“analogy” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “analogy”:

– Like an analogy the treatment done to the material should also be done to the target of the spell.

– The analogy in planes would be fighter planes, which need such fast reactions that the details are worked out by computer, with the pilot indicating where to go.

– A good analogy is a jar of marbles.

– The analogy would be planes.

– Kelp forests draw their name from an analogy to forests on land.

– One who makes an invalid analogy or comparison is often said to be “comparing apples and oranges”.

– A False analogy is an informal fallacy.

– The process, by analogy with “interpretatio graeca”, was termed “interpretatio etrusca” by L.B.

analogy some example sentences
analogy some example sentences

Example sentences of “analogy”:

– Shakespeare’s character’s name is pronounced, by analogy with the familiar chemical element titanium.

– Russell used his analogy in for religion.

– The North and South poles are an analogy to the positive and negative charges in electrostatics.

– There is a kind of analogy between “centrifugal force” and “gravitational force”, which led to the “equivalence principle” of general relativity.

– If we wish to find an anatomical analogy for it we can best identify it with the ‘cortical homunculus’ of the anatomists, which stands on its head in the Cerebral cortexcortex, sticks up its heels, faces backwards and, as we know, has its speech-area on the left-hand side.

– Nuclear fuel is a material that can be consumed to take over nuclear energy, by analogy to chemical fuel that is burned for energy.

– A good analogy of how physicists study particles through colliding is the car crash example.

– A good analogy is water in a mill pond.

- Shakespeare's character's name is pronounced, by analogy with the familiar chemical element titanium.

- Russell used his analogy in for religion.
- The North and South poles are an analogy to the positive and negative charges in electrostatics.

– Mario Bunge sees analogy as a main way of getting new hypotheses which can be tested.

– The “slide” analogy is a reference to the slide projector.

– The Ancient Romeancient Romans did not use this word; it was invented in the nineteenth-century by analogy with aqueduct.

– Sometimes the composition of the original mixture will give a clue, if one finds only one product or if one was trying to make a phase of a certain composition by analogy to known materials.

– The open beak of the Pelican is also associated with the ability of the deceased to leave the burial chamber and go out into the rays of the sun, possibly an analogy made between the long cavernous beak of the pelican and the tomb shaft.

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