“handing” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “handing”:

– On 27 June 2017, FARC ceased to be an armed group, disarming itself and handing over its weapons to the United Nations.

– One player is chosen to be the banker – this player is trusted with handing out money from the bank and collecting players’ spent money during the game.

– I also plan on handing over the task of updating ToTW to my sister GoblinBot4 when she comes online, as she will be able to do it better than me.

– Will give it a week or two before handing it on to TwR for translation into other languages.

– The instruction issue logic grows in complexity by reading in a huge list of instructions from memory and handing them off to the different execution units that are idle at that point.

– In 1973, the AFI began handing out Life Achievement Awards.

– In the revived series, Derek Jacobi provided the character’s re-introduction before handing over to John Simm, who portrayed the Master in the end of the 2007 series.

– In the early 90’s, Albert Roux resigned from the restaurant business, handing it over to his son Michel.

handing how to use in sentences
handing how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “handing”:

– He later managed to convince the Ents who held him captive into letting him leave Isengard after he met the conditions of handing over the Keys of Orthanc.

– After handing Hulda her beautiful gold wand, the fairy is stripped of her powers and will ultimately be held at the will of her enemy if she doesn’t one day retrieve the wand.

– I have traced the 1709 vandal, using, to an ISP that is, unfortunately, handing out dynamic IP addresses.

– After leading the People’s Action PartyPAP to victory in seven elections, Lee stepped down on 28 November 1990, handing over the prime ministership to Goh Chok Tong.

– In 2005 Michigan Wolverines football team2005, as a freshman, Manningham had 27 receptions for 433 yards and six Penn State, handing the Lions their only loss that season.

– Obadiah refused, crying, “What have I done you wrong that you are handing your servant over to Ahab to be put to death?” and declaring how he had “hid a hundred of the Lord’s prophets in two caves, fifty in each, and supplied them with food and water.” and that if Ahab came and saw that Elijah was gone and not here, he would surely kill him.

– Prost crashed out, handing the lead to Patrese.

– There, he sees a couple of men handing off a package to each other and does not like it.

– However Vishnu in the form of the enchantress Mohini managed to lure the asuras into handing over to “her” the Amrita, which she then distributes to the devas.

– Tripp claimed that her motives were patriotic, and she was able to avoid a wiretap charge for handing in the tapes.

- He later managed to convince the Ents who held him captive into letting him leave Isengard after he met the conditions of handing over the Keys of Orthanc.

- After handing Hulda her beautiful gold wand, the fairy is stripped of her powers and will ultimately be held at the will of her enemy if she doesn’t one day retrieve the wand.

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