Use in sentence of “morse code”

How to use in-sentence of “morse code”:

– Some amateur radio operators still use Morse code to communicate and were previously required to learn and pass telegraphy exams to qualify their licenses.

– Vail, his assistant, developed the Morse code signalling alphabet with Morse.

– On April 8 at noon, Damazyn and Russian prisoner Konstantin Ivanovich Leonov sent a message in Morse code to the Allies.

– At first they only sent Morse code but better triodes later allowed talking by radio.

– In both the April 1, 1905 German law, and the 1906 International regulations, the distress signal was specified as a continuous Morse code sequence of three-dits/three-dahs/three-dits, with no mention of any alphabetic equivalents.

Use in sentence of morse code
Use in sentence of morse code

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