“at one” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “at one”:

– Its mouth may contain as many as 3, 000 teeth at one time, sitting in five rows with the largest set in the front.

– One North Wacker, formerly UBS Tower is a 50-story, skyscraper at One North Wacker Drive in Chicago, Illinois.

– Monmouth was well known at one time for producing Monmouth caps – a sort of woollen headgear worn by soldiers, sailors and others.

– One female frog laid 400 eggs at one time.

– He started working at one of the Saratov plants, where he worked as a planer and, then, as an electrician.

– Each commune is centered at one of the main towns: Banikoara, Gogounou, Kandi, BeninKandi, Karimama, Malanville, and Ségbana.

at one in sentences?
at one in sentences?

Example sentences of “at one”:

– They smile at one another with tears in their eyes, and the screen fades out to white clouds and blue sky.

– Excavations in 2013 by a team has revealed a huge settlement; 1,000 homes have been found, supporting a population of 4,000 people at one time.

– The poetic identification with the sufferings of common men presents two fold note at one moment she protests and revolts and at the next, she discovers the mystical design in everything and everywhere.

– As many as four animals could pull a wagon at one time.

– Not much is known about his past, aside from the fact he had served in the Royal Navy at one point.

– Arrows have a sharp point at one end and usually a flight at the other end.

– The plaques are formed when beta-secretase snips the APP molecule at one end of the beta-amyloid peptide, releasing sAPPβ from the cell.

– Usually, he’s wearing a suit and tie, and his place is in the center of the table at one side, near the chips.

– It is joined to the mainland at one end.

– After losing at Judgement Day Orton faced Triple H at One Night Stand and broke his collarbone.

– Starting at one end of the list, the two elements in each pair are compared to each other in order.

– Simcoe was at one point captured by the French and later freed by the Rangers.

– This was savoury at one end and sweet at the other.

– The diagonals of an “n”-parallelotope intersect at one point and are bisected by this point.

– With the Diceware method, at one trillion guesses per second, a 4-word passphrase can be cracked in half an hour, a 5-word passphrase in 6 months, a 6-word passphrase in 3500 years and a 7-word passphrase in 27 million years.

– We either measure the momentum of a photon or electron at one time and then without any more delay than necessary measure its position, or we switch things around and measure position first and momentum second.

– His first design was a tube with pairs of mirrors at one end, pairs translucent disks at the other, and beads between the two.

– Anacondas give birth to live young; 20 to 40 baby snakes are born at one time.

- They smile at one another with tears in their eyes, and the screen fades out to white clouds and blue sky.

- Excavations in 2013 by a team has revealed a huge settlement; 1,000 homes have been found, supporting a population of 4,000 people at one time.
- The poetic identification with the sufferings of common men presents two fold note at one moment she protests and revolts and at the next, she discovers the mystical design in everything and everywhere.

More in-sentence examples of “at one”:

– If a person drinks too much at one time, they can get alcohol poisoning.

– According to Newton’s laws of motionNewton’s second law of motion, as expressed in the formula an object with a mass, “m”, of one accelerate, “a”, at one meter per second per second when acted upon by a force, “F”, of one newton.

– In the Eixample District, there are the big streets and avenues and popular squares of Barcelona, like: Passeig de Gràcia, Rambla Catalunya, Plaça Catalunya, Avinguda Diagonal, Carrer d’Aragó, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, Carrer de Balmes, Ronda Sant Antoni, Ronda de Sant Pere, Passeig de Sant Joan, Plaça de la Sagrada Familia, Plaça Gaudí, and at one end there is Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes and at the opposite end Plaça Francesc Macià.

– He also consumed excessive amounts of tatty and opium, at one point employing a special servant just to manage his supply of intoxicating drugs.

– The population was larger at one point but the population decreased when the city shut down the area’s industries.

– Hurricane Kate at one point, looked as if it were going to strike Newfoundland, but it didn’t.

– It has large collection of PolandPolish art.Shedd Aquarium – at one time the world’s largest aquarium.

– Nine schools were members at one time or another, but no more than seven played in any season.

– His mental illness involved him killing some of his own servants and at one point he thought he was made of glass.

– He was the founder of Wardair Airlines, at one time, the third-largest air carrier in Canada.

– The Clan Gordon was at one point one of the most powerful Scottish clanclans in middle Scotland.

– Basketball is played with two teams, with 5 players from each team on the court at one time.

– Indonesian mountain weasels reach sexual maturity at one year.

– A mixed interval is open at one end and closed at the other end, and generally takes the form of This means that the interval may include the beginning but not the end, or it may include the end but not the beginning.

– Many aquatic species just spread their eggs and sperm in the water at one specific time of year.

– His invention consisted of a double pointed needle with an eye at one end.

– The mice looked at one another and nobody spoke.

– Sometimes the mother has two babies at one time.

– In 2005 the famous Indian musician Ravi Shankar played the sitar at one of the Proms.

– In computing, multi-touch is the name for a piece of technology that lets you use a trackpad or touchscreen by pressing on more than one place on the screen at one time.

– Their match was a rematch from their Steel cage match at One Night Stand, the pay-per-view three weeks before Vengeance, where Edge won by escaping the cage.

– Please write only one at one line.

– For instance, at one point during the song “Tales of Brave Ulysses”, he combines the woman tone with feedback to create a unique sound.

– Maria Tatar writes, “The Grimms’ “Sleeping Beauty” has a narrative integrity that has made it more appealing than, at least in the United States.” She explains that the version of the Grimms discards the post-marital conflicts of Basile and Perrault that were probably separate narratives at one time.

– During feeding periods, the young either stays in the roost or remains attached to the mother at one of her two vestigial pubic nipples.

– In 1989, HP thought Reduced Instruction Set Computing architectures were stuck at one instruction per cycle.

– Prokaryotic organisms evolved before eukaryotic organisms, so at one point the world consisted of nothing but prokaryotic organisms.

– One often write variables as letters such as the letter x: “x” can be equal to 1 at one point and 200 at another.

– There is also nothing wrong with userspace work, and I know he worked on several articles in his subpages at one point.

– After becoming a tropical storm, Florence’s wind field began to expand greatly; at one point tropical storm-force winds extended outward up to 405 miles from the center.

– In “The Way We Weren’t”, her hair was blue before she met Homer and was dark at one time because of Marge ironing a piece of her hair for a long time.

– It had at one time been the capital of the Kingdom of Burgundy.

– Some are of the opinion that Monothelitism was at one time held by the Maronites, but the Maronite community, for the most part, dispute this, stating that they have never been out of communion with the Catholic Church.

– In mathematics, the derivative is a way to show instantaneous rate of change: that is, the amount by which a function is changing at one given point.

– Due to telephoned threats, Hill’s young son was not allowed to answer the telephone, and at one point a cross was burned on the Hills’ lawn.

– The royal family were watching at one end and the others in galleries on three sides.

– Rapid transit is the name for a type of railway which has trains that run very often and carry many passengers at one time.

– This can reduce the number of infected people at one time, which lowers the burden on health care.

– He owned cars such as Alfa Romeos and Lancias during the early 1950s and at one point he had enough cars to use a different one every day of the week, adding a Mercedes-Benz 300SL, a Jaguar E-Type coupé, and two Maserati 3500 GTs.

– A gypsy at one point claims that the Mask is the most powerful artifact in the world when she remarks “The most powerful artifact in the world and this idiot keeps it with his laundry”.

– Males and females are able to breed at one year of age.

– Customs and Border ProtectionCPB facilities to deal with customs and immigration for international flights but they cannot deal with a large number of passengers at one time.

– The Cheifs football-team took at one Football-World-Cup part.

– There was a 6-wheel bogie at one end a 4-wheel bogie at the other end.

– They found that some neurons fired rapidly when presented with lines at one angle, while others responded best to another angle.

- If a person drinks too much at one time, they can get alcohol poisoning.

- According to Newton's laws of motionNewton's second law of motion, as expressed in the formula an object with a mass, "m", of one accelerate, "a", at one meter per second per second when acted upon by a force, "F", of one newton.

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