How to use the word “superficial”

How to use in-sentence of “superficial”:

+ Furthermore, people who use a cell phone tend to have more superficial communication.

+ A ‘solid’ geologic map of an area will usually show the rock that would be exposed at the surface if all soil or other superficial deposits were removed.

+ Many psychopaths are charming and often manage to have superficial ties with other people.

+ One of the earliest critics of Malthusian theory was Karl Marx who referred to it as “nothing more than a schoolboyish, superficial plagiary of De Foe, Sir James Steuart, Townsend, Franklin, Wallace” and others, postulating that progress in science and technology would allow for indefinite exponential population growth.

+ Ornithomimidae is a group of theropod dinosaurs which bore a superficial resemblance to modern ostriches.

+ The word “pedicure” refers to superficial cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails.

How to use the word superficial
How to use the word superficial

Example sentences of “superficial”:

+ Purbeck marble is found at outcrop, or beneath superficial cover, all the way across the Isle of Purbeck.

+ This condition is most common in superficial veins which involve the legs.

+ At heart, their anatomy is similar, despite many superficial differences.

+ Because of its superficial extension, population and for its economic characteristics, it is considered to be a Special Municipality.

+ It has been criticised over the years for being over-the-top, superficial and frivolous; in such a way, the term has even been used derogatively in various points of history.

+ Some people did not like it because of the superficial coverage of some historical events.

+ The mudpuppies, “Necturus”, are fully-aquatic salamanders which are not closely related to the axolotl but bear a superficial resemblance.

+ Inquiry should determine whether the pain is superficial or deep – whether it occurs primarily at the vaginal outlet or vaginal barrel or upon deep thrusting against the cervix.

+ In geology, Rock rock or superficial deposits, lithologies can be used to correlate one stratigraphic column with another.

+ Its body shape had a superficial resemblance to modern-day lizards.

+ Such melting can take place near a hotspot, resulting in a mixture of magma from the depths of the hotspot with superficial magma produced by a mantle plume.

+ An early form of this was the “white negro” in the jazz and Swing swing music scenes of the 1920s and 1930s; as seen in the 1957 “The White Negro: Superficial Reflections on the Hipster”.” It was later seen in the hipster of the 1940s; and the beatnik and rock and roller of the 1950s.

+ Although readers loved her books because of the humor, some critics called them superficial and generic.

+ It resembles a small llama in superficial appearance.

+ On the other hand, children will want to read about the Sun but to a much more superficial level than an adult reader would also want to read about the Sun.

+ With the “Ten Rules of the Chastity Lift”, Dogme was an initiative to cleanse the film and film process of the superficial and superficial, which especially characterizes the commercial American film.

+ There is a difference between superficial analogies and profound analogies.

+ Purbeck marble is found at outcrop, or beneath superficial cover, all the way across the Isle of Purbeck.

+ This condition is most common in superficial veins which involve the legs.

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