“computed” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “computed”:

– This width must be computed with the aid of image processing software to measure the amount of white space.

– Eratosthenes went further and computed the tilt of the Earth’s axis to within a degree.

– It allows the time between any two dates in history to be computed by simple subtraction.

– However determining a limit for a given precision on how accurate results needs to be computed before a correctly rounded result can be guaranteed may demand a lot of computation time.

– Arrays are useful because the element indices can be computed at run time.

– He is best known for his work on X-ray computed tomography.

computed some ways to use
computed some ways to use

Example sentences of “computed”:

– On the opposite, Cascading Style SheetsCSS and SVG do not define any specific maximum precision for numbers and measurements, that are treated and exposed in their Document Object Model and in their Interface-description-language interface as strings as if they had infinite precision, and do not discriminate between integers and floating point values; however, the implementations of these languages will typically convert these numbers into IEEE-754 double floating points before exposing the computed digits with a limited precision.

– However, operations 1 and 2 do not depend on any other operation, so they can be computed simultaneously.

– Flory taught another advantage of performing the experiment at the theta point: the chain dimension in polymer melts would have the size computed for a chain in ideal solution.

– For a given amount of confusion and diffusion, an SP network has more “inherent parallelism” and so — given a CPU with many execution units — can be computed faster than a Feistel network.

– The term “array” is often used to mean array data type, a kind of data type provided by most high-level programming languages that consists of a collection of values or variables that can be selected by one or more indices computed at run-time.

– It returns the computed local time in 24-hour format.

– The “n”-volume of an “n”-parallelotope embedded in can be computed by means of the Gram determinant.

– Recent studies of his body using Computed tomography scannerCT scans and DNA tests show that he had two children, but they died very young.

– So far, all of the computed nontrivial zeros are on the critical line.

– He went to Hubei Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital for treatment and a computed tomography scannershowed that his lungs were white and there were signs of lung infection.

– The fitness of a string is a measure of the value of the encoded problem solution, as computed by a problem-specific evaluation function.

– The energy of a photon can be computed from its frequency ν or wavelength λ.

– It may also be done to indicate the accuracy of a computed number; for example, a quantity that was computed as 123,456, but is known to be accurate only to within a few hundred units, is better stated as “about 123,500”.

- On the opposite, Cascading Style SheetsCSS and SVG do not define any specific maximum precision for numbers and measurements, that are treated and exposed in their Document Object Model and in their Interface-description-language interface as strings as if they had infinite precision, and do not discriminate between integers and floating point values; however, the implementations of these languages will typically convert these numbers into IEEE-754 double floating points before exposing the computed digits with a limited precision.

- However, operations 1 and 2 do not depend on any other operation, so they can be computed simultaneously.
- Flory taught another advantage of performing the experiment at the theta point: the chain dimension in polymer melts would have the size computed for a chain in ideal solution.

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