Make sentence of “mistletoe”

How to use in-sentence of “mistletoe”:

– The only source of information of him thus far is when he is seen as being manipulated and tricked by Loki, and therefore accidentally killing his brother Baldr by throwing a shaft of mistletoe and piercing him in the heart.

– Loki found out that the mistletoe had not vowed, and thus made a spear out of the dreaded plant, and tricked Höðr into throwing it at Baldr.

– European mistletoe played a large role in Greek mythology, and is believed to be The Golden Bough of Aeneas, ancestor of the Romans.

– According to custom, the mistletoe must not touch the ground between its cutting and its removal as the last of Christmas greens at Candlemas; it may remain hanging through the year, often to preserve the house from lightning or fire, until it was replaced the following Christmas Eve.

– According to a custom during Christmas, any two people who meet under a hanging of mistletoe are urged to kiss.

– In Romanian traditions, mistletoe is considered a source of good fortune.

– Parasitic and semi-parasitic plants, like the mistletoe are not true epiphytes.

– The mistletoe did not vow, however, as Frigg considered it to be so unimportant that she thought nothing of it.

Make sentence of mistletoe
Make sentence of mistletoe

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