Sentence example of “data”

How to use in-sentence of “data”:

+ The act did not make a difference between people who hacked for fun from people who hacked to steal data or money.

+ DAT has been used for many kinds of data recording, in addition to sound.

+ By Obfuscationobfuscating the data before encryption, brute force attacks are less effective and more difficult to determine.

+ To find what variants are available, check out the file Template:Country data “name”, where “name” is the country name.

+ This template allows you to add links to official 2011 census data into Australian articles.

+ Before compact discs or development of the Internet age, software was used on various computer data storage media tools like paper Punched cardpunch cards, magnetic discs or magnetic tapes.

+ In some cases, chemists throw out a model if a lot of data will not fit, over time.

+ Termites and cockroaches are very closely related, with ecological and molecular data pointing to a relationship with the cockroach genus “Cryptocercus”.

Sentence example of data
Sentence example of data

Example sentences of “data”:

+ The amount of information in data measures how easily it is guessed by a person who does not know its value.

+ Displaying text instead of the url will render the microformat data invalid.

+ The data and program memory were separated, operation was instruction based, control unit could make conditional jumps and the machine had a separate I/O unit.

+ In some of these cases, the discrete dimensions of the data to sample and round may be treated non orthogonally: for example, when working with colored images, the trichromatic color planes data in each physical dimension may be rounded together to preserve their mean value in priority to their effective difference that will absorb most of the remaining roundoff errors, in a balanced way around zero.

+ This allows for access of data in constant time because the computer always knows where to look.

+ Other buses inside the CPU carry data to different parts of the CPU.

+ The music it stores is data compressioncompressed in some way, like an MP3.

+ The picture can be saved in a Data compressioncompressed file or in an uncompressed, proprietary RAW file.

+ This acts to bring sense data from the front into play with the movement of the body.

+ The first data from 80 to100 people will be released in a few weeks’ time.

+ Operation on data cable is controlled by the host adapter.

+ In addition to the usual Arithmetic logic unitarithmetic and logic elements of a general microprocessor, the microcontroller also has additional elements such as RAM for data storage, read-only memory for program storage, flash memory for permanent data storage, and other devices.

+ While such interfaces as Ethernet, FireWire, and USB all send data as a serial stream stream, the term “serial port” usually identifies hardware meeting the requirements of the RS-232 standard, for the purpose of interfacing with a modem or with a similar communication device.

+ They sometimes have equipment embedded in them that measures data about how hard things are hitting it and how fast the ATD is moving around.

+ Usually this needs building and managing new data centers.

+ The amount of information in data measures how easily it is guessed by a person who does not know its value.

+ Displaying text instead of the url will render the microformat data invalid.
+ The data and program memory were separated, operation was instruction based, control unit could make conditional jumps and the machine had a separate I/O unit.

More in-sentence examples of “data”:

+ The 35th percentile is the value below which 35% of the data may be found.

+ Many opinions of experts about this subject point out that data centers could have better performance if they could adopt a mixture of cooling methods.

+ The 35th percentile is the value below which 35% of the data may be found.

+ Many opinions of experts about this subject point out that data centers could have better performance if they could adopt a mixture of cooling methods.

+ Abstraction concerns the ways by which higher, less “real” concepts are derived from the usage and classification of literal data or other information.

+ This makes it easy to access and use the data and to retest it.

+ The disc can have one or two sides, and one or two layers of data per side; the number of sides and layers determines how much it can hold.

+ The naval ensign is coded in the “country data template”.

+ The actual data rate is usually lower due to protocol overhead.

+ Unlike DAT, DCC uses lossy data compression.

+ As the purpose of succession boxes is to succinctly convey useful information to the readers, there exist parameters that allow the introduction of data into the boxes beyond the already examined capabilities of the succession templates.

+ This data has ranks 1 to 5, so we have 5 pieces of data.

+ The data is saved with a goal.

+ Anyone with access to the medium used to carry the data may read the password, username, and anything else sent to the website.

+ In computing, an input device is computer hardware which is used to enter data for processing.

+ The majority of cloud computing infrastructure currently consists of reliable services delivered through data centers that are built on computer and storage virtualization technologies.

+ To bring the data back, if the main copy of the data is lost, we need the last full backup, as well as all of the incremental backups that have been done since then.

+ Some people refer to the boot device as just a boot and non-boot devices as data devices, although it is not the computer but the operating system that cares about the difference between these.

+ MOS uses both historical data and statistical modeling.

+ ISDN offers a number of data channels, and a signalling channel.

+ There is a huge amount of data collected about each planet.

+ The 8 S-Boxes of DES were the subject of intensive studies for many years cause of a concern that a method of bypassing the Data Encryption StandardDES cipher to obtaining access to the “vulnerability” in the cipher.

+ Computer scientists use abstraction to understand and problem solvingsolve problems, such as organizing data to be stored in a database.

+ One of the four, dubbed Kepler-69c, is a mere 1.5 times the size of the Earth and around a star like our own Sun – about as near as the current data allow to finding an “Earth 2.0”.Palmer, Jason 2013.

+ For example, an airliner flight data recorder may record 88 different items, each termed a parameter.

+ It is suggested for each access point to only serve 15-25 client devices This depends on the number of devices in an area, the needed speed of data transfer, location and radio channels of the access point, obstacles and more.

+ In practical terms we can say that four words of data can be transferred during one memory cell cycle.

+ In this case, the two versions cannot share data easily and may have features that cause errors or crashes when they are installed on the same computer, often because the computer does not understand which version is being referred to.

+ For example, after copying the entire table from, the data can be copied to an external spreadsheet to generate the code necessary to update the data page.

+ Bi-modality is very common, and it often indicates that the data is the combination of two different groups.

+ It was meant to be a replacement for the Data Encryption Standard.

+ This practice, called full disclosure, also allows statistical measures of the reliability of these data to be established.

+ When someone sends an email, this information might contain when the email was sent, or some data about who sent the email.

+ Recent modelling of photometric data shows that Herculina is not spherical, but a blocky shape not unlike a battered cuboid – or, as the analysis described it, it “resembles a toaster”.

+ When I try to revert an edit on a page it gives me : Grabbing data of earlier revisions: The wiki is currently in read-only mode.

+ At the user’s end, the downloaded information or data are to be used based on agreement notice.

+ Relational databases have the benefit of being able to guarantee that all the data stored in the database is consistent.

+ If its settings tell it to, the computer will do a “core dump” and save data to a disk file, or “dump file”, for later, to help an expert fix the problem.

+ It depends on the data format and the way the computer reads the data.

+ From the late 1970s, there were different satellites that could provide data which was independent of solar illumination or weather conditions.

+ The data is then sent to a computer for processing.

+ Data parallelism is used by many applications especially data processing applications; one of the examples is database applications.

+ He received sixteen years of training at the Data Ganj Baksh School of Lahore, and obtained a degree in Urdu literature from the University of Punjab, Lahore.

+ The choice of which individuals to take for a survey or data collection is important, as it directly influences the statistics.

+ It is not possible to insert data into the database that violates these integrity constraints.

+ Save data from the the second game can be used to influence choices made in this game.

+ Another way to group data is to organize the scores data into groups based on their performance.

+ The Data Protection Act 2018 is a law passed by the British government in 2018, and replaces the one passed in 1998.

+ This module is automatically used as documentation for map data modules and should not normally be called manually.

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