“nervous” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “nervous”:

+ They have a simple radial nervous system that consists of a modified nerve net.

+ By August he had a complete nervous breakdown and could not bear to listen to his own music.

+ After his wife Trudy was killed by a car bomb, Monk had a nervous breakdown.

+ However, when there is too much acetylcholine, the two systems cannot balance, and the sympathetic nervous system does not work correctly.

+ In 1960, Dylan dropped out of college and moved to New York, where his idol, the legendary folk singer Woody Guthrie, was hospitalized with Huntington’s diseasea rare hereditary disease of the nervous system.

+ Muscular action allows rapid and coordinated responses to changes in the environment; hormones and the autonomic nervous system make slower changes in the body.

+ Slaveholders in Missouri were nervous about having a free-state on its western border.

+ This was one of the first scientific experiments that demonstrated that the nervous system can affect the immune system.

nervous - some sentence examples
nervous – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “nervous”:

+ However, they do have a simple nervous system, and muscles, which together can quickly take the zooid down into its shelter.

+ Peripheral neuropathy happens when the nerves of the peripheral nervous system suffer damage due to disease, trauma to the nerves or through side effects of a certain illness.

+ All act on the nervous system.

+ He suffered a nervous breakdown in 1919, and his career effectively ended.

+ The levels of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans are vastly increased after injury to the central nervous system where they act to prevent regeneration of damaged nerve endings.

+ The more advanced spiders have a centralized nervous system, with their ganglia fused into one mass in the cephalothorax.

+ Nerve agents are poisons that can kill by damaging the central nervous system.

+ For this reason, some people use the metaphorimage of a “fever” of the central nervous system to talk about psychosis – a serious illness that may not have a very detailed explanation.

+ But based on our prior experience, we are a bit nervous to start without a conversation.

+ The meninges and the CSF work together to cushion and protect the central nervous system.

+ However, they do have a simple nervous system, and muscles, which together can quickly take the zooid down into its shelter.

+ Peripheral neuropathy happens when the nerves of the peripheral nervous system suffer damage due to disease, trauma to the nerves or through side effects of a certain illness.

+ In physical exercise or the stimulation of the nervous system, blood vessels expand.

+ When animals touch things, nerve fibres attached to the sense organ sends messages to the brain through the central nervous system.

+ Grey matter is a main component of the central nervous system.

+ She was accepted, and she studied the nervous system, which is the system of the human brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

+ Benanti then appeared in the stage musical “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” in 2010, winning the Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical.

+ He is a rather nervous man and is always questioning his “chief” Dr.

+ The nervous system: the brain or encephalon.

+ It is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system in the human body.

More in-sentence examples of “nervous”:

+ His nervous temper made him a difficult companion and night-long discussions combined with painting all day made him very unhealthy.

+ When her husband was chancellor she set up the Hannelore Kohl "Stiftung" and the Kuratorium ZNS, a foundation to help find a cure for illnesses of the central nervous system.
+ Each cranial nerve exists as a pair and is present on both sides of the central nervous system.

+ His nervous temper made him a difficult companion and night-long discussions combined with painting all day made him very unhealthy.

+ When her husband was chancellor she set up the Hannelore Kohl “Stiftung” and the Kuratorium ZNS, a foundation to help find a cure for illnesses of the central nervous system.

+ Each cranial nerve exists as a pair and is present on both sides of the central nervous system.

+ They form the central nervous system.

+ It is under the voluntary control of the somatic nervous system.

+ Because the meninges do many important things for the central nervous system, problems with the meninges can be very dangerous.

+ These can include problems with the nervous system and problems with the heart.

+ They were called “Not Yet Diagnosed, Nervous Centers.” These centers did not use terms like “war neurosis” or “shell shock.” They used a new treatment model called “PIE” to treat soldiers with combat stress reaction.

+ The article was about how self-control and willpower could make the nervous system stronger through physical exercise.

+ The nervous system is mainly composed by the nervous ganglion between mouth and anus, a ring nerve at the basis of the lophophore, one or two giant nerve fibres which issue from the ganglion and extend along the body wall.

+ Antipsychotic drugs or Neuroleptics are drugs that act on the central nervous system, and that usually have sedating properties.

+ His research focused on the interaction between neurons and Neurogliaglial cells in the nervous system.

+ In themselves, nervous breakdowns are considered a ‘health problem’ by most professionals.

+ When combined with other central nervous system depressants such as Alcoholic beveragealcohol and opiates, the potential for toxicity increases.

+ In the central nervous system, GHB interacts with other neurotransmitters, such as gamma-Aminobutyric acid.

+ Through his research on the neurology and behavior of “Drosophila melanogaster”, Hall uncovered essential mechanisms of biological clocks and shed light on the foundations for sexual differentiation in the nervous system.

+ For example, if a person has neurosyphilis, they need antibiotics that will kill the infection in their central nervous system.

+ People who drink small amounts of alcohol may feel less nervous about being around others.

+ The PNS is not protected by bone like the central nervous system.

+ Their venom is mostly comprised of neurotoxins, which attack the nervous system.

+ Some of Descartes’ contributions stemmed from his interest in the nervous system and brain’s role in behavior.

+ The central nervous system controls everything in the body.

+ GHB is a depressant of the central nervous system.

+ She used Ratrats as test subjects during her research because their nervous system is very similar to humans.

+ Charlie is about to start high school, and he is nervous about it.

+ The system serves the autonomic nervous system as well as the motor activities which we control consciously.

+ These painkillers are central nervous system depressants.

+ Its incoming nerves relay sensation from the skin, and Sensory systemsense organs to the central nervous system.

+ In neurosyphilis, the syphilis infects the central nervous system.

+ They have a two-chambered stomach and a centralized nervous system.

+ In his interview with the Archive of American Television, Winters reported that he suffered a nervous breakdown and spent 8 months in a private mental hospital in the late 1950s.

+ However, the term does not include the operation of sense organs, and does not include the normal working of the autonomic nervous system.

+ So without alcohol, the central nervous system gets very excited and over-active.

+ It is a very strong toxin to the nervous system.

+ Reviews of “Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation” have been published in the “American Journal of Psychiatry”, “British Journal of Psychiatry”, “British Journal of Medical Psychology”, “Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease” and some other journals.

+ Breathing and the beat of one’s heart can be noticed but are controlled by nervous system without thought.

+ Instead, the body’s nervous system makes muscles in the nipples contract, causing them to stand up and become slightly harder.

+ Brenner then focused on establishing “Caenorhabditis elegans” as a model organism for the investigation of animal developmental biologydevelopment including development of the nervous system.

+ Neurosurgery is the surgerysurgical specialty that focuses on diseases and injuries involving the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.

+ Ritz had a nervous breakdown in 1901, leaving Escoffier to run the Carlton until 1919, shortly after Ritz’s death.

+ In many organisms, the notochord helps the spine or nervous system grow, but some animals have only a notochord and no spinal bones.

+ The “central nervous system” is the brain, the spinespinal cord, and nerves.

+ Lead also ruins the nervous system.

+ Hydrogen sulfide is considered a broad-spectrum poison, meaning that it can poison several different systems in the body, although the nervous system is most affected.

+ The central nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord and Retina.

+ The disease causes skin problems, or some diseases of the nervous system, or both.

+ All the nerves in the body make the peripheral nervous system.

+ The ANS is part of the peripheral nervous system.

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