“identity” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “identity”:

– On Facebook, even known personalities be a victim of identity theft.

– Peter gives up the Spider-Man identity to Reilly for a while until Reilly is killed by the returning Green Goblin and revealed to be the clone after all.

– Kurdish language is the most important sign of Kurdish cultural identity in Iran.

– Dissociative identity disorder, is a mental disorder.

– I am above the age of 18, and am listed on the foundation identity noticeboard.

– Using a false identity the aide was trying to convince Democrats not to support a certain candidate.

– The World Health Organization renamed Gender Identity Disorder to Gender Dysphoria in 2019.

– It is obvious that the promotional use by the Arabs of the three aforementioned maps, whose identity and originality are not clear, in comparison with 6000 maps and more than 200 historical and tourism books from Irastus to Herodotus to Estakhri and Ibn Houghal, who have all called the water body, Persian Gulf, shall lack any value.”page170 of the book and also Working Paper No.

identity example in sentences
identity example in sentences

Example sentences of “identity”:

– The multi-product platform offers payment solutions and money movements, financial data and tools for risk measurement, as well as products for the management of customer validation processes, identity verification instruments, fraud prevention, etc.

– Women in the US had a cultural identity with the British and also grew ornamental gardens.

– Mimikyu is one of the strangest Pokémon as its true identity is hidden under the disguise it has on.

– Some modern identity documents are smart cards including a difficult-to-forge embedded integrated circuit that were standardized in 1988 by ISO/IEC 7816.

– Problems in Meghalaya arise from the divide between tribals and non tribal settlers, identity issues and growing corruption besides the fear of being reduced to minority by native tribals.

– The therapy without informed consent is medical abuse and Article 18 of the Yogyakarta Principles prohibit to “care” any sexual orientation and gender identity though any therapy including this.

– Batman has a trusty sidekick Robin whose identity has been taken up by various heroes, usually his wards.

– These meanings are not mutually exclusive; for instance, the identity permutation is the identity element in the set of permutations of under composition.

– The Bourne Identity The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and The Bourne Ultimatum, starring Matt Damon, premieres were all hosted at The Egyptian Theatre.

– The episode does not show her true identity until she regenerates into River Song after being shot by Hitler.

- The multi-product platform offers payment solutions and money movements, financial data and tools for risk measurement, as well as products for the management of customer validation processes, identity verification instruments, fraud prevention, etc.

- Women in the US had a cultural identity with the British and also grew ornamental gardens.

More in-sentence examples of “identity”:

– Second, if you are a celebrity or not, being victim of an identity theft is shocking.

– The additive inverse property is somewhat like the opposite of the additive identity property.

– Her identity was revealed to public on July 14, 2003; that ended Plame’s career with the CIA, from which she resigned around December 2005.

– For example, experts have looked into adopted people’s identity problems – their idea of self.

– The identity of Jack the Ripper is unknown.

– This leads to Sullivan and Costigan each trying to find the other’s identity before his own cover is blown.

– Homosexuality is illegal in the TunisiaRepublic of Tunisia and the law does not include sexual orientation or gender identity in its civil rights laws and there is no legal recognition for same-sex couples.

– She refuses to reveal her identity to the police, and signs a confession with the letter “X”.

– The additive identity property states that the sum of any number and 0 is that number:.

– These are small “transponders” that will transmit identity information over a short distance, when asked.

– The aim of this was to protect the identity of the “pagadi”.

– The terms describe the focus of attraction with no need to credit a sex assignment or gender identity to the person.

– Astourian, “In Search of Their Forefathers: National Identity and the Historiography and Politics of Armenian and Azerbaijani Ethnogeneses” in Nationalism and History: The Politics of Nation building in Post-Soviet Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

– When he was first imprisoned, the identity of the man was given as “Eustache Dauger”.

– The following section introduces you to the natural National Identity Elements of Pakistan.

– In “The Uses of Enchantment child psychologist Bruno Bettelheim discusses Goldilock’s struggle to grow beyond her Oedipal issues to confront adolescent identity problems.

– During the World Martial arts tournaments he adoptes the identity of Jackie Chun.

– The Preamble tells of human rights violations because of sexual orientation and gender identity and explains what sexual orientation and gender identity are.

– New features include SONAR and the Norton Identity Safe.

– In mathematics, a formula can also be an identity which equates two mathematical expressions together.

– These include Fugue statedissociative fugue, depersonalization-derealization disorder, and dissociative identity disorder.

– But humans themselves do not have different features like wolves or birds do, so giving the identity of an animal to the clan makes its member distinctly different.

– Most of modern-day Pakistani nationalism is centered around a common Indo-Iranians/Indo-Iranic identity and heritage of 99% of the population.

– Gibson reveals he is French; he stole the identity of the dead British soldier he buried, hoping to be evacuated with the British.

- Second, if you are a celebrity or not, being victim of an identity theft is shocking.

- The additive inverse property is somewhat like the opposite of the additive identity property.
- Her identity was revealed to public on July 14, 2003; that ended Plame's career with the CIA, from which she resigned around December 2005.

– Krip hop expresses disability identity politics.

– He makes the ambiguity of his identity vital to his needs, solving to kill Trish and Buccairatti’s group when they opposed him.

– The second season opens with Hawk Moth’s identity being revealed as none other than Gabriel Agreste.

– Trevor Slattery is a washed-up British actor handpicked by Aldrich Killian to fake the identity of the Mandarin of the Ten Rings.

– This is less of a problem when the identity of the sample’s origin is fully protected, but troubling in the case of Henrietta Lacks.

– It is obvious that the promotional use by the Arabs of the three aforementioned maps, whose identity and originality are not clear, in comparison with 6000 maps and more than 200 historical and tourism books from Irastus to Herodotus to Estakhri and Ibn Houghal, who have all called the water body, Persian Gulf, shall lack any value.”Historical, Geographical and Legal Validity of the Name: PERSIAN GULF.

– Around this time, Klima had been secretly investigated Kitami’s identity and learned that he was a undercover ISP agent.

– He did not want his true identity known, because an appearance on an amateur show could have hurt his comedy career, when he was already well-known.

– The last person to have known the identity of this prisoner was probably Michel Chamillart, one of the ministers of the government of Louis XIV.

– See also p.284 n.2: “Indeed from Weber’s “Freischütz” one can date the beginning of musical Romanticism.” especially in its national identity and stark emotionality.

– The earliest identity document was written into law by King Henry V of England with the Safe Conducts Act 1414.

– Character strings also form a monoid over concatenation with the empty string “” as the identity element.

– Unlike the Western Roman Empire, the most important language was Greek languageGreek, not Greek culture and identity dominated.

– Black then reveals his true identity and says he’s in fact the present Zamasu who switch bodies with Goku via the Super Dragon Balls.

– By the 11th century the Pictish identity had become a part of the Scottish people.

– Barras who took care of the problematic situation today and I’m also aware that there are other nominees even currently running, but as a member of the community who has already confirmed his identity with the Foundation, I believe that I’ll be able to make a net positive impact in the field of oversighting, given the chance.

– Koreans carefully consider their national identity in the Sirhak or “Practical Learning” movement of the 17th and 18th centuries, and in fashion, as in other fields, whatever was imported or influenced by foreign factors was subsequently Koreanized.

– Many people in the Republic were scared of the Separatists, so they voted to give emergency powers to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the public identity of Darth Sidious.

– Roger is known for dressing-up in many personas, so that his identity as an alien cant be known.

– After Jasmine deduces the identity from Aladdin, the Sultan decides to promote him.

– With addition, the identity element is 0, because adding 0 to some number does not change the number.

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