“orbit” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “orbit”:

+ It could thus be that the resonance which holds Thule in a very low-eccentricity orbit serves to eject other smaller bodies whose distance from the Sun is only a bit different from that of Thule itself.

+ Scott then spent ten days in orbit as Apollo Command/Service ModuleCommand Module Pilot aboard Lunar Module Pilot Rusty Schweickart.

+ The radius is not known for certain, and may be larger than the orbit of Saturn.

+ Phobos is trapped in tidal drag, with its orbit lowering roughly 1.8 meters per century.

+ For example, it is the center of mass where two or more planets orbit each other.

+ Its orbit seemed to be changing from an almost round outer solar system orbit to a stretched orbit taking it to the inner solar system.

+ Most asteroids orbit at 2 to 3 times the distance between Earth and the Sun.

orbit how to use in sentences
orbit how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “orbit”:

+ No companions or disks of debris have been detected in orbit around it.

+ Some stars appear to be in orbit around empty space, and appear not to have a companion.

+ Sao has a very inclined and eccentric orbit seen on the diagram in relation to other non-sperical moons of Neptune.

+ In 1996, 70 Virginis was found to have an extrasolar planet in orbit around it.

+ In the second model, the six planets 581b through 581g orbit around Gliese 581.

+ They thought that the two asteroids orbit around their center of mass in 4.283±0.004 d at a distance of 680±20 km, describing a close to circular orbit.

+ It moves in a polar orbit i.e.

+ The future of the Earth will depend on many things, including increases in the brightness of the Sun, loss of heat energy from the Earth’s core and change of the planet’s orbit by the other things in the Solar System.

+ NASA spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker entered orbit around Eros in 2000, and came to rest on its surface in 2001.

+ Both are in orbit around an even more massive central object.

+ They found that the planet’s orbit lasts for 12.931 days.

+ Trojan objects do not orbit exactly at one of either Lagrange points, but do remain close to it, appearing to slowly orbit it.

+ It is very difficult to work out the orbit of a long-period comet because the orbit changes.

+ Some space telescopes, including the ones that orbit the Sun have seen huge arches of the Sun’s matter extend suddenly from the Sun.

+ Yuri Gagrin was the first man to orbit the Earth in Vostok 1, who was also from the Soviet Union.

+ The orbit needs to be above the equator.

+ Milutin Milankovitch had presented a mechanism for ice ages: it used cyclical changes in the orbit of the Earth.

+ The orbit of the Earth’s moon actually causes the tides and waves on Earth.

+ It follows a very inclined and very eccentric orbit illustrated on the diagram in relation to other irregular satellites of Neptune.

+ No companions or disks of debris have been detected in orbit around it.

+ Some stars appear to be in orbit around empty space, and appear not to have a companion.
+ Sao has a very inclined and eccentric orbit seen on the diagram in relation to other non-sperical moons of Neptune.

More in-sentence examples of “orbit”:

+ Puck’s orbit is also located between these two moons.

+ It consisted of a probe to orbit Venus which was called an orbiter and another probe that will land on Venus which was called a lander.

+ Some believe that if Bennu enters a specific hole between the earth and the moon its orbit could change in a way that would make it likely to hit Earth.

+ This meant that Themis had an orbit like the moons Titan and Hyperion.

+ Space debris is the collection of useless objects that are in orbit around Earth scienceEarth, for example broken satellites, empty rocket stages, pieces of metal, and many more.

+ The X-37 was originally designed to be carried into orbit in the Space Shuttle cargo bay, but underwent redesign to launch on Atlas V and Falcon 9 after it was determined that a shuttle flight would be uneconomical.

+ They get caught in the moons orbit and the story ends there.

+ The Boeing X-37 is an Unmanned aerial vehicleunpiloted demonstration spaceflight technologies while in orbit and during atmospheric reentry.

+ The satellite was sent into orbit on February 5, 1987.

+ The orbital angular momentum also measures how hard it would be to stop the object from continuing to orbit around the axis.

+ Under Bohr’s theory, if an electron falls from a higher orbit to a lower orbit, then it will have to give up energy in the form of a photon.

+ The orbiters took pictures of Mars from their orbit and sent information to Earth.

+ Nessus finishes one orbit around the Sun in 122.4 years, an eccentricity of 0.52 and an inclination to the ecliptic of 15.6 degrees.

+ One of them, Tau Ceti e, appears to orbit about half as far from Tau Ceti as Earth does from the Sun.

+ However, there is a rule stating that all objects orbiting outside Neptune Neptune’s orbit have to be named after a creation of mythology.

+ The word ‘orbital’ is used because it was thought that electrons behaved Bohr modelsimilarly to the solar system, where the nucleus is like the sun and the electrons orbit like the planets.

+ If Kepler-22b has a highly elongated orbit it may well only spend a small fraction of its time within this habitable zone, which would cause extreme temperature differences on the planet and make it inhospitable.

+ On 12 April 1961, Gagarin became the first man to travel into outer spacespace, launching to orbit aboard the “Vostok 3KA-3”.

+ The perihelion is the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid or comet that is nearest to the sun.

+ A quasi-satellite’s orbit around the Sun takes exactly the same time as the planet’s orbit.

+ Its orbit is a more eccentric than Hygiea but is different because Hygiea’s orbit is much more inclined and takes less time to complete one orbit.

+ The spacecraft went into orbit around Earth for roughly five months.

+ Phobos also takes only 7 hours 39 minutes to orbit Mars, while a Martian day is 24 hours 37 minutes long, meaning that Phobos can create two eclipses per Martian day.

+ The orbit of a planet is the time and path it takes to go around the Sun.

+ The Earth’s orbit takes about 365 days, this is also called a year.

+ But Kars’s obsession of killing Joseph proved his downfall, being blasted out of Earth’s orbit through a volcanic eruption and drifting into space.

+ The Milankovitch theory says the planet will continue to go into glaciation cycles because of the planet’s difference in orbit from a perfect circle, the axis of the planet tilting, and pushing of the Earth’s orbit.

+ Therefore, the Earth’s seasons come and go mainly because Earth does not rotate with its axis exactly upright with respect to the plane of our world’s orbit around the sun.

+ The orbit is not circular, and this sets up the stresses which cause the tectonic activity.

+ Bodies which orbit planets are called moons.

+ Air launch to orbit is the method of launching rockets.

+ It is the first asteroid that was known to cross inside the orbit of Mars.

+ Because its orbit could no longer be controlled, mission controllers instructed the probe to shut down.

+ All atoms themselves have these graviton particles in orbit around them.

+ The “plane of the ecliptic” is defined by the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

+ One popular theory is that the gas giant planets migrated in orbit at this time, causing objects in the asteroid belt and/or Kuiper belt to be forced into orbits which reached the terrestrial planets.

+ In 1974, it passed within only about one million kilometers of the planet Jupiter Jupiter, whose strong gravitational pull altered the comet’s orbit and brought it into the inner solar system.

+ They describe how the electrons behave and orbit the nucleus.

+ This orbit is at an inclination of 143° to the ecliptic with an orbital eccentricity of 0.2001.

+ Pluto, accompanied by its largest moon Charon Charon, orbits the Sun at a distance usually outside the orbit of Neptune except for a twenty-year period in each orbit.

+ Ijiraq orbits Saturn at an average distance of 11,100,000 km in 451 days on an orbit very similar to Kiviuq’s.

+ A satellite in a geostationary orbit moves around the Earth as fast as the Earth spins, so from the ground it looks like it is stationary.

+ In chemistry and atomic physics, an electron shell may be thought of as an orbit followed by electrons around an atom’s nucleus.

+ Planet 581d might also be caught in an orbit resonance.

+ In atoms, there is a small Nucleus nucleus in the center, which is where the protons and neutrons are, and electrons orbit the nucleus.

+ The satellite was sent into orbit on September 28, 1971.

+ Planetary systems like the Solar System would become gravitationally unbound and all planets will be separated from their orbit in about three months before the Big Rip.

+ While Shepard and Mitchell spent two days on the lunar surface, Roosa made experiments from orbit in the Command Module “Kitty Hawk”.

+ Objects in an orbit like Eros can exist for only a few hundred million years before the orbit is changed by the effects of gravity.

+ Puck's orbit is also located between these two moons.

+ It consisted of a probe to orbit Venus which was called an orbiter and another probe that will land on Venus which was called a lander.

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