Example uses in sentence of “genealogy”

How to use in-sentence of “genealogy”:

+ He also wrote three privately published family genealogy books.

+ The genealogy traces the lineage of all Bagale Thapas to a male progenitor King Kalu Thapa Kshatri, who first ascended to the throne at Kāndāmālikā on Saka Era 1111.

+ The Goryeong Bak genealogy records no examination passer or an officeholder since the sixteenth century among Pak’s direct ancestors, but his father, Seong-bin, appears to have passed the military examination in the waning years of Joseon, probably in the 1890s.

+ James’ name was important in the genealogy of Jesus because he always appears first when someone lists Jesus’ brothers and sisters, this means that James was the eldest brother of Jesus.

+ Illustrating this concept of connectedness through genealogy are the major personifications of pre-contact times: Tangaroa was the personification of the ocean and the ancestor or origin of all fish; Tāne was the personification of the forest and the origin of all birds; and Rongo was the personification of peaceful activities and agriculture and the ancestor of cultivated plants.

Example uses in sentence of genealogy
Example uses in sentence of genealogy

Example sentences of “genealogy”:

+ The genealogy of the ancient rulers were calculated with reference to many ancient scriptures including the Cheitharol Kumpapa.

+ Bagale Thapa or Bagalya Thapa as per Gorkha Rajbanshawali, the Royal Genealogy of Gorkha Kingdom.

+ The museum also has different show rooms that displays different equipments used in the past and genealogy of royal families of Indonesia.

+ The college is involved in genealogy and have many pedigrees in their records.

+ People study genealogy for many reasons.

+ The advantages of using a genealogy database are that it helps to keep the data organized, especially when relationships change; it can generate several types of charts or tables with the data filled in; it may make it easier to share data with others; and it takes up less room than paper and notebooks.

+ He also recorded the genealogy of the Liddle family and other Aboriginal families living on Angas Downs.

+ This genealogy is shown in the way the pattern is divided into 24 tribes.

+ Negroid people are perceived as Shemetic as opposed to the Hamitic Ethiopian, Sudanese, and some other West African ethnic groups as attested by the genealogy of ancient ethnic lineages.

+ This is based in small part on a single genealogy web page.

+ The genealogy claims Vatsaraja to be giant sized and thus achieving title of “Abhaya Narsingh Maharaja” and his son Kalu Thapa achieving title of “Abhaya Narsingh Kumar”.

+ The genealogy of the ancient rulers were calculated with reference to many ancient scriptures including the Cheitharol Kumpapa.

+ Bagale Thapa or Bagalya Thapa as per Gorkha Rajbanshawali, the Royal Genealogy of Gorkha Kingdom.

+ Being mentioned in a few genealogy archives does not make a subject notable.

+ Craig, Edward “Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Genealogy to Iqbal”.

+ Speaking generally, the further his genealogy goes back, the more numerous and varied will his ancestry become, until they cease to differ from any equally numerous sample taken at haphazard from the race at large.” This is incorrect, since a child receives its genetic makeup exclusively from its parents.

+ It is the largest for-profit genealogy company in the world.

+ This is an encyclopedia not a genealogy guide.

+ The legendary genealogy of the emperors includes Shinto deities.

+ I worked for yeeeeaaarrsss in the genealogy dept.

+ The genealogy claims that he was son of fictitious Kshatriya named Vatsaraja born from Ashwamedha Yagya and fictitious Vasundhara Devi, daughter of fictitious Kanyakubji Rajput chief Radha Madhav Rajput.

+ It gives the information on the genealogy of the rulers of the Khuman dynasty.

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