In sentence use of “formidable”

How to use in-sentence of “formidable”:

+ TPLF and the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front were formidable allies during the civil war, but then Ethiopia and Eritrea could not agree on where the border was after Eritrea’s independence.

+ This was based on Animal shellbody armour and/or formidable claws.

+ Frequently blunt and outspoken, Head has a formidable reputation for speaking his mind to both employees and the press, making him a highly popular figure in the sport.

+ Manuel, the dynamic Mamikonian, had rallied a formidable national force for action.

+ In 1743, his paternal grandmother, Françoise-Marie de Bourbon the formidable Dowager Duchess of Orléans, and Louise Élisabeth de BourbonLouise Élisabeth, Dowager Princess of Conti arranged his marriage to his seventeen-year old cousin, Louise Henriette de Bourbon.

+ He played three 24-game world championship matches against the formidable Botvinnik, drawing the first in 1954, winning the second in 1957 but losing the return match in 1958.

In sentence use of formidable
In sentence use of formidable

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