence is washed off.

– The ranges of the two species may have overlapped, and genetic evidence suggests that they interbred.

– There is no evidence that Saint Patrick owned the bell but the Irish have believed for 1400 years that the bell belonged to Saint Patrick.

– Genetic evidence shows that all the native fruit fly species in Hawaii have descended from “a single ancestral species” that came to the islands, about 20 million years ago.

– On February 26, 2004, thousands of pieces of evidence from the shooting were shown at the Jeffco fairgrounds in Golden.

– The oldest known written evidence of Zbečník dates to the 15th century.

– The expert will look for evidence about the crime.

– Vestigiality is evidence for evolution, since they only make sense if evolution has occurred.

– The Court held that while Congress had broad lawmaking authority under the Commerce Clause, the power was limited, and did not extend so far from “commerce” as to authorize the regulation of the carrying of handguns, especially when there was no evidence that carrying them affected the economy on a massive scale.

– In Book XI of “The Golden Ass” by Apuleius, we find evidence that the worship of this god was maintained in Rome at least up to the 2nd century.

– While there has been a great deal of guessing over the cause of the toxic algae bloom, there is no evidence that it is being caused by pollution or that there has been an increase in the length or frequency of red tide outbreaks.

– This is in dispute, as genetic evidence suggests they may be an ancient sister group to all other living arthropods.

– The plastids are thought to have a common origin with the chloroplasts of dinoflagellates, and evidence points to an origin from red algae rather than green.

– This date is given based on evidence at the time: for more detail see below – 26 March 1827 in Vienna; pronounced “LUD-vig vahn BAY-TOH-ven” was a GermanyGerman composer.

– In the trials, players will use the evidence to find contradictions.

– The geological timescale was developed during the 19th century based on the evidence of biostratigraphy and faunal succession.

– Most of the 168 post holes held wooden posts, although Cunnington found evidence that a pair of standing stones may have been placed between the second and third post hole rings.

– Archaeological evidence shows that Upper Egyptian culture replaced the Buto-culture at the delta when Upper and Lower Egypt were unified.

– However, there is no physical or archeological evidence for Jesus, and all the sources we have are documentary.

– Schlafly asked for the evidence and Lenski refused to hand him the samples since Schlafly is not enough of an expert.

– Before running away, they built a farmhouse for a watchman and sloughed over the ground to try to hide the evidence of their genocide.

– It indeed did that, finding evidence that 3 Billion years ago there was once water and a life-supporting environment.

– The strongest evidence we have is one manuscript which says that the poem was written by ‘Willielmi de Langlond’, son of ‘Stacy de Rokayle, who died in Shipton-under-Wichwood, a tenant of the Lord Spenser in the county of Oxfordshire’.

– However, this led to protests from several former prisoners and political leaders who saw it as a way of erasing the evidence of their persecution.

– They can find out from the evidence that Minnie was the murderer, and they appear to empathize with her situation.

– Not sure where you’re getting that having silverlocked articles damages our reputation or is a “very minor problem”; zilcho evidence for that.

– After his escape, Andy poses as Randall Stephens, withdraws the laundered money from several banks, and mails the ledger and other evidence of the corruption and murders at Shawshank to a local newspaper.

– Thomas Potts, the clerk, wrote that after hearing the evidence many of those in court were persuaded of the accused’s guilt.

– Finding reliable evidence of welfare fraud is notoriously difficult.Mathieu Lefebvre, Pierre Pestieau, Arno Riedl, Marie Claire Villeval: CESifo Working Paper 3408, April 2011.

– Schmidt and Adam Riess led the High-z Supernova Search Team which found evidence that the Universe’s expansion rate is now accelerating.

– In Japan, Miyo has evidence that should stop the corruption in her town, but soon she finds not only her life in danger, but those of her family as well.

- Your defamatory claim no 3- An online news channel presented several evidence against him, requested his info under RTI, the navy rejected his claim.

- Cytogenic evidence for asexual evolution of bdelloid rotifers.

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