“testify” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “testify”:

+ In 1997, while still in prison, Mangano was called to testify against boss Gigante.

+ Jails may also hold key trial witnesses for criminal cases, known as “material witnesses”, who have been found by a court to be unlikely to appear to testify if not detained, and people who have been charged with crimes in other states who are being held for extradition proceedings.

+ In 1990, Senators Alan Cranston invited Wu to testify before the Senate on the laogai.

+ According to the Australian media, on 15 August 2010, Charlotte Lindström agreed to return to Australia to testify in the trial of her former boyfriend’s associate.

+ In September 2004 he appeared before the United States Congress to testify that the intelligence used to show Iraq had WMDs was wrong.

+ In 2003 he refused to testify in a congressional hearing about communications he had with his then-fugitive brother.

+ Members testify of the things they know to be true and occasionally share personal stories how they gained their testimony.

+ Mental health experts may testify as to whether at the time of the crime the defendant understood what he did was wrong.

testify - some sentence examples
testify – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “testify”:

+ But seat two scoundrels opposite him and have them testify that he has cursed both God and the king.

+ In September 2004, the assault case was dropped by prosecutors after the accuser refused to testify at the trial.

+ In 1999, he was the first historian to testify against the tobacco industry.

+ There were many witnesses who wished to testify before the Senate.

+ But they may not testify to the defendant’s criminal responsibility.

+ A witness can be subpoenad, which means they are required to testify in court.

+ Honken was involved in the creation and selling of methamphetamine and one of his dealers was set to testify against him, and so Honken and Johnson murdered him along with his girlfriend and her two daughters.

+ As before there was no trial and the suspect could not testify on their own behalf.

+ Burwitz was arrested and made to testify at the Nuremberg trials.

+ On March 8, 2019, Manning was held in contempt of court by a United States District Court judge for refusing to testify to a federal grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and except for a brief period of release between May 9 and May 16 has been jailed continuously.

+ But seat two scoundrels opposite him and have them testify that he has cursed both God and the king.

+ In September 2004, the assault case was dropped by prosecutors after the accuser refused to testify at the trial.

+ On November 22, 1977, Jenner went to San Francisco to testify in court against complaints that General Mills, the makers of Wheaties, had been using false advertising about her eating Wheaties.

+ The Invincibles’ leader James Carey, Michael Kavanagh and Joe Hanlon agreed to testify against the others.

+ If the witness does not testify when given a subpoena, they can be punished.

+ Even though Lindström was given a hefty discount from her sentence because she had agreed to testify against Steven Spaliviero and two other men, the Crown appealed against the sentence as “manifestly inadequate”.

+ He cannot testify or be present while the jury deliberates.

+ Over the years, Serchuk went to Europe several times to testify in the trials of Nazi war criminals.

+ Trumbo was one of the Hollywood Ten, he refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947 during the committee’s investigation of Communist influences in the motion picture industry.

+ Superior Court order Brown to testify before the D.C.

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