Example sentences of “christianity”

How to use in-sentence of “christianity”:

– The best known Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

– While Christianity and Western philosophyWestern sociologists and psychologists consider a state of emptiness as a negative, bad condition, in some Eastern philosophies such as Buddhist philosophy and Taoism, emptiness is seen as a real achievement.

– Baptist is a word describing a tradition within Christianity and may also refer to individuals belonging to a Baptist church or a Baptist denomination.

– Many Christians have similar views as those of traditional Judaism, the religion from which Christianity began and grew out of.

– The theory of temporal finitism was inspired by the doctrine of creation shared by the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

– Western Christianity talks about the religious traditions of Christians whose ancestors were from Western Europe.

– The people accepted him and Christianity when their King became a Christian.

Example sentences of christianity
Example sentences of christianity

Example sentences of “christianity”:

– Orthodox Christianity is practised by ethnic minorities from eastern Europe.

– He called for the removal of British and Italian colonies in Somalia, the defeat of Ethiopian forces, the expulsion of Christianity and the establishment of a Muslim Somali state.

– Although New Age is generally tolerant of almost any world religion or philosophy, it is opposed to the “narrow-mindedness” of Christianity that teaches Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal salvation.

– She came from a Muslim TatarsTatar family and converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity to marry Parajanov, to terrible consequences: she was later murdered by her relatives in retaliation for her conversion.

– His attack on Christianity caused several opponents to publish pamphlets against him.

– Many Assyrians were considered unpure by the Turks and were massacred for not giving up their Christianity and becoming Muslims.

– The major religions practised in the city are Islam, Christianity and Hinduism.

- Orthodox Christianity is practised by ethnic minorities from eastern Europe.

- He called for the removal of British and Italian colonies in Somalia, the defeat of Ethiopian forces, the expulsion of Christianity and the establishment of a Muslim Somali state.

– In 1898 Schoenberg converted to Christianity in the Lutheran church.

– Kimbanguism has roots in Christianity and the Bible.

– Through the activities of its inhabitants, the abbey greatly contributed to the cultural and economic development of Mecklenburg and became the centre of Christianity in this region.

– Jerusalem has been sacred to Judaism for roughly 3000 years, to Christianity for around 2000 years, and to Islam for approximately 1400 years.

More in-sentence examples of “christianity”:

– As some Vikings turned from raiding to trading they found a nominal profession of Christianity to be helpful.

– Ireland is the one country that had no martyrs when Christianity came into its territory.

– Some believe Christianity is bigger and includes others.

– He also thought Christianity was a source of this value destruction, and was therefore a kind of nihilism.

– Saint Benignus, the city’s patron saint, is said to have spread Christianity to the area before being killed.

– It was drafted by the Pilgrims who crossed the Atlantic on the “Mayflower Mayflower”, looking for the freedom to belive in Christianity according to their own beliefs in God.

– The Longinus legend further identifies this soldier as the centurion present at the Crucifixion, who testified, “In truth this man was son of God.” Longinus’ legend grew over the years to the point that he was said to have converted to Christianity after the Crucifixion, and he is traditionally venerated as a saint in various Christian denominations.

– It’s theme is Christianity – with the Althing one man one night ponder decision for Iceland’s Constitutional Conversion to the New Christian Creed in 1000 AD – and also with the natural “Christian”, Old Njal, a good and decent owner who has bad pagan Chlidren, innocent and accepting dying a protomartyr’s death for goodness in his perpretrated burning wood-house.

– Some say that this legend came to be because pagans had tattoos of snakes and Saint Patrick got rid of the pagans by teaching Christianity and therefore drove out the snakes from Ireland.

– She embraced Christianity and the way of life.

– As a result of Christian missionaries, Christianity is rapidly growing among the tribals and poor section of Muslim society of the valley since from the past 2 decades.

– However, by the end of the 4th century, Emperor Theodosius I proclaimed Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire.

– Her album “Like a Prayer” caused controversy, as it had to do with Christianity but the album sold over 15 million records worldwide.

– Constandse was very negative about Christianity and later on also about Islam.

– The first mention of Danes within the Danish territory is on the :en:Jelling stones#Runestone of Harald BluetoothJelling Rune Stone which mentions how Harald Bluetooth converted the Danes to Christianity in the 10th century.

– Eastern Christianity means the ChristianityChristian traditions and churches which developed in Greece, the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East, East Africa and southern India over several centuries of religious antiquity.

– On the other hand, there are the” Western” traditions of Christianity which mainly represented by the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, and most non-Eastern Protestant denominations.

– Although some of his predecessors already accepted Christianity for themselves, Vladimir decided to convert the entire population of the state to the new religion.

– Instead, the Viking age is said to have ended with the establishment of royal authority in the Scandinavian countries and the adoption of Christianity as the dominant religion.

– Protestant Christianity is the most practised religion by African Americans.

– Back then, it was thought that European culture was the best culture and Christianity was the best religion.

– Later religions in Vietnam include Christianity and Islam.

– She changed her name when she converted to Orthodox Christianity in order to be allowed to marry Voroshilov.

– They said that they wanted to bring civilization and Christianity to new places.

– Since its beginning, Christianity has been criticized by people in all professions and by people of all other religions.

– Sabbath in Christianity is the day of rest and service to God.

– He is linking to a very conservative, non-reliable source to dispute the Christianity of Barack Obama.

– The “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy” says that even though the basis of Christianity was meant to have been unbreakable, it is already broken.

– Latin was very important to Christianity for many centuries.

– In the 20th century, many Dayak converted to either Christianity or Islam.

– Some Sami people have changed their beliefs to Christianity and joined either the Russian Orthodox Church or the Lutheran.

– The period of Christianity from the First Council of Nicaea is called the period of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.

– Hello all, I want to being some attention to Christianity and its NPOV.

– Early in the 4th century, the Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity the legal religion of the Roman Empire.

– The religion of Hinduism is the main faith followed by 79.80% of people in the Republic of India; Islam – 14.23%; Christianity – 2.30%; Sikhism – 1.72%; Buddhism – 0.70% and Jainism – 0.37%.

– Simcoe said ” The principles of the British Constitution are fundamentally at odds to that vile practice of slavery which Christianity condemns, when I assume the governorship of Upper Canada I shall never allow discrimination by dishonest practice against those of African, Indian or American descent.” Because a number of people in the Legislative Assembly were slaveowners Simcoe wasn’t able to ban Slavery outright.

– However, Christianity still spread in the Roman Empire.

– The greatest divisions in Christianity today, however, are between Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and various denominations formed during and after the Protestant Reformation.

– The spread of Christianity followed by the spread of Islam further spread Hellenistic philosophy.

– They were sent by Canadian missionaries to study Christianity in Canada.

– Just because something is unpalatable does not mean that it is not true.” Furthermore, in the interview with “The Times” he also stated “When you think about it rationally, it does seem incredibly improbable that there is a God.” In the same interview he also said “I feel internally happier than at any time of my life.” Edwards confirmed his rejection of Christianity in an interview on BBC Five Live Sportsweek on 29 July 2007.

– I have a problem though, Christianity and alcohol and Prohibition Era do not really fit there.

– Different denominations and traditions of Christianity believe in forms divine grace.

– For the most part, Ethiopian and Eritrean Protestants state that their form of Christianity is both the reformation of the current Orthodox Tewahedo churches as well as the restoration of it to the original Ethiopian Christianity.

– P’ent’ay Christians schismed from the Orthodox Tewahedo churches, other branches of Christianity, or converted from other religions with the aid of Protestant missionaries to reform Ethiopian Christianity from what they perceived doctrinal-theological diversions.

– The Visigoths converted from Arian Christianity to Roman Catholics.

– The East-West Schism describes how Christianity developed into two big branches in the Middle Ages.

– With the spread of Christianity the idea of what a Valkyrie was like changed more and more to a Romantic description of a beautiful woman.

- As some Vikings turned from raiding to trading they found a nominal profession of Christianity to be helpful.

- Ireland is the one country that had no martyrs when Christianity came into its territory.

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