“flow” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “flow”:

+ Each of the panels in turn features a series of switches that make it possible to control the flow of electricity.

+ This was to help lessen pressure from the flow of water when the river was in flood.

+ Pakistan has been afraid that India could stop the flow of rivers that start in Indian-controlled Kashmir and flow into Pakistan.

+ Through the beating movement of the flagella, water flow is maintained and directed through the body.

+ The Rideau and Gatineau Rivers flow into the Ottawa River here.

+ Six rivers flow within the district: Penner RiverPenna, Chithravathi, Vedavathi, Papagni, Swarnamukhi, and Thadakaleru.

flow some ways to use
flow some ways to use

Example sentences of “flow”:

+ Gustave Flaubert uses the river as a metaphor or image to describe the flow of time.

+ Liquids flow along the curves of the static mixer and also are separated by the smooth sides of the mixer.

+ Terrain affects surface water flow and distribution.

+ Cities developed along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers which flow through the region.

+ Near the border with Bangladesh the Farakka Barrage controls the flow of the Ganges by diverting some of the water into a feeder canal which has link with the Hooghly river to keep it relatively silt-free.

+ They can have a lot of energy and bounce wildly like in gases; have less energy and flow like a liquid; or have even less energy like a solid.

+ Gustave Flaubert uses the river as a metaphor or image to describe the flow of time.

+ Liquids flow along the curves of the static mixer and also are separated by the smooth sides of the mixer.

+ The Laplacian represents the flux density of the gradient flow of a function.

+ During the wet season the rivers from Queensland flow towards the lake through the Channel Country.

+ In 1728 when the rivers Timiş and Bega were canalized, Timiş stopped to flow through the city.

+ Resistance is how much the circuit resists the flow of the charge.

More in-sentence examples of “flow”:

+ It is named after the two main rivers which flow through the district, the Rhine and Neckar.

+ Xenoliths may be covered in the margins of a magma chamber, torn loose from the walls of a flow of lava or picked up along the ground by flowing lava on Earth’s surface.

+ Surface tension creates the sheet of water between the flow and the hand.

+ Zinc more readily loses electrons than copper, so placing zinc and copper metal in solutions of their salts can cause electrons to flow through an external wire which leads from the zinc to the copper.

+ Sometimes this may not apply such as a flow involving a chemical reaction.

+ Axial-flow compressors are normally used in high flow applications, such as medium to large gas turbine engines.

+ Countries have followed the direction determined by the flow of their literature.

+ He was also the first to record microscopic observations of muscle fibers, bacteria, spermatozoa and blood flow in small blood vessels.

+ The Dart begins at Dartmeet where the separate rivers East Dart and West Dart flow into each other.

+ Two rivers flow through the town: the Isumi River and the Yōrō River.

+ The Seoul Fringe Festival focused on a new flow of Asian independent artists.

+ It is the direction of blood flow that is important.

+ On the other side of the watershed, the rivers River Tyne, EnglandTyne, Tees, Swale, Calder, Aire, Don, and Trent flow east to the North Sea.

+ The endometrium leaves the uterus as the monthly flow of blood.

+ These flow into Pakistan and are used for irrigation there.

+ Rankin developed a considerable following during the 70s with a steady flow of albums, three of which broke into the Top 100 of the Billboard Album Chart.

+ This allows the current to flow along the material from hole to hole but only in one direction.

+ An ammeter is a measuring tool used to measure the flow of electric current in a circuit.

+ The rivers both flow just outside the middle of the village.

+ Its flow varies from 100 to 20,000ft³/s at Comilla.

+ Water flow in rivers and streams is normally confined to channels  which are depressions or scours in the land surface that contain the flow.

+ When the two plates are connected to a current meter with a wire, electric current will pass; this is because oxidation and reduction reduction processes take place in this chemical reaction turning the zinc plate to a negative electrode and the copper plate to a positive electrode, and so the electrons flow from zinc to copper.

+ It can flow like a liquid when it is slowly stretched and will “melt” into a puddle over a long enough period of time, and so shows properties of non-newtonian liquids.

+ Various barriers to gene flow can occur.

+ It is named after the two main rivers which flow through the district, the Rhine and Neckar.

+ Xenoliths may be covered in the margins of a magma chamber, torn loose from the walls of a flow of lava or picked up along the ground by flowing lava on Earth's surface.
+ Surface tension creates the sheet of water between the flow and the hand.

+ The Severn’s drainage basin area is, excluding the River Wye and the River Avon which flow into the Severn Estuary.

+ In fact, below Friant Dam, a dam built in the 1940s on the San Joaquin River, 95 percent of the river’s flow is dry.

+ It is possible to connect an electrical device to a circuit so that electrical current will flow through a device.

+ The stepped appearance of the rocks was caused by their varied resistance to the flow of water.

+ Other rivers that flow into the bay are the Barracote and the Yabón.

+ The function of the flow is probably to speed up transport of molecules and organelles around the cell.

+ Each new page is a new frame, but the text is able to flow through KWord’s ability to link frames together.

+ Cyclomatic complexity is computed using the control flow graph of the program: the nodes of the graph correspond to indivisible groups of commands of a program, and a directed edge connects two nodes if the second command might be executed immediately after the first command.

+ Static discharge is excess charge that is neutralized by a flow of charges from or to the surroundings.

+ It can have capital flow in and out based on what the company is doing and also what the competitors are doing.

+ It blocked the flow of the Hunza River for five months.

+ Electric power may flow through several substations between generating plant and consumer, and may be changed in voltage in several steps.

+ If there was some gene flow between the populations, these adaptations could spread to the rest of the species.

+ This makes sure the charge does not flow too fast and damage the components.

+ Incidentally, blood doesn’t flow in arthropods the same way it does in us because they don’t have blood vessels.

+ This is a list of the major rivers that flow through Ukraine.

+ It is based on arpeggios which flow from one hand to the other.

+ This neutralises the pressure from the charge trying to flow back out.

+ It can flow like a liquid on long time scales.

+ In 1944 the flow was less than 1,000 megalitres.

+ The bond forms because the adhesive is soft enough to flow to the adherend.

+ They flow out from the mountains in all directions.

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