Example uses in sentence of “exception”

How to use in-sentence of “exception”:

+ Therefore, ratites are a group of medium to large birds, most of whom are flightless, with the exception of the tinamous.

+ The team has competed in the city since 1969, with the exception of 1983.

+ Following her win, the Japanese skating federation petitioned the International Olympic Committee to make an exception to the age rule for Asada, claiming that depriving her of a chance to compete at the 2006 Olympics would be denying a medal contender a chance to compete.

+ It is clear that the sport of cricket spread mostly to countries of the former British Empire, with the notable exception of Canada.

+ With the exception of the area between Washington, PennsylvaniaWashington and Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, I-79 functionally replaces U.S.

+ With the exception of the one unblocked account and Alan Leifting, I have left messages on the En:wp talk pages of those impersonated in case they somehow actually did create these accounts.

+ Therefore, an exception has been made in this case.

+ The light from the Sun that reaches the earth is largely composed of non-ionizing radiation, with the notable exception of some ultraviolet rays.

Example uses in sentence of exception
Example uses in sentence of exception

Example sentences of “exception”:

+ Since the brand extension in 2002 "Heat" became exclusive to the "Raw" brand, the only exception to this was pay-per-view nights which were broadcast live from the PPV venues and could involve wrestlers from the "SmackDown!" brand.

+ Kijiji offers similar services and is seen as a competitor to Craigslist with the biggest exception being that Kijiji has quite an extensive pets section.
+ The exception to that is "Malaria", which I think might need to be gone over to make sure that all the information is encyclopedic and remove/reword parts that are not That being said, I would say that the best articles on the list are "Alanis Morisette", "Caffeine", "Japanese Tea Ceremony", and "Malaria".

+ Since the brand extension in 2002 “Heat” became exclusive to the “Raw” brand, the only exception to this was pay-per-view nights which were broadcast live from the PPV venues and could involve wrestlers from the “SmackDown!” brand.

+ Kijiji offers similar services and is seen as a competitor to Craigslist with the biggest exception being that Kijiji has quite an extensive pets section.

+ The exception to that is “Malaria”, which I think might need to be gone over to make sure that all the information is encyclopedic and remove/reword parts that are not That being said, I would say that the best articles on the list are “Alanis Morisette”, “Caffeine”, “Japanese Tea Ceremony”, and “Malaria”.

+ There are incumbents for all succession chains that have not already ended, with the exception of those currently vacant.

+ With the exception of the Pokemon Mini, it was the last 8-bit console made by a mainstream company.

+ With the exception of the Innkeeper/host Harry Bailey, the various manuscripts of The Canterbury Tales had various drawings of each of the Pilgrims who told a tale; other Pilgrims mentioned who did not tell a tale or who were illustrated were the knight’s yeoman, a haberdasher, a carpenter, a weaver, a dyer, a tapestry weaver; a plowman.

+ With the exception of the sex chromosomes, each pair has the gene loci in the same positions on each chromosome, and the centromere in the same position.

+ In 2002, state papers released by the British Public Record Office under the ‘Thirty Year Rule’ Irish and British state papers are generally released after a delay of thirty years with the exception of papers that are deemed to ‘damage the country’s image or foreign relations’ if they were to be released.

+ There is, however, an exception to this rule.

+ Step by step, a lot of advanced features were added to the language, like operator overloading, exception handling and templates.

More in-sentence examples of “exception”:

+ An exception is made for familycolor=Pidgin, as pidgins have no native speakers.

+ She was given an exception to join the LET at age 17.

+ The polymorphism is so high that in a mixed population there are no two individuals with exactly the same set of MHC genes and molecules, with the exception of identical twins.

+ The only exception is the black mamba, which lives on land.

+ Heath, an exception being her role in “Brookside”, playing the role of Audrey Manners, during 1995.

+ One of the featured matches was between John Cena and Sabu in an Extreme lumberjack match, a standard match with the exception that the ring is surrounded by a group of wrestlers not directly involved in it and competed under hardcore rules.

+ An example of an exception is the United States, whose armed forces distinguish their lieutenant ranks with one silver bar for first lieutenant and one gold bar for second lieutenant.

+ Teams from Sierra Leone have been to every Summer Olympic Games held since 1968, with the exception of 1972 and 1976.

+ The major exception to the convention that the number tracks the order they were or the order that they’re orbit was calculated is the case of Pluto.

+ Arabic is spoken in all district centers of the governorate and most, if not all towns and villages surrounding them, with the North Levantine ArabicNorth Levantine dialect mostly used, with the exception of the town of Kessab, a historically Armenian-populated town where Armenian is the primary language in it and the surrounding villages such as Sev Aghpyur, Esguran and Duzaghaj, and the Turkmen Mountain where Turcoman is spoken primarily.

+ Although the 1992 Atlantic hurricane season was below average, Hurricane Andrew was the exception to that.

+ After Clemente’s death, the BBWAA made an exception to its five-year waiting period for Clemente.

+ The main exception is football.

+ An exception to this rule are the oil-rich countries, not all of which are liberal or democratic.

+ There is agreement between Israel and Lebanon on their border, with the exception of a small area of known as the “Shebaa Farms” which Israel took over during a war.

+ The main exception to this rule is terms related to cars and the auto industry.

+ An exception can be made if a period is used as part of an abbreviation and all formatting here must be added by the user.

+ One notable exception was Roman Herzog, who was elected President of GermanyFederal President in 1994, shortly before the end of his term as President of the Court.

+ Over the next 500 years, it spread north, and all subsequent alphabets around the world have either descended from it or been inspired by one of its descendants, with the possible exception of the Meroitic scriptMeroitic alphabet, a 3rd century BCE adaptation of hieroglyphs in Nubia to the south of Egypt.

+ However, there was no corporal punishment.The only exception to this was the draft, not yet instituted, from Lutze, Oberpräsident of Hannover.

+ At the same time, Utah spends more per capita than any state with the exception of Alaska.

+ The northern zone is cold and snowy in winters with heavy rainfall and pleasant summers with the exception of Peshawar basin, which is hot in summer and cold in winter.

+ As in the final Fleischer cartoons and most Famous shorts, Popeye still wore his Navy uniform, an exception being the pilot episode “Barbecue for Two”, where he did wear his original outfit.

+ The castle burned down in 1775 and was rebuilt in 1795 with the exception of the castle tower, but it was destroyed again after the Meiji Restoration.

+ Many people of Indian and Chinese background took exception to this article because they knew that a lot of the subject matter in this article is false and misleading.

+ With one exception of his lesser known play everyday use.

+ An exception is made for familycolor=Pidgin, as pidgins have no native speakers.

+ She was given an exception to join the LET at age 17.
+ The polymorphism is so high that in a mixed population there are no two individuals with exactly the same set of MHC genes and molecules, with the exception of identical twins.

+ During the 1980s, WTBS focused heavily on movies – running two films during the day, and a movie-exclusive schedule during the nighttime hours after 8:00p.m., with the exception of sports events.

+ I think this exception should be defined in the filter.

+ In many countries it is illegal to sell, use or posses both dried plant-material and living plants, but some places also give an exception from the law when used in religious rituals, such as by The Native American Church where it is used in a similar way as some Native American tribes, that likely have used peyote for at least 5,500 years.

+ The tiger shark is found throughout the world’s coastal temperate and tropical waters, with the exception of the Mediterranean Sea.

+ The only exception was the federalisation of Czechoslovakia.

+ An exception is U.S.

+ An exception is when they are used to describe other words: “The 1993 edition was very long”.

+ An exception to this is endpoint zero, which is used for device configuration and which is not associated with any interface.

+ The exception is an article using Harvard-style referencing where “ref” is set for a full map citation in a “Works cited” or similar section below the footnotes; the template will not categorize those usages.

+ In addition, many of the search results for his name are social medias, with the exception being an article about Truls learning english as a second language.

+ Up to eight participants can compete in each race, with the exception of “Mario Kart Wii”, which holds twelve.

+ Mountain communities exist in all regions, with the exception of Sicily, Sardinia and Trentino-Alto Adige.

+ Prions are an exception to Anfinsen’s dogma.

+ An exception can be made if a period is used as part of an abbreviation.

+ With the exception of the Morda and parts of the Camlad, Tanat and Cynllaith all tributaries of the Severn and Vyrnwy upstream of their confluence are in Wales.

+ After a few years in his father’s business, he retired with a fortune from all business concerns, with the exception of the Sheffield Banking Company, where he was chairman for many years.

+ With the exception of indoor plumbing, most of the tents have heat, air, and lights.

+ The band recorded several albums, achieving worldwide success with “The Dark Side of the Moon and “American record chart with the exception of Animals.

+ The Secretary General is responsible for coordinating the workings of the alliance, leading NATO’s international staff, chairing the meetings of the North Atlantic Council and most major committees of the alliance, with the notable exception of the NATO Military Committee, and acting as NATO’s spokesperson.

+ Each game in the series includes 16 original courses, with the exception of “Super Mario Kart” and “Super Circuit”, which holds 20.

+ There is one text known as Comma Johanneum which may be an exception to this.

+ These days are the same as the flag days of the United Kingdom with the exception of 3 September, which is a specific flag day in Scotland and during which the Red Ensign may also be used.

+ Usually, a programmer will try to “catch” the exception early so that problems don’t get worse over time.

+ Between 1999 and 2006 all French departments have grown in population with the exception of the following seven departments: Allier and Cantal in Auvergne Auvergne, Creuse in Lorraine.

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