How to use in sentence of “heterozygote”

How to use in-sentence of “heterozygote”:

+ Also, there are some loci where the heterozygote is inherently fitter than either homozygote.

+ The heterozygote is resistant to the malarial parasite which kills a large number of people each year.

+ The heterozygote of this plant produces flowers in the F1 generation of the colour pink in contrast to the red homozygotes.

+ As early as 1930 Fisher had discussed a situation where, with alleles at a single locus, the heterozygote is more viable than either homozygote.

+ The heterozygote has a permanent advantage so long as malaria exists; and it has existed as a human parasite for a long time.

+ Because the heterozygote survives, so does the HgbS allele survive at a rate much higher than the mutation rate.

How to use in sentence of heterozygote
How to use in sentence of heterozygote

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