In sentence examples of “planet”

How to use in-sentence of “planet”:

+ The most likely fate of the planet is being destroyed by the Sun in about 7.5billion years, after the star has entered the red giant phase and expanded to cross the planet‘s orbit.

+ The Planet Hocotate has many locations types of locations, including a and resembles Earth, but from the perspective of an insect, because Olimar and Louie are actually smaller than a quarter.

+ Anakin, meanwhile, was in his home planet of Tatooine, after dreaming of his mother.

+ Since the inner moons of Saturn are all in synchronous rotation, the planet always appears in the same spot in their skies.

+ Thanos then snaps his fingers and causes half of all living beings on every planet in the entire Universe to disappear from existence.

In sentence examples of planet
In sentence examples of planet

Example sentences of “planet”:

+ The planet is ruled by cruel Queen Yllana.

+ A planet around either α Centauri A or B would see the other star as a very bright secondary.

+ In astrology Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury.

+ If you model the way a planet goes round the Sun, it forms a plane in the shape of a ellipse.

+ As the tyrannical ruler of the planet Apokolips, Darkseid’s ultimate goal is to conquer the universe and eliminate all free will.

+ During his time in the AHL, Stafford played for Planet USA during the AHL All-Star Classic in 2006-07.

+ Also would be doing in the Tokyo Dome during three days consecutive, as part of his tour “EXO PLANET # 2-The EXO’luXion”.

+ The full title is “Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta”.

+ David Attenborough in Blue Planet II series 1:3 Coral Reefs.

+ A giant planet is any planet much larger than Earth.

+ The planet is ruled by cruel Queen Yllana.

+ A planet around either α Centauri A or B would see the other star as a very bright secondary.

+ The name Quorn has been used as a name for a crater on the planet Mars, without commemorating the town.

+ The player plays as Bill Rizer, as they try to stop and evil extraterrestrial terrorismterrorist organization Red Falcon from taking over the planet Earth and making the extinct.

+ This section documents how some minor planet parameters may be computed when they’re not directly measured.

+ This was called a planet at first; but later reclassified.

+ Observers on the sides of those satellites facing away from the planet would never see Saturn.

+ The planet Neptune’s moon, Triton, was named after the god.

+ Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System.

+ In planetary physics, it is the impact of a meteoroid on the surface of a planet and the effects of solar winds and cosmic rays on the atmosphere and surface of planets.

More in-sentence examples of “planet”:

+ Krillin learns of other Dragon Balls on planet Namek and joins Bulma and Gohan to look for them to revive their friends and bring back Earth's Dragon Balls.

+ A giant planet is a massive planet and has a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium.

+ Krillin learns of other Dragon Balls on planet Namek and joins Bulma and Gohan to look for them to revive their friends and bring back Earth’s Dragon Balls.

+ A giant planet is a massive planet and has a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium.

+ There are many factors humans on Mars will go through, such as the risks in landing on the planet within gravity wells.

+ On July 3 2012, asteroidMinor Planet “Frankkameny” was named in Kameny’s honor by the International Astronomical Union and the Minor Planet Center.

+ If both are right, humans are on a living planet in a living universe.

+ Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Solar System.

+ The Creation of Qi is a process in which consciousness pulls energy from the planet channels it through the human body.

+ Depending on the planet and its alignment to Earth, for a typical unmanned spacecraft these trips will take from a few months to a little over a decade.

+ His family is forced by the Emperor who rules the Known Universe to leave the planet Caladan and to take control of the planet Arrakis.

+ He warns everyone about his plan to turn planet Earth into a concrete parking lot.

+ Meanwhile, Obi-Wan Kenobi discovers the army of clone troopers made in the Planet Kamino, which, according to the makers, was ordered by a Jedi Master who was killed ten years back.

+ It is the first mission to an outer planet to use solar panels for power instead of a radioisotope thermoelectric generator.

+ The planet Neptune is named after this Roman god.

+ Orbital revolution is the movement of a planet around a star, or a moon around a planet.

+ Belinda is a closer moon to Uranus, a planet in the solar system.

+ Together with Didier Queloz in 1995 he discovered 51 Pegasi b, the first extrasolar planet orbiting a sun-like star, 51 Pegasi.

+ Leia is raised by Senator Bail Organa of the planet Alderaan; she is called Princess Leia Organa.

+ After exploring the underground areas of the planet and killing almost every Metroid, she fights and kills the Metroid Queen.

+ Names of other planets and stars are proper nouns and begin with a capital letter: “The planet Mars can be seen tonight in the constellation Gemini, near the star Pollux.” In cases where the name has multiple words, it is treated like other proper nouns where each leading letter is capitalized: “Alpha Centauri” and not “Alpha centauri”.

+ This is the only space probe that tried to investigate the planet from a short distance.

+ Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a 2011 American science fiction movie.

+ The planet best known to us is the Earth.

+ Burns — an observation that was reported to the Minor Planet Center but not published as an IAU Circular.

+ In 1990, the minor planet 4148 was named “McCartney” in his honour.

+ A live action television show was shown in 1974 and an animated television show called “Return to the Planet of the Apes” came out in 1975.

+ Humans cannot land on the planet because of the powerful gravity and lack of air.

+ In Voyager 2’s last visit with a planet before leaving the solar system, Voyager 2 came 3000 miles above Neptune’s north pole, the closest approach it made to any planet after it left Earth.

+ The star that the planet PSR B1257+12 B orbits is only 20 kilometers large, but VY Canis Majoris is 2.8 billion km large.

+ While it gets about as much sunlight as Earth does, the planet is probably tidally locked, This means that one side of the planet is always facing the star.

+ The platforms and elevators are guarded by creatures but each planet has a different sub-species – for example the first level’s Zub resembles a gyroscope whilst he fourth level Zub is a fish.

+ They were not able to afford any, as the planet concentrates only on money, not galactic credits.

+ It was designed to take photos of the planet Mars after an eight month journey studying interplanetary Outer spacespace.

+ The planet Neptune was discovered in this constellation by German astronomer Johann Galle, near Deneb Algedi on September 23, 1846, which is reasonable as Capricornus can be seen best at 4:00am in September.

+ Their home planet is Kashyyyk.

+ Ganymede is larger in diameter than the Mercury planet Mercury, but has only about half of its mass.

+ Every so often a planet seems to change direction and go the other way for a short period of time, making a “retrograde loop” or squiggle in its track before carrying on as normal.

+ It is the smallest planet in the Solar System, with a radius of.

+ In 1802, shortly after discovering 2 Pallas, Heinrich Olbers suggested to William Herschel that Ceres and Pallas were fragments of a much larger planet that once occupied the Mars–Jupiter region, this planet having suffered an internal explosion or a cometary impact many million years before.

+ The planet Saturn  bears his name.

+ Farnsworth is the mad scientist of the Planet Express delivery service.

+ In “Planet of Fire”, Turlough left and returned to his home planet Trion.

+ The Northern Hemisphere is the part of the planet that is north of the equator.

+ The stratosphere is one of the layers of the atmosphere of the planet Earth.

+ She comes from a planet called Lynphea.

+ It is used in the film to describe early life on planet earth with dinosaurs roaming about.

+ The Earth’s Moon is larger relative to its planet than any other satellite in the solar system.

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