In-sentence examples of “accuracy”

How to use in-sentence of “accuracy”:

+ Although used predominantly in the far east, it was considered the best submachine gun of WW2 as it was simple, rugged, had an ergonomic layout and had a compensator to increase accuracy when firing.

+ Although these tables are well designed, and useful to present the relevant chemical data, the accuracy of information they contain cannot be guaranteed.

+ Improved accuracy allowed geocachers to specify where caches are located.

+ This contained Flamsteed’s observations, and included a catalogue of 2,935 stars to much greater accuracy than any previous work.

+ The goal of the genre is to capture the methods and accuracy of science, while making the language more accessible.

In-sentence examples of accuracy
In-sentence examples of accuracy

Example sentences of “accuracy”:

+ Just a year ago none of this was happening, it was just doing "Suite Life", and now I can't wait for what's in store..." The accuracy of this statement is debatable.

+ He first demonstrated the accuracy of radiocarbon dating by accurately estimating the age of wood from an ancient Egyptian royal barge of which the age was known from historical documents.

+ Just a year ago none of this was happening, it was just doing “Suite Life”, and now I can’t wait for what’s in store…” The accuracy of this statement is debatable.

+ He first demonstrated the accuracy of radiocarbon dating by accurately estimating the age of wood from an ancient Egyptian royal barge of which the age was known from historical documents.

+ It also recognizes world records for accuracy and distance.

+ Binary neural networks do not achieve the same accuracy as their full-precision counterparts, but improvements are being made to close this gap.

+ The Queen wrote that Louise “danced the sword dance with more verve and accuracy than any of her sisters”.

+ I can virtually guarantee the accuracy of the moves and rules now, and I think the references are adequate.

+ First considered of little use, the AR-15 was long considered to provide inferior accuracy to target shooters in the prestigious Service Rifle matches.

+ Camouflage became an important part of modern military tactics when the accuracy of rifles and cannons improved at the end of the 1800s.

+ Further information on accuracy disputes can be found at.

+ One should always double-check the accuracy of important facts, regardless of the source.

+ If you do want to display decimal places then, except for very recent times, you should probably instead use the template, which avoids an impression of spurious accuracy by including error bounds.

+ Although the binary companion to the pulsar is usually difficult or impossible to observe, the timing of the pulses from the pulsar can be measured with extraordinary accuracy by radio telescopes.

+ She was also known for accuracy in computerized celestial navigation.

More in-sentence examples of “accuracy”:

+ All direct quotations and facts whose accuracy might be challenged require citations.

+ Microsoft SAPI provides a control panel for easily installing and switching between various available Text to Speech and Speech to Text engines, as well as voice training and scoring systems to improve the quality and accuracy of both engines.
+ This gave it even greater accuracy over a longer distance.

+ All direct quotations and facts whose accuracy might be challenged require citations.

+ Microsoft SAPI provides a control panel for easily installing and switching between various available Text to Speech and Speech to Text engines, as well as voice training and scoring systems to improve the quality and accuracy of both engines.

+ This gave it even greater accuracy over a longer distance.

+ Eliminating the systematic error improves accuracy but does not change precision.

+ Many Christians question the accuracy of the reports surrounding the discovery of the “True Cross”.

+ For example, in the IEEE 754-2008 standard, it means the number of bits in the significand, so it is used as a measure for the relative accuracy with which a number can be shown.

+ If this is the quality of the online refs that can be checked, it brings into the question the accuracy and relevance of the book references that I cannot.

+ While high accuracy and high speed methods in above have been cretaed, some experts have studied how to evaluate numerical errors in numerical linear algebra.

+ The historical accuracy of the accounts of Peter’s role in Rome is a matter of ongoing debate.

+ It is a struggle at the best of times to balance accuracy with readability, but impossible if word lists are going to dominate judgements in fields like DYK and PGA.

+ Although the accuracy of these systems has improved in the 21st century, they are still far from perfect.

+ For example, to create larger nomograms for greater accuracy the nomographer usually includes only scale ranges that are reasonable and of interest to the problem.

+ The first wave of change came in October 1996, with the introduction of a new slogan promoting the accuracy of TWC’s weather coverage.

+ The frequency and accuracy of passive microwave measurements improved with the launch of the DMSP F8 Special Sensor Microwave/Imager in 1987.

+ The translators are able to verify accuracy by using thousands of handwritten copies of the scriptures which are in the original languages of Hebrew Aramaic, and Greek.

+ Encouraged, especially for distant new objects, so as to ascertain the accuracy of an object’s calculated orbit.

+ The fork allowed it to achieve greater accuracy than conventional balance-wheel watches.

+ On the average, space is very nearly flat, meaning that Euclidean geometry is experimentally true with high accuracy throughout most of the Universe.

+ White Muscarella expresses serious doubt in the accuracy of the “Jiroft Civilization” as an archaeological entity.

+ To maintain accuracy and avoid error.

+ In a Catastrophismcatastrophe like a nuclear accident, even small errors in accuracy and precision can lead to very harmful consequences.

+ There were problems with its size and image accuracy and by 1890 it was no longer used.

+ These pieces were created to the accuracy of 1/10 of a millimeter.

+ A portion of the accuracy of the test relies on the counselor.

+ Its support of higher criticism questioned the historical accuracy of literal interpretations of the Bible and added declarations that miracles were irrational.

+ If accuracy of emission with microformats is a concern, the parameters death date and birth date that are displayed in the article may be provided in julian, and the correct gregorian death date form is provided in the “gregorian” parameter.

+ The longer barrel was rifled for accuracy at a long range.

+ The accuracy and tremendous success of science is primarily attributed to the accuracy and objectivity i.e.

+ In 1905, Einstein’s special theory of relativity explained the accuracy of both Maxwell’s electromagnetic field and Galilean relativity by stating that the field’s speed is absolute—a universal constant—whereas both space and time are local phenomena “relative” to the object’s energy.

+ It exists primarily for monitoring of articles whose accuracy is disputed.

+ The accuracy and precision of measurements have special meanings in the fields of science, engineering, industry and statistics.

+ Because of this, it’s important to make it easy to verify the accuracy and neutrality of your content.

+ The highest accuracy scales are placed on the outer rings.

+ Although the FN 5.7x28mm bullet is small, it has low recoil, high stopping power, high Accuracy and precisionaccuracy, armor-piercing abilities, and long range because of its high muzzle velocity.

+ Superscalar CPU design is concerned with improving accuracy of the instruction dispatcher, and allowing it to keep the multiple functional units busy at all times.

+ It represents modern Turkish pronunciation with a high degree of accuracy and specificity.

+ Like the slide rule, its accuracy is limited by the precision with which physical markings can be drawn, reproduced, viewed, and aligned.A slide rule is a general-purpose calculator, but a nomogram is designed to perform a specific calculation.

+ For top flight clubs, the emphasis is on historical accuracy and season specific identification.

+ OPPOSE: You acknowledge in your opening statement that the article needs more accuracy and more refs! You expect the reviewers to rectify those issues?! You expect the reviewers to clean up the sloppy article?! No! Clementina below is working diligently to ameliorate the article.

+ This improves its accuracy rate.

+ Marcos Lemma and other scholars dispute the accuracy of such a statement, arguing that other ethnic groups have always been active in the country’s politics.

+ They have better accuracy than other types.

+ The accuracy of the fruit origin has been questioned.

+ The template should be removed as soon as a replacement of adequate quality and accuracy is available in WP:COMMONS.

+ In March 2020 China reported problems with accuracy in their test kits.

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