“eruption” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “eruption”:

– That was the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia, which caused the 1816 “Year Without a Summer” in the northern hemisphere.

– Helens eruption released 1.2 cubic kilometres.

– Its peak rises A 1993 eruption killed nine people, including six scientists who had gone down into the volcano’s crater to take samples of gases and measure gravity in an attempt to be able to predict future eruptions.

– In 2003, Catherine Hickson, a scientist with the Geological Survey of Canada, was one of the three scientists to report on the hypothetical eruption at Mount Cayley.

– The epoch began with the K/T extinction event, caused by a combination of a meteorite strike and a huge volcanic flood basalt eruption which produced the Deccan Plateau#The Deccan TrapsDeccan Traps in what is now India.

– There last eruption happened in the first century.

– Grímsvötn is a basaltic volcano which has the highest eruption frequency of all the volcanoes in Iceland.

eruption how to use?
eruption how to use?

Example sentences of “eruption”:

– He was attempting the rescue by ship of a friend and his family from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

– Some volcanoes may show only one type of eruption during a period of activity, while others may show a range of types in a series.

– The last major eruption was in 1944.

– This eruption was the last and largest of four eruptions of Toba during the Quaternary epoch.

– The last eruption from Yōmei seamount was between 60 million, ; TenBruggencate, Jan.

– The Great Taisho eruption in 1914 connected this island to a peninsula.

– Helens in 1980 and the ongoing eruption of Montserrat in the Caribbean.

– The surface covered by one eruption can vary from around 200,000km².

– The last eruption of Haleakala happened over 200 years ago, and this lava flow can be seen between Ahihi Bay and La Perouse Bay on the southeast shore.

– That eruption of Vesuvius killed Pliny the Elder, the uncle of Pliny the Younger.

– But Kars’s obsession of killing Joseph proved his downfall, being blasted out of Earth’s orbit through a volcanic eruption and drifting into space.

– Pliny’s uncle, Pliny the Elder, helped raise and educate him and they were both witnesses to the eruption of Vesuvius on August 24th, 79 AD.

- He was attempting the rescue by ship of a friend and his family from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

- Some volcanoes may show only one type of eruption during a period of activity, while others may show a range of types in a series.

More in-sentence examples of “eruption”:

- The 1961 eruption of Queen Mary's Peak forced the evacuation of the entire population via Cape Town to England.

- By May 25, 2018, over 20 fissures had erupted lava in or near the Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens subdivisions, The eruption forced the evacuation of about two thousand residents.
- The eruption was two orders of magnitude larger than the largest known historic eruption, that of Tambora, also in Indonesia.

– The 1961 eruption of Queen Mary’s Peak forced the evacuation of the entire population via Cape Town to England.

– By May 25, 2018, over 20 fissures had erupted lava in or near the Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens subdivisions, The eruption forced the evacuation of about two thousand residents.

– The eruption was two orders of magnitude larger than the largest known historic eruption, that of Tambora, also in Indonesia.

– The radiocarbon date for the eruption is between 1627 and 1600 BC.

– Etna’s most destructive eruption in historic times started on 11 March 1669.

– For example, Jabal al-Tair had a volcanic eruption in 2007 and before that in 1883.

– It is the most active volcano in Peru with an ongoing eruption that started in August 2014 and is continuing.

– It had a Volcanic Explosivity Index of 8—greater than any eruption known in the last 10,000 years.

– Its most recent eruption was March 3 2018.

– These are often named after famous volcanoes where that type of eruption has been seen.

– On March 19, 2008, there was a small explosion in Halemau crater, the first explosive event since 1924 and the first eruption in the Kīlauea caldera since September 1982.

– The last eruption from Kimmei seamount was 40 million years ago.

– Krakatoa, best known for its catastrophic eruption in 1883, is much smaller now.

– The flows are Current currents of hot gas, or “tephra”, during an eruption that sometimes causes rock falls.

– The Oruanui eruption was a large volcanic eruption that happened 26,500 years ago at the Taupo Volcano in New Zealand.

– A scenario of an eruption of Mount Cayley shows how western Canada is vulnerable to an eruption.

– The remote location of the volcano has meant that even the most recent eruption in 1993 was not recorded until two years later.

– On the Volcanic Explosivity Index scale, the eruption was rated a five, which is the same rating of the famous Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD.

– In such an eruption the volcano’s magma chamber is empty enough for the ground above it to drop.

– Another explosive eruption at Mount Meager would also have a considerable impact on local mining and logging operations, as well as significant negative impacts on the Lillooet River fishery.

– There was a lahar after an eruption in 1985.

– In 1961, a volcanic eruption on Tristan da Cunha forced authorities to evacuate the entire population of the island to the United Kingdom.

– At La Garita Caldera in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, the 5,000km Fish Canyon Tuff was blasted out in a single major eruption about 27.8million years ago.

– The last eruption from Kōkō seamount was 48 million years ago.

– As of May 6, 2018, the eruption has caused in the destruction of 26 houses.

– The last eruption from Jingū seamount was 55 million years ago.

– A caldera that has not produced an eruption in tens of thousands of years is likely to be considered inactive.

– The last eruption from Suiko seamount was 60 million years ago.

– The first historical eruption of the volcano took place during 1718; it and the 1812 eruption produced major explosions.

– Basaltic lavas are unusual for Plinian eruptions; the most recent example is the 1886 eruption of Mount Tarawera.

– More than 100minor tremors were felt during a major eruption in April 2002, although no damage or injury was reported.

– Ash from this eruption blanketed much of the Western United Stateswestern part of what is now the United States.

– A Plinian eruption is a kind of volcanovolcanic eruption which is similar to that of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD.

– The Gran Cono was made during the eruption of AD 79.

– The massive climate-impacting Laki fissure eruption of 1783–1784 was a part of the same fissure system.

– The type of volcano depends on the location of the eruption and the consistency of the magma.

– The Toba catastrophe was the largest volcanic eruption in the last 2.6 million years.

– He was quite a distance from the sight, but close enough to see the eruption clearly.

– It is the only work by Pliny to have survived, and the last that he published, lacking a final revision at his sudden and unexpected death in the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius.

– Some volcanoes may remain dormant for a long time; and an eruption is a surprise.

– The only recorded historical eruption occurred in 1961 from a small crater on the north shore of the island.

– The last eruption of the main volcanic cone was in 1675 and all the people living in the island had to leave.

– Helens1980 eruption was the deadliest and most economically destructive volcanic event in the history of the United States.

– The most recent eruption which was this year didn’t have any injuries.

– The most recent major eruption was on 13 April 2009.

– Yellowstone is still a geologically active volcano; what means that an eruption is expected in future.

– These eruptions ranked high on the Volcanic Explosivity Index, with the Oruanui eruption ranking at an 8, and the Hatepe eruption ranking at an 7.

– Different dates have been given for its last eruption, of 28,000years ago, If the youngest date is correct, this could be the most recent volcanic eruption on the Australian mainland.

– The last eruption from Yūryaku seamount was 43 million years ago.

– Its most recent eruption was recorded in 2009.

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