How to use in-sentence of “equator”

How to use in-sentence of “equator”:

+ Each one stays above the equator at a set longitude.

+ The orbit of Amalthea has an Orbital eccentricityeccentricity of 0.003 and an inclination of 0.37° relative to the equator of Jupiter.

+ Many species take long annual migrations every year, crossing the equator or circumnavigating the Earth in some cases.

+ This is causing the equator to bulge outward because of Centrifugal forcecentrifugal effects, and, as a result, there is a variation of temperature across the star’s photosphere that reaches a maximum at the poles.

+ The orbit of Thebe has an orbital eccentricity of ~0.018 and an inclination of ~1.08° relative to the equator of Jupiter.

How to use in-sentence of equator
How to use in-sentence of equator

Example sentences of “equator”:

+ At sea level near the equator it is hot.

+ At the poles, the celestial equator is parallel to the horizon.

+ As Earth spins around itself, centrifugal force forces the equator out a little and pulls the poles in a little.

+ Dark spots may disappear when they move too close to the equator or possibly through some other unknown way.

+ The Cold Tongue Index measures how much the average sea-surface temperature in the central and eastern Pacific near the equator varies from the annual cycle.

+ It is similar to a “squashed” sphere, with the radius at the equator slightly larger than the radius at the poles.

+ Tropical depressions that should intensify into a tropical cyclone between the Equator and 25°S and between 160°E – 120°W are named by the Fiji national weather service.

+ Jamaica is between latitudes 17° 42″N and 18° 31″N and longitudes 78° 22″W and 76° 11″, that is between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer.

+ An observer standing on the Earth’s equator visualizes the celestial equator as a semicircle passing directly overhead through the zenith.

+ During anaphase, the sister chromatids split apart and move from the cell’s equator to the poles of the cell.

+ It is hot near the equator of the Earth.

+ They found their distance north and south of the equator by measuring the distance of the sun and stars above the horizon.

+ When a tropical low intensifies into a tropical cyclone between the equator and 10°S and between 141°E- 160°E then it will be named by the Papua New Guinea’s national weather service.

+ As a result of the Earth’s axial tilt, the celestial equator is inclined by 23.4° with respect to the ecliptic plane.

+ Forests can exist from the equator to near the polar regions, but different climates have different kinds of forests.

+ He observed that the ecliptic plane is inclined with respect to the celestial equator and more accurately calculated the length of the tropical year.

+ For it, the Earth is cut up into 180 circles, from the Equator at 0°.

+ The exact day and time when this happens depend on how far away from the equator it is being measured.

+ The longer period of sunshine, greater the quantity of solar radiation will be received by a portion of earth.For example, at the equator the length of days and nights is 12 hours in all the months but the tropics of Arctic and Antarctic sunshine duration varies between 0 and 24.

+ Imagine the Earth’s equator extended out to an infinite distance.

+ At sea level near the equator it is hot.

+ At the poles, the celestial equator is parallel to the horizon.
+ As Earth spins around itself, centrifugal force forces the equator out a little and pulls the poles in a little.

More in-sentence examples of “equator”:

+ The Equator is another great circle.

+ When a tropical depression intensifies into a tropical storm to the north of the Equator between the coastline of the Americas and 140°E then it will be named by the NHC.

+ The equator is numbered 0 degrees.

+ The equator is a line which is not real drawn around a sphere or planet, such as the Earth.

+ Altman was professor of statistics in medicine at the University of Oxford, founder and Director of Centre for Statistics in Medicine and Cancer Research UK Medical Statistics Group, and co-founder of the international Equator Network for health research reliability.

+ This is because it is very near the equator and the warm Indian Ocean.

+ The radius of the semi-major axis of Earth at the equator is 6,378,137.0 meters resulting in a circumference of 40,075,161.2 meters.

+ It is exploring Gale Crater, which is near the equator of Mars.

+ Tropical Depressions intensifying into tropical cyclones in all other areas between 90°E and 160°E as well as the Equator and 40°S are named by the Australian national weather service.

+ This means the mass of an object will remain at wherever it is on the earth’s surface, but if it is moved from the equator to the North Pole, its weight will grow by 0.5% because of the increase in the earth’s gravitational field.

+ However, the moons’ near circular orbits and low inclination relative to the Martian equator are not in agreement with the capture hypothesis.

+ Unlike the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere, countries around the equator do not experience the four seasons, and the climate is usually very humid.

+ The sun is directly overhead at solar noon at the equator on the equinoxes; at Tropic of Cancer on the winter solstice in December.

+ Icebergs are made over very cold waters at either pole, while waters at the equator are pretty warm.

+ Nauru’s climate is hot and very humid year-round because of its proximity to the equator and the ocean.

+ Several genera extend north of the equator into Indochina and the Philippines.

+ The equator divides the surface into the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.

+ Should a tropical low intensify into a tropical cyclone between the Equator and 10°S and between 141°E and 160°E are assigned names by the Tropical Cyclone Warning Center in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

+ The intensity of the field is weakest near the equator where it is horizontal.

+ However, in hotter countries such as those near the equator room temperature can be as high as.

+ The intersection of the Equator and Prime Meridian is in the gulf.

+ Geosynchronous also includes orbits that are not above the equator, but since every orbit goes around the center of the Earth, the satellite must spend an equal amount of time north of the equator as it does south of the equator, so it appears to slide up and down when viewed from the Earth.

+ It is a few degrees south of the equator and is landlocked.

+ The Fundamental plane fundamental plane divides the hemispheres and defines the baseline for the latitudinal coordinates, similar to the equator in the geographic coordinate system.

+ Everything north or south of the equator is designated either as north latitude or south latitude.

+ Normally, the habitat of the African golden cat is in the tropical rainforests found along the equator in Africa.

+ Altair spins rapidly, with a velocity at its equator of about 286km/s.

+ In other words, it is a projection of the terrestrial equator out into space.

+ At some latitudes, such as about two-thirds of the way from the equator to the south pole, visible features of the atmosphere move much faster, making a full rotation in as little as 14 hours.

+ Groups closer to the equator typically produce more melanin, and thus have darker skin to protect from the increased solar radiation.

+ It is between the Equator and the Tropic of Cancer.

+ Areas far from the equator get less sunlight than areas near the equator, and the human body requires sunlight to make vitamin D for itself.

+ The celestial equator is a term in observational astronomy.

+ The equator divides the earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.

+ The Japan Meteorological Agency names tropical cyclones should they be judged to have 10-minute sustained windspeeds of 65km/h, to the north of the equator between the 180° and 100°E.

+ Thyone is about 4 kilometres in diameter, and orbits Jupiter at an average distance of 21,406,000 km in 639.803 days, at an inclination of 147° to Jupiter’s equator with an orbital eccentricity of 0.2526.

+ The equator is halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole.

+ The scope of this article is limited to the Pacific Ocean to the north of the equator between 100th meridian east and the 180th meridian.

+ This is because of the shape of the Earth: the circumference around the Equator is greater than around the poles.

+ Similarly, the celestial sphere is divided by projecting the equator into space.

+ The parallel 36°30′ north is a circle of latitude that is 36 and one-half degree degrees north of the equator of the Earth.

+ Maritime influences such as ocean currents also play a major role in determining how far from the equator trees can grow.

+ The first meaning was one ten-millionth of the distance between the Earth’s equator and the North Pole along the Paris meridian.

+ This table lists all the storms that developed in the northwestern Pacific Ocean west of the International Date Line and north of the equator during 2013.

+ It is a map style that has areas near the equator appear to be smaller than they are.

+ When a tropical depression intensifies into a tropical cyclone between the Equator and 10°S and between 90°E – 125°E, it will be named by the Indonesian Weather Service.

+ Predictions of Titan’s clouds are that during in a Saturnian year, liquid moves from the equator to the poles, in clouds, and falls as rain.

+ When a tropical depression intensifies into a tropical storm to the north of the Equator between 140°W and 180° it is named by the CPHC.

+ One species just crosses the equator in southeast Asia.

+ The Equator is another great circle.

+ When a tropical depression intensifies into a tropical storm to the north of the Equator between the coastline of the Americas and 140°E then it will be named by the NHC.

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