Use the word “divide”

How to use in-sentence of “divide”:

– Today we usually divide sonnets into English or Shakespearean sonnets and Italian or Petrarchan sonnets.

– This value is estimated as ×10^-26kg/m³ and it’s calculated when you take the matter-energy density of the universe and divide it by the matter-energy density of the universe that is required to achieve that balance.

– They divide and differentiate into a range of cell types.Research in the stem cell field grew out of findings in the 1960s.

– Eventually, the two zoos agreed the female should come to Changsha and that they would divide up and share the baby turtles.

– The Assembly began to divide into different political parties.

– This great feature is sometimes called the Continental Divide of the Americas.

– He is one of only five players to ever play for both Rangers and Celtic, and one of only two to ever cross the divide twice.

– It is called a divider because it is used to divide a distance in two, using geometry.

Use the word divide
Use the word divide

Example sentences of “divide”:

– Most of the capsaicin in a pepper is found in the interior ribs that divide the chambers of the fruit, and to which the seeds are attached.

– If the abnormal cells do not invade, but just divide and swell up their original tissue, this is not called “cancer”.

– This never happened, and so scholars divide the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic as two different, distinct periods of the history of Rome.

– These divide to form smaller and smaller tubes called bronchioles.

– To divide up the number of jelly beans equally, however, one would use the mean.

– The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguaçu.

– For centuries, it formed part of the historic counties of Englandancient county divide between Lancashire and Cheshire.

– As people who study spiders make more progress they divide things in new ways.

– Other countries, like England, do not divide anthropology in the same way.

– However, a genetically based taxonomic classification shows the genetic differences are not enough to divide us into separate families.

- Most of the capsaicin in a pepper is found in the interior ribs that divide the chambers of the fruit, and to which the seeds are attached.

- If the abnormal cells do not invade, but just divide and swell up their original tissue, this is not called "cancer".

More in-sentence examples of “divide”:

- To do so with long division, we need to split 780 into digits -- 7 and 8 and 0 -- and then divide each one by 4, carrying any remainders to the next step.

- Many rich countries charity projects by non-profit associations or communities or projects for schools in poor countries, for example One Laptop Per Child, to fight the digital divide and to make a culture involving internet and other technologies.

– To do so with long division, we need to split 780 into digits — 7 and 8 and 0 — and then divide each one by 4, carrying any remainders to the next step.

– Many rich countries charity projects by non-profit associations or communities or projects for schools in poor countries, for example One Laptop Per Child, to fight the digital divide and to make a culture involving internet and other technologies.

– Parenchyma is composed of living cells that retain the ability to divide and hence play a key role in several developmental processes, as well in plant response to wounding.

– This means that one calculates the mean by adding up all the values, and then divide by the number of values.

– This is because it was the line of the Missouri Compromise, which was used to divide the slave and free states west of the Mississippi River, with the exception of Missouri, which is mostly north of this parallel.

– In 2013 and 2016, he won the Tour Divide ultra-endurance Mountain bike racingmountain bike race across the Rocky Mountains in Canada and the United States.

– The acronyms for the order of standard operations are GEMDAS or PEMDAS, which means Grouping/Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiply Divide and Add Subtract.

– You can see that the unit “code” is basically the abbreviated unit name, and a dot to divide dimensions.

– Elisha picked up Elijah’s cloak and used it to divide the water in the river of Jordan: so this cloak symbolized that Elisha had now taken Elijah’s place.

– Well, assume now that “p” does not divide “a”.

– The singers will divide into two groups and sit facing one another on either side of the choir area in the “choir stalls”.

– Another is the problem “given two numbers x and y, does x evenly divide y?”.

– The 2007 Across the Great Divide tour featured Powderfinger and Silverchair playing concerts across Australia to help promote Reconciliation Australia, a charity that tries to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians.

– Mitochondria divide by binary fission similar to bacterial cell division.

– To calculate the area of a trapezoid, you must add the two parallel sides together, divide that by 2, then times that by its height.

– If there were three pieces of bread, it would be possible to make one cut along a plane to divide each of bread into two equal pieces.

– Algal cells are sometimes destroyed in the course of nutrient exchange, though the algal cells divide and replace them.

– Hand in hand with keeping them therefore is devising a plan to handle the stubs, even if only to divide them into subcategories so that we know the basic subject matters.

– On the tour, called the Across the Great Divide tour, the band played shows in lots of cities in Australia and New Zealand.

– To divide the prize money, a two game rapidplay match was won by Short 1½ndash;½.

– With “split window mode”, “users” can divide their channel window into 2, one for chat messages and one for “commands” like joins/parts/mode changes.

– The Greater Caucasus divide Europe from Asia.

– There are scenic views of the straits that divide the Upper and the Lower peninsulas of Michigan.

– States divide their territory into counties, or something similar with different name, which are not sovereign.

– There are problems in Meghalaya arise from the divide between tribals and non tribal settlers, identity issues and growing corruption besides the fear of being reduced to minority by native tribals.

– The cells of fruit flies usually do not divide after the imago is hatched.

– He wants to divide his kingdom between his three daughters.

– The neighborhood began to divide along racial and economic class lines.

– In this case the digital divide creates other problems.

– Digital divide is the gap between parts of the world where access to technology is very different.

– They have changed permanently into specialised cells and have lost the ability to divide and specialise further.

– Using several times the lemma that we just proved, we can see that “p” must then divide at least one factor “b” of “B”.

– As separate amoebae, they feed and divide normally.

– The general calculation for determining disease rate is to divide the number of cases or health condition by the number of population at risk during a specific period of time, and multiplying that by 100.

– The love of money is the root of all evil, but also the divide between right and wrong.

– Another way to work this out is to divide both sides of the ratio 20:500 by 20.

– Montesquieu’s philosophy that “government should be set up so that no man need be afraid of another” prompted the creators of the Constitution to divide the U.S.

– The Christian part of the empire became much more advanced than the Muslim part, and the divide created tension.

– There are many varieties of balkline, but all divide the table into marked regions called “balk spaces”.

– Hayflick showed that a population of normal human fetusfetal cells in a cell culture will divide between 40 to 60 times.

– In most homophonic music there are four: for example a choir will normally divide into soprano, alto, tenor and bass bass, or a string quartet will divide into violin 1, violin 2, viola and cello.

– Bars divide the piece into regular groupings of beats, and the time signatures show these groupings.

– Bacteria mostly divide by asexual cell division, but do have a kind of sex by horizontal gene transfer.

– Plant cells which are differentiated generally cannot divide or produce cells of a different type.

– Kenny Miller is the first player in the modern era to cross the Old Firm divide twice, having played for Rangers then Celtic, then moving back to Rangers.

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