Use in sentence of “leave out”

How to use in-sentence of “leave out”:

+ Optionally, you can leave out name=XXX and the template will use the page’s name for the name, i.e.

+ In modernist literature, an author may leave out plots or narrative or characterization in books.

+ The list prepared for Seti I, has 76 kings from the First Dynasties to the Fourteenth, but leave out the Hyksos rulers and those linked to Akhenaten.

+ That way, paraphrasing may leave out sections of text, or add other sections that explain these concepts.

+ You should leave out the parameter is unnecessary, too.

+ Also check if I should leave out something I have added.

+ There are genera which some biologists leave out of the family.

Use in sentence of leave out
Use in sentence of leave out

Example sentences of “leave out”:

+ These rules leave out information that is not important so that a single rule can cover many situations.

+ If I leave out the track listing and infobox, this is a one-sentence article.

+ These differences come from the fact that certain religious communities include those parts they find important and leave out other parts they think are less important.

+ What should I include and what should I leave out to get this through GA and VGA? I want to produce a good, simple, interesting, informative article for our 21st century readers, but I don’t have a model.

+ What should I include and what should I leave out to get this through GA and VGA? I want to produce a good, simple, interesting, informative article for 21st century 8th grade readers.

+ For example, some servers may leave out the adult groups.

+ Add “size=frameless” to display just the picture on its own if this is desired; otherwise leave out the parameter so the frame and caption will be included.

+ Scientists think mRNA vaccines are safer than other vaccines because it is easy to make only the mRNA that makes the germ’s proteins and easy to leave out the part of the mRNA that makes the harmful parts of the germ.

+ These and other attempts, do not capture all aspects of music, or leave out examples which definitely are music.

+ These rules leave out information that is not important so that a single rule can cover many situations.

+ If I leave out the track listing and infobox, this is a one-sentence article.

+ More specifically, almost all historians leave out the year zero from the proleptic Gregorian calendarproleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars, but astronomers include it in these same calendars.

+ Unless specified, facts and figures in the article refer only to the states and federal district, and leave out the territories.

+ I did leave out some that seemed to me to be personal opinion not based on any kind of policy or procedure, because that does not need to be taken into account.

+ It would not have needed to leave out kings for religious reasons.

+ The movements that have been formed in countries such as Cuba or China are much like Scouts; they leave out some elements though, that the national governments thought would harm the country.

+ If we try to pair them up, we always leave out one animal.

+ If this is too difficult to figure out, or you are in a hurry, then leave out the time, and only put in the date.

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