“continuous” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “continuous”:

+ This is a record of continuous score in Japan national team.

+ Interpolation is a process which constructs a continuous function from a set of points.

+ They also have the longest continuous fossil record of any primate.

+ The Cascades are part of the “American Cordillera”, the almost continuous spine of mountains which runs right down the western side of the Americas.

+ It used to be thought that each gene on DNA coded for a single protein in a continuous strip.

continuous example in sentences
continuous example in sentences

Example sentences of “continuous”:

+ There have been continuous developments since May 2005.

+ Albert Einstein’s work with the photoelectric effect and Max Planck’s work with black body radiationblackbody radiation did not work with the traditional view of light as a continuous wave.

+ Soil, ocean, forest and the atmosphere all store carbon and this carbon moves in a continuous cycle.

+ The fire alarm sound can either be a continuous metal bell, a horn or a two-tone siren.

+ Allied troops were tired from weeks of continuous fighting and supplies were very low.

+ In continuous chasing between Bourne and the killers, he notices that some unknown big power threatens his existence.

+ Actually, there are three types of continuous verbs in Dutch.

+ The Great Rift Valley is a name given to the continuous geographical trench, about 6,000 kilometres in length, that runs from northern Syria in Southwest Asia to central Mozambique in East Africa.

+ These printers usually do not use cartridges, but have a continuous supply of ink that could last for a long time.

+ To encourage the involvement of the community and to ensure the continuous practice of the hudhud in its social-cultural context, the Hudhud Perpetual Award was created and launched in 2006.

+ Hot solid objects produce light with a continuous spectrum, and hot gasses emit light at specific wavelengths.

+ There have been continuous developments since May 2005.

+ Albert Einstein's work with the photoelectric effect and Max Planck's work with black body radiationblackbody radiation did not work with the traditional view of light as a continuous wave.
+ Soil, ocean, forest and the atmosphere all store carbon and this carbon moves in a continuous cycle.

More in-sentence examples of “continuous”:

+ After continuous debates regarding the origin of the polo, an Italian author Fulvio Cinquinni settled the doubt once and for all.

+ Conversely, a continuous migration of Bangladeshis between 1971 and 1995 led their population increasing to more 1.6 million.

+ It is an important part of the world’s oldest continuous cultural tradition,Australian Indigenous art, australia.gov.au:, accessdate: October 4, 2015 based on totems and the Dreaming.

+ He was hospitalized in late summer of 2013 from a continuous lung infection.

+ Rather, it is a progressive process, with a continuous series of states of decreasing consciousness.

+ For a tilting-siphon rain gauge, the rainwater in a collector displaces a float so that a marking pen attached to the float makes a continuous trace on the paper.

+ The fault continues on the North American side of the North Atlantic Ocean, but is no longer part of a continuous fault.

+ Their dorsal fins are continuous and long.

+ In the last two centuries, the Istrian Italians, who were the majority of the population of Istria under Napoleon, have been in continuous ethnic fighting with the Slavs of Istria.

+ Now physicists were dealing with things too small to see, things that did not produce continuous spectra, and were trying to find a way to at least get clues from what they already knew that would help them find the laws of these small and gapped-out light sources.

+ The Julian date is a continuous count of days and fractions elapsed since the same initial epoch.

+ Meanwhile, the gunslinger and former Lupin Family bodyguard Daisuke Jigen is engaged in the continuous search for the Lupin III, who is the last descendant and survivor of the massacre from the Maccarone Family, an international crime syndicate.

+ This means that if a continuous function’s sign changes in an interval, we can find a root of the function in that interval.

+ During a pole’s winter, it lies in continuous darkness, chilling the surface and causing the Deposition.

+ The essence of the event is to lift a barbell from the platform to locked arms overhead in a smooth continuous movement.

+ The piano accompaniment is very difficult to play because the right hand has continuous repeated octaveoctaves which describe the galloping of the horse in the wild, stormy night.

+ That is used for continuous automatic display for close viewing.

+ The hair fiber is composed of a cuticle that is continuous with the root sheath, an intermediate cortex, and an inner medulla.

+ Patients with brain injuries acquired in explosions often develop sudden, unexpected brain swelling and cerebral vasospasm despite continuous monitoring.

+ They are continuous digging machines in large-scale open cast mining operations.

+ Tests are continuous in this area.

+ Lamborghini found that Ferrari’s cars were equipped with inferior clutches, and required continuous trips to Maranello for rebuilds; technicians would secret the car away for several hours to perform the work, much to Lamborghini’s annoyance.

+ China has one of the world’s oldest civilizations and has the oldest continuous civilization.

+ The normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is very important in many fields of science.

+ Mill also sought to define the “nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual” and as such, he describes an inherent and continuous antagonism between liberty and authority and thus, the prevailing question becomes “how to make the fitting adjustment between individual independence and social control”.

+ Standard-size printers with a continuous ink supply are also available.

+ After continuous debates regarding the origin of the polo, an Italian author Fulvio Cinquinni settled the doubt once and for all.

+ Conversely, a continuous migration of Bangladeshis between 1971 and 1995 led their population increasing to more 1.6 million.

+ The Lalon Shah Bridge has some of the deepest concrete piles in the world and the longest continuous segmental deck in the world, erected by using the balanced cantilever technique.

+ They all deal with problems of the apparently continuous nature of space and time.

+ In the 19th century, a committee of historians traced the founding of the University back to 1088, which would make it the oldest continuous university in the world.

+ A basic way to know if a function is continuous is to use a pencil or your finger.

+ The coastal exposures along the coastline provide a continuous sequence of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous rock formations spanning approximately 185 million years of the Earth’s history.

+ Bach did not plan the Mass in B minor as one continuous work.

+ The Pontic Greeks had a continuous presence in the region of Pontus, Georgia, and Eastern Anatolia from at least 700 BC until 1922.

+ The continuous formation of new oceanic crust pushes the older crust away from the mid-ocean ridge.

+ However this interchange arrangement is not available for all transferring passengers at Kowloon Tong StationKowloon Tong, Central, Hong Kong, Nam Cheong stations, mainly because this service is available only when there are two continuous stations shared as interchange stations by two lines.

+ This purpose implies that tajdid is a continuous effort by Muslims always to explain Islam and make it applicable in continually changing situations without violating its principles.

+ Tinnitus can be loud or quiet and it can be continuous or occasional and some people will not notice their tinnitus but some people become very annoyed from it, especially when then feel tired or stressed.

+ The threat has increased over time due to the slow but continuous rise in high water level over the centuries caused by post-glacial rebound.

+ From the beginning, the SOS distress signal has actually been a continuous sequence of three-dits/three-dahs/three-dits, all run together without letter spacing.

+ He wanted continuous music so that the mood would not be broken.

+ These events included the independence of African countries from colonial rule, the expulsion of Asians from Uganda, the independence of Central Asian countries such as Tajikistan from the former Soviet Union and the continuous turmoil in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

+ Some of the scenes are joined by continuous music, and some of this is often played separately in concerts.

+ The Masonic Theater is the oldest theater in America in continuous use.

+ The British infantry, exhausted from the continuous cannonade they had received all day, rose to meet them.

+ A “band” of frequencies is a continuous range of frequencies; the band of frequencies people can hear is from 20Hz to 20,000Hz.

+ A large, fully connected set of the White House allows the producers to create shots with very few cuts and long, continuous master shots of staff members walking and talking through the hallways.

+ And it is something else than tutoring, because the teacher gives continuous support when they prepare teaching.

+ Almost everything that had already been learned about light and energy had been done with large things like burning candles or suns, and those large objects all produce continuous spectra.

+ Another Central Asiatic people to make Punjab their home were the Hephthalites, who engaged in continuous campaigns from across the Hindu Kush, finally establishing their rule in India in the fifth century.

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