How to use in-sentence of “likely”

How to use in-sentence of “likely”:

+ People are less likely to find themselves in a world where their own existence is less likely.

+ Most of these witches were women, because people believed women were more likely to be witches.

+ The term is most likely related to the cockpit sailing term for the coxswain’s station in a Royal Navy ship, and later the location of the ship’s rudder controls.

+ If you run one account with multiple users, it is likely to be blocked.

+ Helium gas can be used in place of nitrogen in breathing gas for divers to make it less likely to have nitrogen narcosis.

+ Thornton has said that he likely will not marry again.

How to use in-sentence of likely
How to use in-sentence of likely

Example sentences of “likely”:

+ The 2009 Atlantic hurricane season was a time period of 2009 when tropical cyclones were likely form in the Atlantic Ocean.

+ Arbinda is also known for its ancient airport, which is now likely abandoned.

+ Two modern and well-known examples of those who have been declared venerable are Popes Pope John Paul IIJohn Paul II and Pius XII, who were both declared venerable by Pope Benedict XVI in December 2009, and who are likely to be beatified soon.

+ The main reason for this 6 point drop is most likely the much faster increase in the Hispanic population, the ethnic group having the lowest circumcision prevalence.

+ A likely ancestor of the australopithecines is the “Ardipithecus” genus, which lived in East Africa.

+ While it is not yet known exactly what causes Alzheimer’s disease, there are a number of risk factors which may make a person more likely to get it.

+ When more disks are used, one of the disks is more likely to fail.

+ This is more likely in boys than girls, and more likely if the person also has attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

+ There would likely be a drop in bot requests as well as more bots checking us regularly as they no longer would need to go through the application process to work here.

+ Also, a relationship with the family means the child’s parents will be less likely to believe any accusations.

+ Bot would most likely run on Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday.

+ Diagrams most likely “tap in” to some of these ancient – but largely unknown – routines.

+ Note that the options include the “” for a bulleted list since this is most likely to be used in an “Other websites” section.

+ It is most likely to happen in body parts farthest from the heart and in body parts with large exposed areas with many blood circulations.

+ He also told the Media that the next election is likely to be held in early 2020 and also scheduled a UDP Leadership convention and election in May 2019.

+ It’s likely to be a MILL and trivial to no coverage and impact.

+ This stated that the standard visual flag signals, known as the International Code of Signals, would likely also be adopted for radio use.

+ Children who have a positive internal working model are also likely to be kind to other people.

+ It is not clear from Transport for London’s Five-Year Investment Programme whether these shortcomings are likely to be remedied.

+ The 2009 Atlantic hurricane season was a time period of 2009 when tropical cyclones were likely form in the Atlantic Ocean.

+ Arbinda is also known for its ancient airport, which is now likely abandoned.

More in-sentence examples of “likely”:

+ Single pieces found in archaeology are seldom taken as chessmen; they are much more likely to be general art objects.

+ Most other planetary systems are likely to have similar ingredients.

+ Before the midterm elections, “The New Republic” mentioned that O’Rourke’s Senate campaign was to help lay the groundwork for a potential presidential bid, especially since he was likely to lose his Senate race.

+ However, the psychological symptoms, including cravings, depression, anxiety, and insomnia, are more likely to lead a person to relapse if they are not working with a doctor to safely detox.

+ For example, people who fly from Heathrow airport, are likely to know it best as either Heathrow, or by its IATA code: LHR.

+ Phillip visited Manly where he was speared in the shoulder, most likely as punishment for the kidnappings.

+ No sources are needed on this list since the count will more than likely appear on the main article for that designation, a requirement to be supported by this infobox.

+ TransgenderTrans people in the USA are twice as likely as cisgender people to be unemployed.

+ On January 24, 2016, the World Health Organization warned that the Zika virus is likely to spread to nearly all countries of the Americas.

+ This means that their inheritance partly causes the behaviour, or makes it more likely the problem would occur.

+ Three other planets here are not in the habitable zone, and are likely not habitable.

+ The dinosaurs were most likely along the rivers as well.

+ People with anorexia are more likely to die than people with any other mental illness.

+ Like the stochastic approach to tie-breaking, dithering has no bias: if all fraction values are equally likely, rounding up by a certain amount is as likely as rounding down by that same amount; and the same is true for the sum of several rounded numbers.

+ Males are most likely to self-harm through the ages 25-34.

+ They were most likely composed during the period 1717–1723, when Bach served as a Kapellmeister in Köthen.

+ There are few surviving records of his early life but it is likely that he learned about contracting through his father.

+ Muskets were not very accurate and by all firing at the same time they were more likely to hit enemy soldiers.

+ In agricultural areas, they are most likely to be in uncleared scrub; they may be in grassland, arid areas, and in the outer suburbs of the capital cities.

+ The script co-existed with Egyptian hieroglyphs, so it is likely that it represented true writing, but this is not certain.

+ People who have schizophrenia are more likely to have been born in winter or spring.

+ PMID 18587394 People whose brothers or sisters have the disease are the most likely to get it.

+ This was after they won 2-1 against likely winners Brazil in the first game.

+ If they do get nominated, the nominations are very likely to be contested, so some of those people may not even take office.

+ In about 50 million years, Phobos will reach the Roche limit, where it is likely to be torn apart.

+ It is more likely Venus was a product of Boucher’s imagination.

+ Single pieces found in archaeology are seldom taken as chessmen; they are much more likely to be general art objects.

+ Most other planetary systems are likely to have similar ingredients.

+ Richard Coates, “Celtic whispers: revisiting the problems of the relation between Brittonic and Old English” In other areas, some Britons likely remained and were absorbed into Anglo-Saxon society.

+ It is very important that the link is likely to remain relevant and acceptable to the article in the foreseeable future.

+ One of the oldest sourdough breads dates from 3700 BCE and was excavated in Switzerland, but the origin of sourdough fermentation likely relates to the origin of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent several thousand years earlier…

+ It turns out that we are least likely to die when we are young adults.

+ Semiprotecting it would make it likely stop completely, as the user has been using IP’s only.

+ Disabled people, especially disabled girls, are much more likely than non-disabled people to be sexually abused.

+ Also, the longer a trial is delayed, the more likely that evidence may be lost and that witnesses may forget or cannot be found.

+ For this reason, if Peggy reliably appears at the exit Victor names, he can conclude that she is very likely to know the secret word.

+ Publishers and distributors have recognized that in 2010, most consumers likely have one or more sets of instrument controller hardware at their homes, and that further sales would be primarily driven by software sales and additional content.

+ Extensive damage to power lines and poles likely will result in power outages that could last a few to several days.

+ Personally, I’m in favor of using administrator discretion on this matter, as otherwise due to the time it may take for a full discussion most administratros would likely just block the user if they are editing an area of articles disruptively rather than topic ban, prohibiting that user from editing in areas where they may be beneficial.

+ This makes it more likely that they will score a goal, however, it is also much easier for the other team to score without anybody defending the goal.

+ The carbon monoxide theory explains why haunted houses are mostly older houses, which are more likely to contain aging and defective appliances, and why more hauntings are reported in the colder months.

+ Once his allied Germanic coalition had been broken and honour avenged, the huge cost and risk of keeping the Roman army operating beyond the Rhine was not worth any likely benefit to be gained.

+ This most likely comes from the cliché of people and cartoon characters being hypnotized by staring into a spinning spiral.

+ A study by the “National LGBTQ Task Force” in 2012 showed that nonbinary people are significantly more likely to experience Assaultphysical assault, police harassment, binary peers.

+ The deep lower jaw likely had powerful muscles and the teeth along the front and sides of its jaws could crop bite-sized pieces from tough plants.

+ However, many people of these religions are more likely to die by suicide because they believe that there will be a next life.

+ Instead of being an uncontrollable part of the kernel the beta driver is, therefore, no more likely to cause a crash than a beta web browser.

+ During the process, many thought Paris was most likely to win the nomination, largely because this was its third bid in recent years.

+ All of those will need review, and very likely simplification.

+ This means that they are likely the cause of poisons found in amphibians.

+ Electrons are most likely to be removed in the following order: 1 lone pair electrons, 2 pi bond electrons, 3 sigma bond electrons.

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