“stronger” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “stronger”:

– During Shovel Knight’s fight with the Enchantress, Shield Knight is set free from the amulet’s control, but the amulet takes on a stronger form.

– Wielding a hand axe requires considerable strength, but Neanderthals were stronger than us in their upper bodies.

– Concrete can be made stronger by putting long thin round pieces of steel into the trench.

– Concrete which contains blast furnace slag is stronger than ordinary concrete and is almost pure white, where normal concrete is dirty grey.

– The storm became slightly stronger as it moved over colder waters.

– It is only used for storms that are stronger than “tropical storms”, and become actual hurricanes.

– Both acids are about a thousand times stronger than sulfuric acid.

stronger example in sentences
stronger example in sentences

Example sentences of “stronger”:

- It quickly became stronger and organized itself to become Tropical Depression Eight.

- The topsawer had to be the stronger of the two because the saw was pulled in turn by each man, and the lower had the advantage of gravity.
- A stronger form of assault is "aggravated assault".

– It quickly became stronger and organized itself to become Tropical Depression Eight.

– The topsawer had to be the stronger of the two because the saw was pulled in turn by each man, and the lower had the advantage of gravity.

– A stronger form of assault is “aggravated assault”.

– Instead, the Trabant was made of Duroplast, a special kind of plastic, made by mixing formica and bakelite, and made stronger with fibres of cotton.

– Potassium nitrate replaces the need for oxygen and takes up much less space, which lets the explosion be stronger and faster.

– The alliance was made stronger by agreements made with Japan, the United States and Spain.

– Iron was stronger and more plentiful than bronze, and its introduction marks the beginning of the Iron Age.

– So, the energy change grows between each example halide despite the fact that C-F bonds are stronger than C-I bonds.

– The airline absorbed the operations of sister carrier Mihin Lanka in October 2016, in a bid to create a single stronger national airline for Sri Lanka.

– For templates where the number of pages is more than 100,000 or if the first parameter is set to “risk”, a stronger wording is given.

– Wild blueberries have a stronger taste.

– Because Goodland has a higher elevation, Goodland has stronger wind and more snow than other places in Kansas.

– It is cheaper and stronger than most plain woods.

– Grandmaster is a chess title for even stronger players.

– In the competition, the high kicks in the head can seem to make a stronger effect.

– Kirby can also use “Super Abilities” which are stronger versions of Kirby’s normal abilities.

More in-sentence examples of “stronger”:

– The idea of an Eastern, “Indian” or “Oriental” sphere was made stronger by ideas of racial as well as religious and cultural differences.

– Since it is a much stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen, it can burn things that normally can’t burn, like concrete or sand.

– It moved faster and got stronger at the same time.

– One pair of electrons forms a stronger “sigma” bond, noted by σ and drawn as a straight line between the nuclei of the bonding atoms.

– The build of the body is much stronger at the front and heavier than modern cats, which suggests an ambush strategy.

– Thermoset materials are generally stronger than thermoplastic materials due to this three dimensional network of bonds.

– Margaret was a stronger ruler than Henry ever was, even though she was only sixteen at that time.

– Rare-earth magnets like neodymium and samarium-cobalt are the only easily found magnets which are stronger than alnico magnets.

– In the second ODI he was out for 1 but he came back stronger in the third ODI where he played a blistering 45 balls 65 to hand India a five-wicket win and he eventually also won the man of the match award for his performance.

– It was a small and disorganized depression, and it never became a tropical storm, which is stronger than a tropical depression.

– It is the strongest fundamental force—many times stronger than gravity.

– They are quite unstable, because the C=O bond is stronger than the C=C bond.

– Action camera is also made to be stronger than normal video camera, so that it keeps filming even when the wearing person moves at high speed or crashes into something.

– Finally, as the Empire crumbled, Thrace suffered more than a thousand years of conflict and conquest by stronger forces.

– An even stronger double-round tournament was played in Moscow in June 1936, and Botvinnik finished second, onepoint behind Capablanca and 2½ ahead of Flohr.

– There are “fortified” wines with a higher alcohol concentration than that because stronger alcohol has been mixed with them.

– The facade was made stronger with triangular brick wedges in 1807 and 1827.

– Later in 2012, they studied new Doppler spectroscopy experiments and found stronger signs of planets 581f and 581g.

– James wanted Elizabeth to marry someone from this group so he could have a stronger friendship with them.

– The Chogi works show a stronger influence of the Soshu tradition than Kanemitsu swords.

– Because a gravitational field weakens with distance, the Moon’s gravity exerts a slightly stronger pulling force on the side of the Earth facing the Moon, and a slightly weaker force on the opposite side.

– Does anyone care about how much subtle vandalism there is here that goes undetected? I wonder why there isn’t a stronger effort to deal with the non-blatant vandals, given that the ones who use foul language, which is trivial to detect, are an easy catch.

– The pores in the object close up, resulting in a denser, stronger product.

– For example, Batman does not have any superpowers, but has been through years of training to be physically and mentally stronger than his enemies.

– In situations where a smaller weaker force is faced with a stronger larger force, Sun Tzu’s tactics are very often successful.

– This means that the government of the new GDPR, stronger European regulation on personal data.

- The idea of an Eastern, "Indian" or "Oriental" sphere was made stronger by ideas of racial as well as religious and cultural differences.

- Since it is a much stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen, it can burn things that normally can't burn, like concrete or sand.

– Electromagnets can be made stronger by adding more coils to the copper wire, or adding an iron core through the coils.

– This made the piano much stronger so that it could make a bigger sound and the strings were not likely to break.

– Some Infected mutate into stronger Special Infected.

– Rawlings promoted stronger undergraduate admission standards.

– Martin’s Press, Religious hostilities between Hindus and Muslims gave the movement a stronger backing.

– However, Vulcan had a stronger association than Hephaestus with fire’s destructiveness, and his worshippers wanted to encourage the god to avert harmful fires.

– The hurricane did not really get any stronger until it was about half way to its next landfall.

– Its remnants combined with a stronger cyclone affecting Anticosti Island in Canada; however, no significant damage was caused in the area.

– Workers made the bridge stronger in 1840.

– When war broke out, the King’s army was stronger and better-prepared than the army of Parliament.

– The greater the difference between the hot and the cold, the greater the difference in density, and the stronger the balloon will pull up.

– At the Mareth Line, 20 March to 27 March, when Montgomery encountered stronger opposition than he had expected, he switched to trying to move around the side of the Germans, backed by low-flying RAF fighter-bomber support.

– But, there are also times when TUTTs help start tropical cyclones or make them stronger by providing additional forced ascent near the storm center and an efficient outflow channel in the upper troposphere.

– By merging, they create a stronger bond between their own communities and can be a way to deal with being a minority.

– As it moved slowly across the Gulf of Mexico, Carla got stronger to its peak of 175mph on September 11.

– Davidoff said that the game could “teach kids to distinguish right from wrong.” He also said that the good lesson of being honest was stronger than the scariness of the game.

– The one for the Coral label had a stronger beat and orchestra arrangement.

– This explains why there have been no test series between the stronger test countries and the weaker countries.

– Due to the Venturi effect, tornadic winds are stronger in the small space of an overpass.

– The Hindwal section chiefs remained stronger than the other.

– God instructed Moses to send twelve spies to scout the land God is giving to them; however some of them became afraid because the people living there looked stronger and more powerful than they.

– The Red Pikmin are stronger and can not be burnt, the Yellow Pikmin are lighter, can pick up bombs, and can not be electrocuted, and the Blue Pikmin can swim.

– I made you stronger in the name of God, O homeland.

– He created universal health care for all, made education better, and took a stronger level of control within the economy.

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