“landslide” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “landslide”:

+ An example of a landslide victory is when Ronald Reagan won the 1984 United States presidential election by winning 49 out of the 50 states.

+ By 1906, the Conservatives had another split, this time about the issue of ‘tariff reform’ and as a result, the party was defeated in a landslide at the 1906 General Election by the Liberal Party.

+ Labour won a landslide victory in the 1997 general election, which ended 18 years of Conservative rule with the heaviest Conservative defeat since 1832.

+ At least 162 people were killed in a landslide in a jade mining site in the PhakantHpakant area of Kachin state in Myanmar on 2 July 2020.

+ He lost in a landslide to Leahy.

+ However, that all changed after the UDP won a landslide victory in the 2006 Municipal elections and eventually took control of the government realms in the 2008 Belizean general election on 7 February 2008.

landslide - example sentences
landslide – example sentences

Example sentences of “landslide”:

+ The Republicans in Maine supported him for governor in the same year, and he won a landslide victory.

+ It was a time of national prosperity, and Smith lost in a landslide to Republican Herbert Hoover.

+ He led Labor to a landslide victory in the 2016 Northern Territory election.

+ Nixon was re-elected by a landslide in 1972 with most Americans approving of him, but soon after, Nixon’s reputation would be destroyed and most Americans would disapprove of him.

+ He was reelected in a landslide victory in 2006, becoming the first Bulgarian president to serve two terms.

+ Pritzker beat Rauner in the election in a landslide victory of 52% to 39%.

+ He was re-elected in a landslide in 2010.

+ In 1984, Reagan won in a major landslide by winning 49 out of the 50 American states.

+ It was called “the quiet landslide” by the media, as the Labour Party was re-elected with another landslide result and only suffered a net loss of 5 seats, with lower turnout of 59.4%, compared to 71.3% in the previous election.

+ The deposit is an olistostrome, a very large underwater landslide possibly caused by an earthquake some time after 614 million years ago.

+ He was re-elected in a landslide victory in 1984.

+ The Republicans in Maine supported him for governor in the same year, and he won a landslide victory.

+ It was a time of national prosperity, and Smith lost in a landslide to Republican Herbert Hoover.
+ He led Labor to a landslide victory in the 2016 Northern Territory election.

More in-sentence examples of “landslide”:

+ Ardern was re-elected in the 2020 general election in a landslide victory.

+ His party won a landslide victory in the 1967 state elections.

+ Public support for Contreras indicated that he was going to win his Constituency with a Landslide victory.

+ The earthquake caused at least one major landslide in Shizuoka.

+ Economy Landslide of 2009.

+ In July 2011, the King won a landslide victory in a referendum on a reformed constitution he had proposed to placate the Arab Spring protests.

+ The biggest reason for a landslide is that there is a slope and material goes down the slope because of gravity.

+ During the election cycle, Andrés Manuel López Obrador was the leading candidate and would eventually win in a landslide victory.

+ A landslide includes a wide range of ground movements, such as Rock rock falls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows.

+ He won the election in a landslide victory winning 432 votes to his rival Wajihuddin Ahmed’s 77 votes.

+ The Hamburg elections of 29 February 2004, ended with an unprecedented landslide victory for Ole von Beust and the CDU, with the party achieving absolute majority in the city-state’s parliament.

+ Unfortunately, the economic landslide of 2009 reduced the grains per answer back down to 10.

+ His decision came after Musa led his party into a landslide loss in the 2008 Belizean general election over the opposition, the United Democratic Party.

+ However, in 2006, DeWine lost the seat in a landslide to Sherrod Brown.

+ Barrow and the UDP surge to a landslide victory in that election, winning 25 seats in the House of Representatives, 56.61% of the vote and 66,203 of the Popular Vote.

+ A landslide dam on Sichuan’s Dadu River burst and caused a flood on 10 June 1786.

+ One of these deaths was the result of a landslide that killed a man in Xalapa, Veracruz.

+ This is the height of the north peak after the landslide of December 1991 which took 30 meters off the top and also turned the summit into a knife-edge ridge.

+ Despite the landslide victory for the Democrats, the Republicans gained two seats in the State Senate, making a 24 Democrat, 24 Republican tie in the senate, and increased their lead in the house of 57-44.

+ Awami League’s Sheikh Hasina won the elections with a landslide victory and took oath of Prime Minister on the 6th January 2009.

+ Despite this landslide victory, it was actually Clinton’s 20th largest margin of victory by percentage points in the 76 community areas she won.

+ He was the co-founder and first Secretary Generalsecretary-general of the People’s Action Party, and led the party to a landslide victory in 1959.

+ Thatcher was re-elected for a third term with another landslide in 1987, but her following support for the Community Charge was very unpopular, and her more EuroscepticismEurosceptic views on the European Community were not shared by others in her Cabinet.

+ In 1979, she was elected Prime Minister, and won a Landslide victorylandslide re-election in 1983 after victory in the 1982 Falklands War and the recovering economy brought a revival of support.

+ It returned to power in 1906 with a landslide victory.

+ Throughout the season it is anticipated that the race will be close, but a stellar performance by Bartlet in the sole debate between the candidates helps give Bartlet a landslide victory in both the popular and electoral vote.

+ Incumbent Prime Minister Ardern was re-elected with a Labour landslide victory.

+ Carter lost his re-election bid to Ronald Reagan in a landslide victory.

+ However unlike Marin’s previous landslide win in 2008.

+ Corbyn was elected party leader in a landslide victory on 12 September 2015 with 59.5% of first-preference votes in the first round of voting.

+ Reagan won the election in a landslide victory with 3,742,913.

+ In the 1997 General Election, the Conservatives were defeated in a landslide and lost all of their Scottish and Welsh seats.

+ At least five deaths have been confirmed in these areas: three children died after being buried by a landslide in Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte, while two others drowned in the same province.

+ During the second round, Macron beat Le Pen by a Landslide victory with 66% of the vote to LePen’s 34%.

+ McConnell was the only Republican Senate challenger to win that year, despite Ronald Reagan’s landslide victory in the presidential election.

+ The incumbent President of PortugalPresident, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, was reelected in a landslide victory with 60.7% of the vote.

+ He won the general election in a landslide victory replacing retiring Senator Orrin Hatch.

+ The end of the Second World War saw a landslide General Election victory for Clement Attlee and the Labour Party.

+ The election result was a landslide Conservative victory.

+ The landslide killed twenty people.

+ A landslide claimed a life of a person in Monkayo, Compostela Valley, while three girls were reported missing in the area.

+ However, Johnson lost the general election in a landslide victorylandslide to Democratic incumbent Martin Heinrich.

+ During the second round, Macron beat Le Pen by a Landslide victory with 66% of the vote to Le Pen’s 34%.

+ At that time, it flowed over the landslide dam, completely submerging lower Shishkat and partly flooding Gulmit.

+ Reagan was United States presidential election, 1984re-elected in 1984 in a landslide victory.

+ With the landslide defeat of Zapatero in the November 2011 selections, Chacón resigned the Defense Minister’s post to Pedro Morenés in December 2011.

+ The latest election in the state of Bavaria led to a landslide victory of the conservatives, gaining not just the majority, but two thirds of parliamentary seats.

+ The landslide victory was because the pro-slavery side protested the vote.

+ Ardern was re-elected in the 2020 general election in a landslide victory.

+ His party won a landslide victory in the 1967 state elections.

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