Use in sentence of “sit”

How to use in-sentence of “sit”:

+ A chair that nobody could sit on has no use-value, and cannot be a commodity unless it has an ornamental value.

+ This had two wheels the same size so that the rider could sit at a lower height.

+ Most noticeably appearing on statues and landmarks, they also sit on the likes of many less elaborate medium such as rock or pots.

+ When quotation marks sit next to periods and commas, there are two styles of punctuation.

+ And I have to sit down and watch everyone fighting because I am dead.

Use in sentence of sit
Use in sentence of sit

Example sentences of “sit”:

+ After that, black people were able to sit wherever they wanted to on the bus.

+ People called him “”One Shot” because he did not make people sit for a long time when he took their photos.

+ Ben-Oni Ardelean started a career in politics in 2008 when he ran for a place in Romania’s Senate, followed by a bid for a sit in the European Parliament in 2009, both on behalf of the National Liberal Party.

+ In face-to-face games, a convenient table size is from 32 to 40 inches square In online computer play, players from anywhere in the world sit at a virtual table.

+ According to Koyaji about Phoenix, he does not sit on the ground, but whenever he sits on the ground, he dances on one foot.

+ The current station platforms sit astride the channel connecting Millwall Dock to the West India Docks.

+ At the end of primary school, all students sit for a standardized exam called Kenya Certificate of Primary Education.

+ After Prime Minister Gough Whitlam was dismissed he refused to sit for the traditional portrait which is done of Australian Prime Ministers.

+ In Conservative Judaism, women are seen as equal to men and are allowed to sit with the men when attending synagogue, whereas in Orthodox Judaism for example, women are expected to sit in a different area.

+ She would sit at a distance, appearing to nibble at grass and leaves, while making occasional glances at the gorilla family.

+ This was Edgar Kaufmann’s favorite place to sit before the house was built.

+ In the last moment of the season, Sid finds Cassie and they sit together and hold hands.

+ On a Floorless Coaster riders sit with no floor underneath them, so their feet can swing freely just above the track.

+ It is also a help to find the correct place to sit at the piano.

+ Teammates sit next to each other, and use opposite colored pieces.

+ After that, black people were able to sit wherever they wanted to on the bus.

+ People called him ""One Shot" because he did not make people sit for a long time when he took their photos.

More in-sentence examples of “sit”:

+ In response the city of Montgomery passed a law allowing black passengers to sit anywhere on the buses.

+ He would not let marine officers to sit as members of the criminal court.

+ Hiranyakashyap ordered his sister to sit on a burning fire along with Prahlad.

+ Both sit at Parliament House in the state capital, Sydney.

+ There are six more levels of seats called box seats where groups of people can sit together.

+ Traditionally the nave has long benches for the congregation to sit on.

+ Shuisky manages to persuade him to sit down on his throne.

+ They sit on an imaginary nest site, changing position sometimes as if real eggs were under them.

+ Now sediments of the Tethys Ocean basin and its Mesozoic and early Cenozoic strata sit high above sea level.

+ She has emerita positions at the English Language Institute and in Education and Linguistics at the University of Michigan, and at the SIT Graduate Institute.

+ Bob Dylan relates in his memoirs, “Chronicles”, how he spent time at the Center, where Young allowed him to sit in the backroom of the store, listening to folk music records and reading books.

+ Ut fringilla, urna sit amet tristique tempus, sapien tellus rutrum quam, in mattis ante lectus sit amet quam.

+ When the crew set up the MG 42, the riflemen would dig holes in the ground for the MG 42 crew to sit in.

+ A nice cup of tea and a sit down is a chance to say what you like about other people who edit processes that occurs on other pages – or, if we’re lucky, stop or avoid disputes at all.

+ The two sides of the choir sit facing one another.

+ These are lakes that are not connected to the groundwater, but sit above them.

+ They would sit at the lunch counter and politely ask to buy some food.

+ From second to final shows, if you queue a line, you can sit a seat on the second floor.

+ From the sense of ‘surrounding’ we get the Hindi word ‘aali’ which is the root of our Urdu word ‘sahaili’ meaning ‘friend of the bride’ because girlfriends sit ‘around’ the bride.

+ The organs sit in the haemocoel and are bathed in the haemolymph.

+ The world is full of morons and people trying to manipulate others, but those people don’t sit around for a year and then get their friend fr33kman to post an appeal on their behalf.

+ McNair eventually joined a sit down protest that led to him being moved to Florence High Security Prison in Minneapolis.

+ Robinson’s Hollywood acting, however, did not sit well with Dodgers co-owner Walter O’Malley.

+ I’ve got his page watchlisted, but this shouldn’t need to sit here waiting for a reply.

+ The “woodwind” sit in one or two rows behind the strings.

+ Larsen-Freeman worked at the faculty of the University of California, Los Angeles and then the SIT Graduate Institute.

+ In response the city of Montgomery passed a law allowing black passengers to sit anywhere on the buses.

+ He would not let marine officers to sit as members of the criminal court.
+ Hiranyakashyap ordered his sister to sit on a burning fire along with Prahlad.

+ It also can only sit horizontally.

+ A restaurant is a place where cooked food is sold to the public, and where people sit down to eat it.

+ Senators sit for eight years, and elections are that either a third or two-thirds are up for election every four years.

+ The pickups are magnetic devices that sit below the strings.

+ If you win the lottery, you do not have to sit side by side for a long time.

+ A food court, also called a food hall, is an area inside of a building which has a number of different restaurants and snack bars located around a single area where people sit at.

+ Each flower has five veiny sepals and in the center of the flower sit numerous stamens and ten to fifteen petals deep yellow or orange in color.

+ Most generators will start the first paragraph with “L”orem ipsum dolor sit amet” ” and then words selected from its word list according to model sentence and paragraph structure rules, so as to approximate the distribution of English word, sentence and paragraph lengths.

+ Each Bishop had a throne where he could sit when priests and people came to him.

+ Adult frogs sit in trees, smaller plants, and rice fields, sometimes in groups.

+ For example, a candle will just sit there and nothing happens.

+ Early construction plans by the Washington Department of Highways had a set of 25-foot-deep girders to sit beneath the roadway.

+ After a cup of tea, and after getting him to promise to be quiet and sit in a corner, McCartney brought the man to the recording session.

+ Cosimo built public buildings and when he had a palace built for himself, he had long stone seats built along the walls for the poor and the elderly to sit on.

+ The Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, government ministers, and the shadow ministers, sit at a large table in the centre.

+ Not one to sit by the sidelines, Xue decided to open a hot pot business in a bid to fund his singing ambitions.

+ Living in Africa, sex orientations have always been limited to being male or female, in the recent past, other orientations such as being transgender are slowly coming up even though it does not sit in well with the norms of that society.

+ They can come in different colors from brown to green and parts of their skin turn yellow if they sit in the sunlight.

+ Two children sit on the seesaw, one at each end.

+ The owners didn’t want the black people to sit there because they didn’t like the color of their skin.

+ Meet the frog that can sit on a thumbnail.

+ So, I’ll just sit here neutral.

+ A desk is a piece of furniture where someone can sit and write, often with drawers or other places to put books, papers, and other things.

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