Use in sentence of “change”

How to use in-sentence of “change”:

+ At Kyoto University, a male student tries to change his life.

+ Inslee is known for climate change policies and for his education reforms in Washington state.

+ Furthermore, there are title parameters that change the message displayed.

+ I have requested a change here.

+ Verdi had to change the king into a duke in his story and make some other changes before the opera could be performed.

+ Chun did not try to change it so he could run for reelection in 1988.

+ They went abroad and in mid-ocean sent a wireless to the magazine to change the Bunny Hug to the ‘Foxtrot’.

Use in sentence of change
Use in sentence of change

Example sentences of “change”:

+ He was best known for his strong doubt about the state of climate change in Australia.

+ Can someone change every instance of “External links” to “Other websites” using AWB? Thanks.

+ Cuttlefish are sometimes called the chameleon of the sea because they are able to change their skin color.

+ Worried that the game series could lose its appeal to video game players if it did not change the game series much, Capcom hired a British game developer named Ninja Theory to reboot the game series with “DmC: Devil May Cry”.

+ In mid December 2015, he took part in the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

+ I’ve had a problem with not adding a summary to an edit I’ve made, but that will change from this point on with now I see it as a disturbance to other editors.

+ He also understood the importance of constantly reevaluating the market for changing tastes and mores, stating in 1907 that “tastes change, fashions change, and the advertiser has to change with them.

+ It can also be caused by a change in the osmolality of the extracellular fluids of the body, hypokalemia, decreased blood volume, and other conditions that create water deficiency.

+ He was best known for his strong doubt about the state of climate change in Australia.

+ Can someone change every instance of "External links" to "Other websites" using AWB? Thanks.
+ Cuttlefish are sometimes called the chameleon of the sea because they are able to change their skin color.

+ Editors may suggest a change to current consensus, especially to raise previously unconsidered arguments or circumstances.

+ This change is recorded by a computer, which makes it into a picture that we can see.

+ Climate change is about abnormal variations to the climate, and the effects of these variations on other parts of the Earth.

+ Modules change semi-independently of each other.

+ You can change your Sim’s aspiration whenever you want.

More in-sentence examples of “change”:

+ In early 2001, a letter signed by 24 members of Congress asked that WMATA change the name of the station.

+ If you know that you’ve chosen a weak password, or if you’ve chosen a password that you are using somewhere else, please change those passwords.

+ The most common shape change is achieved by rolling itself into a ball when threatened, protecting its belly and presenting a defensive array of sharp spines.

+ Often a machine will change one form of energy to another form of energy.

+ Cormier would not change his way of thinking to please other people.

+ However, things began to change in the 1960s.

+ In 2002, Bush began to push for a regime change to take place in Iraq.

+ These colors change from pale colors during warm weather and to darker colors during cold weather.

+ An author who wants to make his computer program free must allow other people to use it for anything, study it, change it and share it without limits.

+ The pressures of a major climate change and human hunting were thought to be the main causes.

+ This was the biggest change to the federal government in 50 years.

+ Stress describes a living thing’s response to a threat or some other change in its environment.

+ Instead, change ought to be brought about in small, discrete steps.

+ The change of her name to Anna Kavan in 1940 signalled an experimental form, focussed on the ‘nocturnal language’ of dreams and addiction.

+ Such fluctuations change a country’s ranking from one year to the next, even though they often make little or no difference to the standard of living of its population.

+ The average yearly temperature is 25°C with small changes from one season to another; the average temperatures change from one region to another, from 21°C in the centre of the Cordillera Central to as high as 28°C on the coastal plains.

+ The cashier closes the drawer and gives the change and receipt to the customer.

+ Because they do not require any change or investment in stations nor much in vehicle design, diesel-electric vehicles are believed to be the most likely replacement for today’s internal combustion engine.

+ Like other sea figures, Thetis bore the gift of prophecy as well as the ability to change her shape at will.

+ Because of this, the temperature of the surface will go down and the color will change to red or orange.

+ The doctor may help them change their body if that is what they want.

+ Rodin refused to change his style.

+ The organization’s efforts continued into 2012 with a Climate Impacts Day on May 5th of worldwide series of rallies under the slogan “Connect the Dots” to draw attention to the Connectionlinks between climate change and extreme weather.

+ People who are in favor of the bill say that the police and other law enforcers need to be able to go back and look at the records of IP addresses, because these addresses can change over time.

+ In early 2001, a letter signed by 24 members of Congress asked that WMATA change the name of the station.

+ If you know that you've chosen a weak password, or if you've chosen a password that you are using somewhere else, please change those passwords.
+ The most common shape change is achieved by rolling itself into a ball when threatened, protecting its belly and presenting a defensive array of sharp spines.

+ One day, two animals visited Hwanung, begging him to change them to human beings.

+ He said the kingdom, which is mentioned many times in the New Testament of the Bible, would be based in heaven, and it would completely change the way of life for everyone in the world.

+ In June, the United States Senate ordered the military to change the names of all military bases named after Confederates, such as Fort Bragg.

+ When Turkey became a solo nation in 1920, it didn’t see a need to change this law.

+ He talks about his politicspolitical change in the essay “Why Lucky Jim Turned Right”.

+ I was looking over the article, and I noticed that this message was at the bottom of the article: “Warning: Default sort key “Sprouse, Dylan And Cole” overrides earlier default sort key “Dylan and Cole Sprouse”.” I can only find one DEFAULTSORT in the change box.

+ Unilever attempted to launch Axe in the rest of Europe but they had to change the name to Lynx because of trademark problems.

+ In the Character page, players can change their clothing and customize their character as they please.

+ A thixotropic fluid is a fluid which takes a finite time to attain equilibrium viscosity when introduced to a step change in shear rate.

+ The capillaries do not have this smooth muscle in their own wall, and so any change in their width is passive.

+ The Getty Information Institute was dissolved in 1999 as a “result of a change of leadership at the Getty Trust”.

+ I’ll change it tomorrow if no-one says anything.

+ This also marked the change of power from the House of Bourbon to the House of Orléans.

+ In a normal star, like our Sun and all other main-sequence stars, this change happens at the very center of the star.

+ Timpanists turn the taps which are around the top of their instruments to change the tension of the drum head.

+ Concord had the tenth largest numeric change in population, totaling 12,777 over 50 years, from 27,988 in 1950 to 40,765 in 2000.

+ The biological explanation is based on how the brain works and how genes change the way it works.

+ Some historians believe that this may be one of the reasons for the Soviet Union to change its political and economic policies.

+ This led to a major change in the system.

+ Thermoclines may happen only at seasons or permanently, and may change depending on where and how deep it is.

+ These rules can change and Islamic scholars have often disagreed about them.

+ However, some states refused to change their laws.

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